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Tanaka Reina,

Kusumi Koharu,

Mitsui Aika,
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 Legend of Spira
 Oct 14 2008 07:18 PM

Reina <3
 Oct 14 2008 07:20 PM
::insert random praise for all of the members/or a dramatic rant about how skinny the girls are/or an enraged comment about how "koha tries too hard", added with multiple periods and various happy faces, such as: ^_^;; O_o;; O_____O;;

there, covered it guys....!
 Oct 14 2008 08:04 PM
^Awww where's the fun in it now? lol

Just gonna say; I love the faces. All very cute and Funny. <3
 Oct 14 2008 08:05 PM
@meowchi You sir, are made out of epic awesome win. I bow down to you. Zeh truth hath spoken! =O <3
 Oct 14 2008 09:28 PM
Silliness............gotta love it!!!!
 Oct 14 2008 11:38 PM
Rofl Koharu looks so funny x_O but i think shes trying a bit too hard, i would prefer if she acted more natural like in the beginning
 ★Shining Star★
 Oct 14 2008 11:58 PM
She's not trying to hard, she's being herself. She was more shy when she auditioned like most members when they where new, now she feels comfortable with her role.
 Oct 15 2008 12:16 AM
Haha! I like that they're such good friends :)
 Oct 15 2008 05:01 AM
i agree with SS. she is what she is. call it the" little sister syndrome". kohoru sees someone getting a little attention, and she tries to out-do them. i was the same way when i was younger, and i'm still a little like that now. it's hard to grow out of it.
 Oct 15 2008 02:57 PM
Didn't we already cover this guys? I cut off the conversation right now. *builds wall* Now no one talk about it. Enjoy the cute-ness of all 3 girls.
 Oct 16 2008 01:49 AM
i'm not, or ever was, a "koharu hater". she's just a bit over-the-top, but that's just her. i've never hated her for it. it's actually endearing.

EDIT: that's right, i bumped it. sue me.
 Oct 16 2008 12:28 PM
What? Wait a second, do you mean me? I never said that you were a Koharu hater, or did I? There´s no need to be offended for no reason, that was unnecessary. I meant all Koharu haters in a whole, and since I know you do not hate her I didn´t mean you. I think now I made myself more clearer.
 Oct 16 2008 06:49 PM
wow- what turned out to be a joke ended up as another argument, what does that say about you guys? :|
 Oct 16 2008 09:05 PM
well i'm just speaking for myself. i know you were directing that comment toward me, and if you were, that's cool too. i just felt the need to say it, that's all. no hard feelings.