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Ishikawa Rika,

Yoshizawa Hitomi,

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Uploaded on 15-July 11
By lalasoso
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 Jul 15 2011 03:57 PM
Yossy totally looks like a cool guy here. <3
 Jul 15 2011 05:23 PM
aww, they're matching!
 Jul 16 2011 03:37 AM
I love how ishiyoshi is still going strong~♥
 Jul 16 2011 06:37 AM
^ I know, it makes me so happy <33333

However there's one thing I still wonder... How often does Mikitty contemplate buying a gun? lol
 Jul 16 2011 10:23 AM
Will they ever officially come out of the closet, I wonder?
 Jul 16 2011 11:46 AM
If one of them ever gets married, there's gonna be a lot of people crying on this board.
 Jul 16 2011 01:05 PM
@Tom Your icon matches your comment so well XD

If one of them ever gets married then they were probably not meant to be... As long as they're happy I'm happy :3
 Jul 16 2011 06:39 PM
@ Tom: That presumes a fact not in evidence... that they are in the closet now... combine all of their public displays of affection with Yossy basically coming out in that "Rika's really cute" interview and the key and lock necklaces and I'd say it's not just an open secret... they are, to borrow the phrase William J. Mann wrote about some early gay actors, spelling it out for people who can read.
 Jul 16 2011 06:53 PM
factor in the bite marks on yossy's chest from a recent pic, i'd say they're not only out, but gettin busy as well.
 Jul 16 2011 07:20 PM
Just realised: if that is Paris Nord station, then I've walked where they've walked.
 Jul 16 2011 07:41 PM
@TommyVD Way to change the freaking subject lol

@Glasseyelashes Not to mention the kissing on TV and in PVs. Also there's the fact that the presenters of the TV shows they go on always remember the amount of times they've confessed their love to each other. I'd say they've always been a bit busy :3
 Jul 16 2011 08:10 PM
^ ooo, kissing on tv? i've seen only one video with yossy leaning in to kiss rika.
 Jul 16 2011 08:20 PM
^ I've seen a few but since UFA and other agencies have YouTube channels now the clips are disappearing fast :( They were only little kisses :3
 Jul 16 2011 08:38 PM
^ i'd love to see them smooch even it's small kiss.
 Jul 16 2011 11:24 PM
I could swear to only 7 lip kisses in H!P history, though I'm sure there have been others... a four-way kiss of Tsuji, Kago, Yossy and Nacchi, Tsuji and Kago (twice), GAM (in the video), Maimi and Chisato, Sayumi and Ai-chan and Sayumi and Aika... Ishiyoshi has hinted at it and come very close, but I've yet to see them actually do it.
 Jul 17 2011 04:03 AM
^you forgot lot of yuko and yaguchi kissing moment :)
 Jul 17 2011 04:32 AM
^ Yuko and Yaguchi kissed each other on the lips? Or do you mean they both kissed a lot of the other members on the lips? Any links to show such events? I enjoy such things. =P

I also hope Ishiyoshi does that. XD
 Jul 17 2011 05:06 AM
yuko and yaguchi each other kissed onthe lips, yes.
the link i cant find it anymore.

but do you know why ishikawa rika apologized to nakazawa in that vid
 Jul 17 2011 06:06 AM
^ Yes, because Rika did to Yaguchi what she routinely does to Yossy. =P
 Jul 17 2011 01:15 PM
There has been this JunSayu kiss also: http://www.hello-onl...624-junsayujpg/