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Berryz Koubou,
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Uploaded on 26-September 10
By BryxW
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Tags: Berryz Koubou 

Gekidan "San Oku En Shoujo"; pamphlet back

 Sep 26 2010 08:14 PM
Hey, it's Noodle!
 Sep 26 2010 09:48 PM
^ ROFL, Gorillaz FTW!!
 Sep 26 2010 09:52 PM
is this supposed to be all of their faces combined into one or something???
 Sep 26 2010 10:07 PM
this is perfection
 Legend of Spira
 Sep 26 2010 10:08 PM
Is it just me, or do all of the girls put into one resemble Ogawa Mana?
 Sep 26 2010 10:09 PM
socko....left( as i look at it) eye......momo top lip......chii right eye...i dont know the rest or if i have even got those right...... XD
 Suzukira Hikari
 Sep 26 2010 10:18 PM
^ left part of captain's hair, right part of maasa's hair... i know that much of the rest.
 Tiger Yuri
 Sep 26 2010 11:23 PM
How did this make you think of Noodle whatsoever?
 Sep 27 2010 12:00 AM
When I look at this I invariably think about everything I have ever regretted.
 Sep 27 2010 12:08 AM
momo's lips, left side of face/hair is captain, right side of face/hair is maasa, chin is miya, one of the eyes is risako, i know that.. maybe the left, the nose is... kumai i think so the other eye is chinami..? lol
the last three i'm not clear of, so the koubou buffs will have to figure that out xD i knwo that when they tweeted this pic, they had said who was what, that's why i remember some of the semi-obvious ones like miya's chin, captain's hair, risako's eye etc
 Suzukira Hikari
 Sep 27 2010 12:50 AM
^ Captain's hair is a little obvious too really, just note that one side is shorter than the other and a little more brownish.
 Sep 27 2010 12:59 AM
I don't know why but I see Captain here
 Sep 27 2010 01:02 AM
^ Yeah, the mix of all Berryz = Captain, lol?
 Sep 27 2010 01:14 AM
For serious the first time I saw this way back I thought it was just a weird pic of Captain but I guess Captain truly does embody all of Berryz Koubou.

Like if they're ever in great peril she can temporarily absorb all the other girls into herself and become incredibly powerful (idk aren't Japanese people able to do that?).
 Sep 27 2010 01:23 AM
^ If we are to believe in Dragon Ball, then yes
 Tiger Yuri
 Sep 27 2010 02:03 AM
Reminds me more of a Bo bo bo and Don Patchi combo.
 Sep 27 2010 02:25 AM
No, no! It's-> Saki's right side hair and cheek, Chinami's left eye, Momoko's jawline, Risako's right eye, Miyabi's nose, Yurina's mouth, and Maasa's eyebrow and left side hair.
 Sep 27 2010 05:40 AM
watched this several times but i still think is creepy
 Sep 29 2010 05:51 PM
^ Ahhh yes, ur right, at first i could have sworn momo's was the jaw but then i thought, isn't it miya's..?? lol
alrighty dude, thanks for clearing up :P