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Nakajima Saki,
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Uploaded on 08-January 09
By sherox
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Nakajima Saki 

 Jan 08 2009 10:04 PM
theres something wrong with the mouth/teeth
 Sakura Ichigo
 Jan 09 2009 01:10 AM
there's nothing WRONG with it.
imcase you haven't notice, it's just DIFFERENCE to all the other perfect idol teeth/mouth
 The Incredible He-Hulk
 Jan 09 2009 01:37 AM
Her teeth actually look better than lots of the other girls. Saki just has no confidence in her photograph pose smile. A very common problem for people in general, but a rare one for an idol.
 Jan 09 2009 02:26 AM
Yup, she oversmiles a lot. She should do the Maimi and make a slight smile. Would look good on her because her gum doesn't appear as much as Maimi's (I hate the slight smile on Maimi lol). But since most of the girls got tiny lips and mouth shape, they OMG SMILE!!!!111, showing the 2 rows and all (Maimai, Saki, Momoko), even if sometimes the lower teeth row appears naturally. So I guess Nakki takes the examples out of her mates and smiles unnaturally to try to get the square 2 teeth row smile.
But I have high hopes on Nakki. In motion she looks good and more natural, and, if a teeth fix comes, even better. Though in the C-ute's teeth fix line, I'd put Umeda RIGHT IN THE FRONT lol
 Jan 09 2009 03:15 AM
Nakky has great teeth, really. I've just always thought the lip colors they have her wear way over-emphasize her big lips. XD When they use the softer pink, it's perfect.
 Jan 09 2009 03:28 AM
^ Yes! I remember her using a skin toned lipstick, it was really amazing. Plus she wasn't oversmiling. The kind of make-up I like: skin coloured lips, BLACK eyes w00t