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Morning Musume,
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Uploaded on 22-December 08
By HP_MS24
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Morning Musume 

Hello Project Official Shop

 Dec 22 2008 06:29 PM
lol @ the AKB sticker
 Ayako-Luna Ojou-chan
 Dec 22 2008 06:52 PM
I like to go there and by the °C-utie, Berryz and Buono! stuff too ;_;
 Dec 22 2008 07:18 PM
Now if only one of these would pop up where I live... (My savings since I was two would probably go down the drain. xD)
 Dec 22 2008 08:10 PM
HP_MS24...you...deserve to be shot! XD
 Dec 22 2008 08:19 PM
Talk about immature.
 Dec 22 2008 09:35 PM
>.< i would kill just to look inside
 Dec 22 2008 10:38 PM
What akb48 sticker !?

@AznZeth; It's actually quite small and rather uninteresting in there.
But at least the staff will go WTFLOL when they see a foreigner come in. haha
 The Incredible He-Hulk
 Dec 22 2008 11:01 PM
^ Yes. It's far from some kind of willy wonka chocolate factory type place in there. It's basically a ton of photos, and some other merch, on the walls with numbers, and you just go up to the cashier and tell them which things you want to buy. It's about as barebones an opperation as you are likely to find.

Although, I don't ever seem to recall anyone saying "WTF" to me when I walked in, or reacting oddly, at all. I actually remember people being pretty excited to see me, since I was buying stuff.
 Dec 23 2008 02:08 AM
^ I just said WTFLOL, because "the staff was nice, but they seem to found it funny that a foreigner was buying JunJun pics at their store" was too long.
 Dec 23 2008 03:25 AM
In the top corner of the store front there are 3 AKB48 stickers. But in this picture is too small to see it clearly.
 Dec 23 2008 07:35 AM
is that the harajuku location store? I went to the Ueno and Shibuya H!P stores when I was in Tokyo in '07. Incredible he-hulk and cribbaz are correct; the place is small and there is really nothing to buy there except for pictures. You look through tons of pictures on the wall, write down the corresponding number of the one you want and the girl behind the counter gets them for you. You can't get any shirts or other cool items because they are either fan club or concert exclusives.

I remembered that the shibuya store has a mini museum in the back where you can see the some of the costumes the girls have wore in concerts. I was surprised to see how small the girls are. I think you are not allowed to take pictures inside. The H!P stores are a nice little pitstop during shopping. The ueno store (somewhere on the 4th floor) is right next to Ameyokocho which has tons of cool open market stores and Ueno Zoo and Park.