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"Wu Zhao Xian, Frances",

"Lan Ai Zi, Aiko",

Da Xiao Jie,
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Uploaded on 08-February 10
By Nayok-Kihara
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Feb 08 2010 07:35 PM
Is there a setting on this site to filter out all pics of those two? I mean, does anyone here actually like them?
 Feb 08 2010 08:13 PM
 Feb 08 2010 08:24 PM
If they're up here, I guess someone likes them enough to go to the trouble upload the pictures. IMHO I think that they're too young. They need to be in school.
 Feb 08 2010 09:00 PM
Well, I'm definitely not a fan of these two, but hey, I don't think Shirley Temple had a horrible life and I doubt these girls do either.
 Feb 08 2010 09:07 PM
I can't remember......are they under H!P?
 Feb 08 2010 09:17 PM
STILL DON'T LIKE THEM. But Nayok does, so yeah, they do have fans.
 Feb 08 2010 09:29 PM
They look like toddlers in the thumbnails. Doesn't leave a good feeling whenever I see them in the gallery. I momentarily get scared of having wandered in to 12ch*Cough*

I vote for a new filtration feature. Then I can filter out Koharu too...
 Feb 08 2010 09:41 PM
^ Why would any one ever want to filter out Koharu?

And honestly I don't see what's wrong with them. I would've loved them when I was a kid. They aren't meant to appeal to you but children more so.
 Feb 08 2010 09:48 PM
Do they even know their ABCs and 123s?
 Feb 08 2010 09:49 PM
Oikaze—Hmm, well, actually, Shirley Temple had a pretty messed-up childhood, if I remember correctly. X'DDDD; I read her autobiography when I was in fourth grade (I was totally obsessed with her. I wanted to BE her. Kind of figures I'm an H!P fan and wannabe now, LOL.) and she... didn't get to do anything. She didn't get to be with kids her own age; her entire life was work, non-stop. She also—and this is of course something very specific to Shirley, but—was lied to about her age. She grew up believing she was one year younger than she actually was, because that's what they told the public. That's pretty screwed up, if you ask me. X________X;; (But then again, no one did. X'DDD; Just putting in my two cents.~)

I really do hope these girls are getting a good education, though... I mean, I know I dreamed of being a child star when I was there age, and, hell, I sort of still do, even though that chance is long gone (X'DDDD;), but really, I... don't think that's healthy. >_______<;;
 Feb 08 2010 10:10 PM
If the girls weren't dressed like "daddy's little princess" on every frigging picture I see of them, and they had some more children around their age so I could believe they had kids as target audience, then maybe I would have been fine with it. But I only see men and other toddler-idols on the pictures I remember to have glanced at.

Also I really wonder how healthy their "work" is at that young an age. That is what disturbs me the most. That, and "... because it's Japan"(seriously, they are too young)
 Feb 08 2010 10:15 PM
If I may...
We ALREADY have a filter function.
It allows you to choose a specific girl or a specific unit.

If you don't want to bump into Aiko and Frances, simply choose the people you want to see at the top of the picboard.

There are 226 categories on this picboard.
Do I know every girl on this picboard? No.
Do I like every girl on this picboard? No.
And yet every single H!P-related girl deserves to be on it.

Do we really need a reverse filter function just to hide the people we don't like?
 Feb 08 2010 10:47 PM
^Viewing the gallery by only one tag, is not what I would call a filter. This gallery is somewhat lacking when it comes to features. Like:
-Sorting after popularity.
-Viewing untagged pictures. For those of us wanting to do some tagging...
-Merging comments and remove identical pictures when "bigger" arrives.
-Regenerate thumbnails to old pictures. They look blurry.
-More grouping of photo's like those from a certain concert or event. Maybe an auto-complete mechanism to ease tagging as there are already too many tags. Forget Ctrl, and all the other tags are gone... nice.
-A multi-tag opt-out/in filter. I wanna see all pictures of Mikitty and Yossie together, and no Koharu...
 Feb 08 2010 10:58 PM
@Kaychi: If that's the worst Shirley Temple went through, I'm guessing that's no worse than the average child. Personally, I tend to think that one-size-fits-all education is more psychologically damaging, on average, than being isolated from ones peers, though I'm sure that depends on the child.

@dazzy: In Japan, women and girls who have hit puberty are allowed to be cute. In the West, they aren't. Hence, through the prism of Western culture, Japanese culture looks "creepy", but it does NOT condone true deviance.

It is only from a myopic perspective on the subject, like America's (and I am American, so I can say that), where people throw fits if an 18-year-old has a child with a 16-year-old, that there is anything "wrong" with Japan in this regard.
 Feb 08 2010 11:19 PM
^ Hmm, you may be right about that. I can't say that I think "one-size-fits-all education" is really what's best for every child, but I definitely do think there is a definite necessity for at least the basic general education, at least what you learn through middle school. I don't know, though, I'm not claiming to be an expert or anything. I just think that for the majority of children, it's important for them to learn how to socialize and deal with people, along with learning the basic knowledge it takes to function in society. I'm not denouncing homeschooling, or anything, because as long as a child learns the basic knowledge they need, I think they should be fine. But I think there's a definite advantage to, you know, knowing how to socialize with people. Some people just CAN'T, and I understand that, but I think they're just exceptions to the rule...

I just can't imagine what life would be like, growing up in the entertainment world. I think that would probably really screw you up. :/
 Feb 08 2010 11:40 PM
@Oikaze: any educational program funded by the state or private has a "one-size-fit-all" mentality because there are just too many kids to make it possible to have a personalized education plan. But as a teacher, I know that all kids are different and I need to adjust how I teach so that I can reach every kid. But, unfortunately, there are not a lot of teachers who don't do that or take the time to get to know their students. Either way, there is something about at least keeping them (the girls and other kids) socialized and able to hang out with other kids so that they're not always around adults. That also does some bit of harm.

I'm with Kaychi~, I at least hope that they are enjoying childhood. And I am also hoping that the majority of their fans are the same age as they are.......you know, the Dora the Explorer age.
I can actually see one of them playing Dora if a stage play was ever to come to China.
 Feb 08 2010 11:41 PM
@Oikaze: If a lacking/strict/rigid education and isolation from peers was the only damaging factors in an idols life, then they wouldn't be too bad of, compared to everyone else. I can list some more damaging things if you like: Work related pressure from adults. Being famous and public, resulting in never being treated normally by anyone. Attention from their more "mature" fans. A sudden and premature introduction to the "world of adults" and entertainment-industry. In the end; child-idols will end up with entirely different experiences than normal people. It could be for the better, or it could be for the worse. Think worse than Kago Ai...

I don't know what you mean by "In Japan, women and girls who have hit puberty are allowed to be cute." I hope you realize the subjects in this discussion falls in to neither of your mentioned categories. I'm not after limiting what is allowed, or how young the idols can be, but I would like if those who make and manage Idols, would do better in aiming the Idols towards more appropriate demographic groups. Like Hannah Montana is not aimed at anyone over the age of 16.
 Feb 08 2010 11:52 PM
but unfortunately, like now, it's mostly the ones over the age of 16 who comment about them even though they're not the target audience. And most of the time, it's not always good.
 Feb 09 2010 12:31 AM
Ha! I knew not too many people here were feeling these two. I'd watch out though because, the last time I voiced my opinion, I was banned! So, just a warning to those who are complaining... watch out.

But, I'll say it again... WTF needs pictures of these girls? What's the age of the youngest member on this board? I have to skip these pics quickly because I don't want to feel like an old pedo.
 Feb 09 2010 02:39 AM
michikodesu: They are part of Hello! Project, under Hello! Pro Taiwan, the same as Ice Creamusume. They're even on the official Japanese H!P website.

dazzy: There are pictures of them in different outfits, and also pictures of them with children their own age and younger around them. There are also videos of them performing for audiences made up of children and their parents. (They aren't in Japan, they're in Taiwan.)

They are definitely still in school. They were recently preparing for exams, resulting in them not having very much time to learn a new dance for their recently released repackaged album. - Even the Ice Creamusume members are still going to school.

I also remember it being mentioned during their debut that it's more of a game for them rather than work, so I believe they are enjoying themselves. :)

Anyway, the only thing I would really be able to suggest for those that don't like them, is to do their best to ignore them.
 Feb 09 2010 08:17 AM
If it means anything, I think they're adorable kids. Especially Aiko.
 With Teeth
 Feb 09 2010 03:39 PM
We got a winner.