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Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 214    Comments: (2)
User Comments
 2009-03-08 16:57

Kago, you're breaking my heart.
 2009-03-08 16:57
wow... kago sure have lot of scandal..

but this time with a married man!!! she sure is a bad girl!!!!
 2009-03-08 16:59
oh woww...... sure getting worse and worse.
 2009-03-08 16:59
damn kago, we know you got some daddy issues but you need to be strong and hold your own
 2009-03-08 17:00
Oh snap.

Kudos to the ex-wife for getting all that evidence. You go girl.
 2009-03-08 17:01
Man... now THIS is a big scandal. Kago Kago Kago... u_u well, I won't comment anything, I just hope everything get solved.
 2009-03-08 17:03
Oh no, not again!
 2009-03-08 17:06
OH NO Kago-chan!!! Why again? T.T Well I still support you no matter what, but like what toxic025 said you gotta be strong & hold your own.
 2009-03-08 17:08
Wow, a scandal that I actually find scandalous. O_O
Come on, Kago, cut it out!
 2009-03-08 17:14
lol its a good thing i never liked this girl otherwise id be purty sad right now
 2009-03-08 17:16
HAHAHAHA NOW she's done it for sure xD Alll that talk about having learned, and then this? This is too much!! xD
 2009-03-08 17:19
Oh dear... good luck with your comeback Kago...
 2009-03-08 17:21

I hope this is not true. I never stopped liking her when all the other scandals came out, but if this is true I lost a lot of respect for her. I'm going to keep an open mind and hope it's just the wife trying to get some extra money.
 2009-03-08 17:23
hmm.. can't say anything.. only hope nothing worse coming from this
 2009-03-08 17:23
*smacks head on desk*
 2009-03-08 17:25
I'ts so annoying how the newspaper always writes about all sorts of rumors..they stick their nose into everything! I'm not going to complain about Kago because of this, because
1. none of us know if this is true or not (or if Kago even knew that he was married).
2. none of us know kago in person, so how can we judge her from a newspaper article..

I wish you good luck Kago, hope you don't have to pay such a material girl who thinks money is going to heal her heart or whatever.
 2009-03-08 17:25
lol.. look on the bright side.. now the rest of the h!p girls have someone to learn from
 2009-03-08 17:29
true that phielder
 2009-03-08 17:29
Haha she is already in the dark side of the force, so why not become the dark queen?
Go kago, go!
 2009-03-08 17:32
Well, at least she told people not to smoke...and for her next DVD release, don't get involved with married men or else Ai Kago will slap you.

Honestly, with her recent acting stints and various other media, I don't think her comeback was going to be a success. Now it's doesn't seem like it's going to ever happen. Although...this is the girl that's famous for her scandals more than her time in H!P, at least to the general public.

 The Incredible He-Hulk
 2009-03-08 17:39
I don't consider her to be an idol anymore, so I don't see why this should effect her career at all. With that said, being a homewrecker --being with a man who is married with children-- is just beyond low. Breaking up a family; just flat awful. He's a massive loser, too, obviously. It takes two to tango.

At first I laughed when I read this, but it's not really funny. I feel bad for the kids.
 2009-03-08 17:41
One flew over the Cuckoo's nest
 2009-03-08 17:42
Hah, gosh, this girl never learns.
 2009-03-08 17:44
That chick just wants money.
 2009-03-08 17:45
@The Incredible Hulk - In fairness, we're looking in from an outside perspective - we don't know what the marriage was like, the events that lead up to this situation etc, what kind of relationship the people involved had... I'm of the opinion that we're not in a position to judge them from a moral/ethical perspective.

From the perspective of her career however, idol or no, it's not exactly a sensible move, especially seeing as she's in the process or rebuilding.
 2009-03-08 17:55
Damn, Kago is a bad girl, lol~

It's always the quiet ones.. except that Kago wasn't exactly quiet.. Nevermind. This sounds bad, but I couldn't help but laugh a little. I shouldn't really since, I know how it feels to have your father go behind your mother's back and sleep with another woman. But damn.. lol.
 2009-03-08 17:56
personally ive actually lost all liking for her now i cant stand bunny boilers =[[
 2009-03-08 17:57
This actually makes me sad. I always disliked Kago until very recently when I read about the terrible way she was treated after being caught smoking. Then I started to feel sorry for her.

She was treated appallingly then and I'm afraid she'll be hung out to dry yet again. I feel very sorry for her and I hope the guy takes some responsibility and looks after her properly, whether or not the alleged affair really happened.

I wish her all the best and I hope she comes through this as unscathed as is possible!

I support you, Kago-chan!
 2009-03-08 18:05
I'm not an expert on japanese law or Mizumoto's divorce but if his divorced got finalized on january 8th and kago was with him the last few months of '08 then I honestly don't see a problem since they were already in the process of breaking up.

As for the claim that Kago's personal affects were in Mizumoto's apartment, they didn't say when the pictures were taken so noone knows if it was before or after the divorce.

Also alot of the proof is circumstantial (ex: no pictures of them kissing or anything like that [yet])

As for Mizumoto's wife, she claims they had an affair but never saw it or caught them in the act.

Honestly... what kind of wife files for divorce with 3 kids without any actually proof his husband cheated on her? I think there was something in her relationship with Mizumoto which she wasn't happy with and just used Kago as the wild card for getting money out of him.

As for Mizumoto... you got 3 kids and you're hooking up with a girl that's 13 years younger then... wtf is wrong with you...

Bottom line is Kago has personal issues she needs to address before she can make a real comeback.

Side note: I'd love to see someone imitate Kago and find a couple (young girl,old guy) and slap the girl across the face and tell her to think about what she's doing.
 2009-03-08 18:07
@Shakey_Jake33 - There really isn't a good excuse to cheat on your wife, so either way it's still a pretty terrible thing to do. (If it actully happened that is..)
 2009-03-08 18:07
the divorce was so years ago

other girl just wants some money because aibon and guy is making profits now lul

 2009-03-08 18:14
sigh, she had me fooled. I kind of thought she had improved. =P
 2009-03-08 18:20
I never particularly liked her during her time in H!P (I wasn't a fan then, but I mean watching old videos and stuff), but then after Kago Channel came out and I started reading her blog a bit I started to really take a shine to her. Now this... all the way back down further than she started.
 2009-03-08 18:22
There are younger girls like myself that look up to you!
You should be setting a god example!
"True Love Waits"
You have to find you perfect man
Don't mess Around!
 2009-03-08 18:23
Is this him and are those real tattoos? other than tt, i guess scandals are really the result of being a celebrity cause if she isn't one, a story like such is a rather common cause of a divorce. Oh life.. I hope she doesn't commit anything silly against herself because of scandals. Have been seeing too many suicidal cases from celebs due to the constant media pressure and depression. Though IF it is true, it is simply morally wrong for anybody to commit.
 2009-03-08 18:24
I'm not even shocked this time.
To be frank, I've tried to be supportive of Kago and her decisions. I've tried to be happy that she's happy. I've tried to look beyond the underaged smoking and her first scandal with another married man. I've tried to overlook the fact that she's let down many of her fans-myself included-more than once. But I've really just been lying to myself all this time. I'm not happy with this "New and Improved Kago Ai" or her photobooks or her scandals. I'm actually quite disappointed and I have been ever since her first screw up. I think we as fans have been a little too forgiving of Kago.
I'm sorry and I wish her the best, but honestly, this is the final straw. I think it'd be a lot less heartache to just withdraw myself from her fandom.
 2009-03-08 18:25
that's kago for ya
 The Incredible He-Hulk
 2009-03-08 18:27
The age thing doesn't bother me at all. Once both people are adults, age doesn't matter where love is concerned. My older brother is 12 years older than his wife, and they've been married for 5 years now, have a child, and are still madly in love.

But cheating shows a lack of authenticity in how you live your life. If you don't want to be with the person you are with anymore you tell them and you move on to whatever girl you want to be with. You shouldn't lie to people. At least, I don't think you should.
But, I really wouldn't even care about it if it weren't for the fact that there are kids. Kids are effected perminently and badly by a divoice. Every friend of mine whose parents went through a divorce when we were kids was a different person after it happened, and not in any positive sense.

I guess this isn't really any of our business, though. Honestly, I haven't been interested in what Kago has been doing for years. She stopped being an idol a long, long time ago. I'm gonna go watch some hockey.
 2009-03-08 18:30
@gaijin_mmlove....I have to agree with you, sadly. I wish she'd learn. :(
 2009-03-08 18:34
meta speaks the truth! lol =P

Anywho, from what I'm reading from both the article and perspectives on the commenters here, it really does seem like the woman is hungry for money, and the man is really... I dunno, a terrible prick.

@Shakey_Jake33: we may not know what the marriage was like, or what kago knew and didn't know, but from what we learned here in H!O, is that FRIDAY is accurate. I'm not saying trust it's facts, it can be wrong, it is a tabloid.

I'm going to take this is as a side note for now, unless what Shikigami said was going to come up (photos, dates, etc.) I'm just going to wait and see.

One thing I wanna say is how H!O is reacting to this, to be honest it's really laughable. I mean, no one's going insane, no one is utterly shocked, and a good chunk of you guys are saying "oh kago.."
I love you guys.
 2009-03-08 18:38
how did the mom psychic not see this coming? XD
 2009-03-08 18:41

Kago...Ugh *headdesks again*
 2009-03-08 18:53
how did the mom psychic not see this coming? XD

^ LOL. That is an epic win. xD
 2009-03-08 18:55

"This message is a work of fiction."
That part made me laugh.
 2009-03-08 18:56
I don't understand why you all cry and bitch.
Obviously the marriage was already shit, otherwise he wouldn't have dated Kago.

besides, they started to divorce before Friday wrote about it, FFS.
 2009-03-08 18:58


I think I'm not going to be concerned with her anymore, as much as I loved W those days are obviously gone now. Hope she gets her head straight if she actually was living with a man who was already married. I also hope it's not as bad as it seems.
 2009-03-08 19:00
Just watch the photographic evidence of Kago's underwear turn out to be scans of "Adultism."
 2009-03-08 19:01
eww wtf kago you can do better than this

Hidejiro Mizumoto ish ugly o.o
 2009-03-08 19:05
lol, is adultery a crime in Japan?
 2009-03-08 19:07
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