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Fujimoto Miki,
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Uploaded on 26-August 10
By Nayok-Kihara
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Tags: Fujimoto Miki 

 Aug 27 2010 01:23 AM
What's the relation between the yogurt she's advertising and this laundry thing? o.O
I'm REALLY glad that Mikitty is appearing in a lo of sites lately, but seriously; she's a GREAT singer. She should focus on that as well. :/
 tattoo fish
 Aug 27 2010 03:02 AM
Well, ever since she got married, she started to take on a bit of the Typical Japanese Housewife character. Tsuji too. The good traditional housewives (this does not represent my opinion) do the laundry and cook. Therefore, food and laundry. It's a bit of a shame, though Nono's still cute as a button and Mikitty's still that feisty piece of beauty xD
 Aug 27 2010 03:22 AM
Whoever said she was advertising yoghurt? It's some kind of detergent/cleaning solution.
 Aug 27 2010 03:27 AM
it looks like she's doing something a pitchman would do like bily mays and oxyclean
 Tiger Yuri
 Aug 27 2010 03:30 AM
This kid I know was on the Pitchmen show tonight... Just sayin'...
 Aug 28 2010 02:51 PM
LOL, isn't it a yogurt? Glico is a food brand (Pocky's creator), and even though I really can't read what stands in the container properly, I read something like "Strawberry". And I relate 80 kcal with food. º_º
 Aug 28 2010 03:17 PM
It's Glico 'calorie control ice' and claims to be delicious and healthy (oishisa to kenkou)
 Aug 28 2010 04:24 PM
I saw a pic here where she's cleaning glass.
They do seem to be related.
IDK how though.
 Aug 28 2010 04:33 PM
Strawberry-flavored detergent.
 Aug 28 2010 04:39 PM
They're Japanese after all.
 Aug 28 2010 05:50 PM
LOL, maybe it's multi-tasking...