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Uploaded on 01-May 10
By PiiKacHu
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 May 01 2010 06:46 PM
Holy crap are those WOMEN I see in the audience??!!!!
 Suzukira Hikari
 May 01 2010 06:49 PM
^ probably mothers with little girls wanting to see s/mileage.
 May 01 2010 06:53 PM
if it's little girls then that's even more surprising.
 May 01 2010 06:56 PM
^ Not really. They're a large fanbase but are quite hidden (as they cant come to concerts/events)
I don't like the way people believe the female fanbase don't exist. They are there, and are REALLY big, but don't go to the concerts/eveents, probably because they are scared of wotas.
 May 01 2010 07:06 PM
^ There are female wota. Not a gender specific term. xD;
 May 01 2010 07:23 PM
I always believed cuca was the last H!P fangirl on the planet. XD
 Suzukira Hikari
 May 01 2010 07:44 PM
^ that's someone H!P needs lol
 May 01 2010 08:16 PM
Judging by the registered member list there is 138 pages of female members, with 20 on each, except the last one (with 2) it would equal 2,742 girls here. And 4,640 male. Lol, and 71,589 (3580 pages) members only 7,382 have specified their gender. So males are double to females registered here, with their gender set. So I can totally see why people think the female fans are almost non existent.
For every ~1.70 (yeah 3/4 a person) male fan there is one female at H!O. So if you take the Nine Smile concert final day hall seating capacity (imagine if I used the EC graduation numbers) which is 2,062. So if 2,062 gender set H!Onliners went to the Nine Smile concert only only about ~1,212 of those attendees would be female. (Coincidentally when divided equal out to 1.70, I think?) So males have a upperhand but females are around just not as many.

But if you factor in minors (as in age) I'm not sure the numbers will stay the same.
 May 01 2010 09:57 PM
I understand there's more women and kids in the upper levels of concerts, like in the balconies.