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Tanaka Reina,
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Uploaded on 05-July 10
By xyzharo
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Picture size: 1728x2592
Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Tanaka Reina 

2010 France Paris Japan Expo

 Jul 07 2010 02:26 AM
Seriously, why are there so many photos of MM from Japan Expo?! Why couldn't they let us take pics at Anime Expo but allow it at Japan Expo?! *cries* So not fair!
 Jul 07 2010 03:03 AM
@AmethystDragonfly Yeah I know :( People have been saying the same thing about Mano Erina and AKB48. When Mano-chan promoted her movie in LA everyone was allowed to take pictures, videos and shake her hand but when AKB held an event (I think it was Anime Expo) you weren't allowed to do any of that :( In my opinion the staff at AX are very uptight.
 Jul 07 2010 06:57 AM
Wow she even has perfect skin at point blank range with no photoshop.
 Jul 07 2010 03:21 PM
I think that would make me mad as an artist because my fans wouldn't be too happy.
 Jul 07 2010 03:33 PM
her eyes look wonky-er than usual... must have sniffed too much permanent marker XD