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Kumai Yurina,

Tsugunaga Momoko,
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Uploaded on 03-May 10
By ~ValeChan
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 May 03 2010 03:14 PM
Yurina is so TALL *__*
Momo looks even cuter!
 May 03 2010 03:44 PM
imho Yurina has a good heigth and the others are just small.
 May 03 2010 03:50 PM
Not for an asian girl. She's a good five to six centimeters taller than the average. Also, bump for awesome pairing.
 Al Kusanagi
 May 03 2010 04:43 PM
Yurina's taller than the average for MALES in pretty much every country in the world. She's an Amazon.
 May 03 2010 05:03 PM
That's kinda sexy imo. xD
 May 03 2010 05:29 PM
Yurina is like 1'75, she is not that tall but is very tall for be asian, but she is so cute =)
 Berryz Kamen
 May 03 2010 06:25 PM
shes 178 cm as of a few months ago. Which is very tall.
I'm considered tall for a white chick at 173. o-o
 May 03 2010 07:02 PM
5'10, Shes not that tall it just looks like shes Giant. because every on else is so short. wow haha.
 May 03 2010 08:45 PM
In this thread, scienceandprogress gave a measured and reasonable response to cribbaz for some reason.
 May 03 2010 08:48 PM
I'm considered tall for a white girl too, and I'm about 1'72
 May 03 2010 08:52 PM
5'10 is taller than most of the average heights for men in different Asian countries.
Yurina's a giant for a girl.
 Suzukira Hikari
 May 03 2010 09:13 PM
the only person i seen taller than her is my gym teacher in 5th grade, and that was long before i ever knew berryz existed.
 May 04 2010 12:12 AM
Wow, their heights are completely different, it's unbelievable. ^^;
It's like Momoko was photoshopped. ^^;
 May 04 2010 01:05 AM
She's gorgeous, but the average height for Japanese women is about 5'1"-5'2" unless it's changed..and that's about 155-157 CM or so. O_O And Momo is a little below the average, so this comparison makes it look..very stark.

I'm nowhere near her height at 5'1"/155 cm. But she'd make a great model too, ne? ^^
 May 05 2010 05:14 PM
OMG... momo, you're such a midget...
yurina is such a big giant....