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Niigaki Risa,
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Uploaded on 15-September 08
By burnt glitter
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Tags: Niigaki Risa 

Cinderella the musical

 Sep 15 2008 05:09 AM
"Yawn! Sleepy, very sleepy, so sleepy, so very tired ...YOU ARE! Sweetheart, while you are resting comfortably and looking ever so... DEEPLY into my pupils and as the rest of my face is fading ...COMPLETELY away, I hear the sound of your nervous deep breaths going in and out, in and out, in and out. I see your chest raising up again and again and again following the rhythm of your racing heart. This makes me realize just how much you have fallen... DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH ME and it has become very apparent that the two of us are no longer separate and have become one. When you share such a deep connection, as we do...YOU FEEL COMPELLED TO ACT ON THIS FEELING. While I can't help but radiate my love towards you... YOU HAVE NO CHOICE but to return my affection and... SUPPORT ME AND MOMUSU. The more time you... SPEND thinking about this you see how much... SENSE it makes for us to support each other. In the future you can bet your.... BOTTOM DOLLAR that I will be there to bring a smile to your face on your darkest day.... BY NOW, YOU MUST CLEARLY SEE that our relationship is a... VERY SMART INVESTMENT. And you... GLADLY AND WILLINGLY ACT NOW AND EVERY DAY to ensure the survival of Momusu as my, and our, happiness depends upon it. So darling.... OPEN UP your heart even more and see that the size of... YOUR BANK ACCOUNT or the contents of.... YOUR WALLET doesn't accurately measure your true level of happiness. It is your heart that shows your true value as a person. So as you... OPEN IT RIGHT NOW you can rest assured that when it comes to love.... GIVE ALL THAT YOU HAVE TO GIVE as I, Tsunku-I mean Risa, accept your love...WITHOUT HESITATION cheerfully and gratefully... WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT. When I have finished counting back from 5 to 1 you will have no recollection of this experience but will act upon my suggestions as if they were your own. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.

Quick! Go back to the home page or go to the CD JAPAN or YES ASIA websites."
 Sep 15 2008 05:24 AM
subliminal messages, nice. though, this isn't the place for things like that.
 Sep 15 2008 05:24 AM
 Sep 15 2008 05:27 AM
^ very much so.
 Sep 15 2008 06:54 AM
oO... was that some sort of suggestive message? ... but wanna comment, gaki-san really suits the prince image in this play ^^
 Sep 15 2008 09:48 AM
"my stomach... hurts."
 Sep 15 2008 02:27 PM
I have this really odd sensation to empty my savings account >_>
Reading the comment made my life a whole lot more meaningful, and I owe my life and soul to this fabulous message and everything that I own. Only the clothes on my back and my support will keep me alive, for that comment, has forever changed my perspective on my view of my very being.
-goes back to work- I joke =]