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Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 214    Comments: (2)
User Comments
 2010-08-08 22:32
honestly, i think that junjun and linlin will do much better in china, not saying that they should get shipped back to china just because they're Chinese, but when watching linlin sing solo, that girl got a good voice, she can sing. quit giving her high pitchy cute songs like momusu and she will outshine momusu, in my terms of looking at it, she outshines ai.
linlin has potential to become a better singer, to get a better career, having her in momusu ties her down a lot, she doesn't get the chance to show case her vocals as much.
for junjun...i don't pay much attention to her, she's very cute girl, but her singing voice isn't that great...to me that is. i hope she does well back in china
 2010-08-08 22:38
Just when I was admiring more and more LinLin and JunJun :(
 2010-08-08 22:43
First of all ganbatte! Eri with your health, Junlin with there further careers

After reading this article and the comments people gave, it made me reminisce back to the OG momuse golden era (Iida, Yaguchi, Goto, Yoshizawa, Kago etc you get the picture). Just like the other said before me: there are and always will be graduations, and especially this part distinguishes Momusu from all the other girl groups.

I find the idea of choosing new members from the age of 10 toooo young, and correct me if i'm wrong one the strong points of morning musume was great mixture of different ages which created more of a familiar feeling: Yuko , Abe , Yasuda, Yaguchi Iida when she was leader, now there are all the same age or differ a year (except for ai). I think Tsunku has learned from his mistakes and he knows what to do.
 Hoshi Shang
 2010-08-08 22:47
When I heard about this earlier... I honestly cried. The last time that happened for me was when Yossie graduated. It's sad that Kame-chan's condition is effecting her so much now, and I hope that she will be able to manage her condition enough to return to showbusiness. I think she has a lot to offer in the future. I will truly miss her.

JunJun and LinLin... I'm surprised it's so soon. JunJun quickly became my favourite member (along with Kame-chan), so it's a real shock. I didn't like LinLin at all when she joined, but she's grown on me over time and now I really like her... I think they both added something to Morning Musume... and it's a shame that they were not used to their full potential. I wish them both well in their future, and I hope we'll continue to hear about them once they return to China.

I look forward to the auditions... but I have a bad feeling about it at the same time. I have a feeling that we will only get one new member... leaving us with a 6 piece unit. I don't think Ai, Gaki-san and Reina can hold the group together on their own... Unless it was just the three of them, but then that would be too weird even for me. *facedesk for thinking such things*
 2010-08-08 22:53
This is just really sad, I'm excited for the audition, but horrified at the loss of the girl I grew up with and the sisters i came to really love and care about...
why tsunku must you continue surprise, shock and make me cry?
 Nik Nik
 2010-08-08 23:11
I hate when they graduate!
NOO! Kamei will come back I know it!!!
 2010-08-08 23:12

Dear kamei, I will miss you a lot....A WHOLE LOT, but I want you to get better. I think Tsunku and Kamei made the right decision here, while it's going to kill me not being able to see eri anymore for a while anyways, I can understand the decision.


As for LinLin and JunJun I wish em the best of luck with whatever they go on to do, I had hoped they could stick around for longer that's for sure :(
 2010-08-08 23:19
i knew junjun and linlin's time is coming. but never thought about eri.
anyway, still sux.
 2010-08-08 23:24
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! the world has come to an end!!!!!! T.T I understand kamei's concern though since i have it too, although a different kind than she has. i've actually seen the eczema on her neck before in some clips and in some pics. I've also seen a little bit of it on her chin before. Like on the corner of her mouth. well i'm glad she's getting treatment for it now cuz it'll take a while before its completely gone.

@ Hoshi Shang
I agree about that feeling that ai, gaki, and reina won't be able to hold the group together. I think if there isn't a show again like Hello Morning or HaroMoni@ or something similar, i think it'll be a little more difficult for the core audience to connect with them as much as before when those shows were around.

 2010-08-08 23:31
I am shocked...I almost choked on my ice. But anyways I can understand why Kamei is leaving, but I don't want it to be under the conditions. I wish she was healthy, but her health is important and I hope she gets better. Junjun and Linlin I wish them the best of luck too. They're just following their hearts! But now we can look forward to a new generation of members!
 2010-08-08 23:59
No one needs to panic about Tsunku adding a 10 year old. I'm pretty sure he lowered the age range so he can scope out young talent to add to H!P eggs. It's not uncommon for him to take one of the girls who auditioned and keep her around for a while and debut her as a soloist or put her in Eggs. Aya, Miki, and Kikkawa are the first ones that spring to mind, but I'm sure they're not the only ones.
 2010-08-09 00:12
oh crap, I never wanted to see this coming. Especially kamei. T_T
 2010-08-09 00:52
 2010-08-09 01:01
fuckin lol, Kamei mentally disordered. Tsunku should better shoot her just out there.
 2010-08-09 01:05
OMG CRAP. I'm so late :(

I was looking forward to them having their time as leaders but i wish Junjun and Linlin all the best in the future and Eririn to get better asap and hopefully back when she's in good health. Ganbatte~!
 2010-08-09 01:09
shocking news, but we knew it would happen... the day Eri's gaduation is already here... extremely bad news for morning musume, Jun Jun and Lin Lin just already had learned how to speak and they just send them bad to China, that's mean.
 2010-08-09 01:14
Oh wow!! I could understand about Eri. Poor her. ..

But Junjun and Linlin??? Why them? He shouldn't gave them a couple of more years.. I bet it will be stressfull from them from China to Japan and back to China..
 Lethal Injection
 2010-08-09 01:18
This is really heart breaking.

Eri has been what keeps me coming back to MM for a while. I feel so bad for her skin condition, but what i dont understand is how in 7 years time we never found out about it. Truthfully it was really surprising. I feel so bad for her. I hope she recovers eventually and comes back to singing/showbiz. I feel like it will be a while though, some skin conditions never go away but best wishes to her and my prays as well.

As for Jun and Lin, it realy is too soon. Unlike most i think Tsunku is actually doing them a favor. They will have much more sucess in China, imo. I really think this might be due to their group with miya and koha. Maybe it showed Tsunku where they really needed to be. From what i can tell Tsunku really cares for his girls no matter what and i don't think he would do something like this unless he thought it was for the better. Now how are they gonna do "Ame no Furanai Hoshi de Aisenai Darou" ... I mean the Chinese part was the hook, imo.

Best wishes to the girls and hopefully we will be updated frequently on all three. I really will miss all three.

On a positive note, i'm really digging a five member MM, hopefully they release a single with this line-up ... but it's doubtful. I'm not really looking forward to and audition ... it just seems like he is trying to replace them i don't really like that. I think he should have waited longer before annoucing it.

Another thing i dont quite understand is that a lot of people wanted graduations and auditions but know a lot of those people are complaining. Maybe you shouldnt wish for things when you dont know how it will turn out.
 2010-08-09 01:26
now that i've read some comments. i guess it's not that bad.
i would even say that sayumi should be graduating as well. i mean, she's already "in" the variety biz, got lots of appearances and what not. i see sayumi graduate next year though.
for junjun and linlin.. i would agree with the rumor (tsunku not letting both of them be senpais), since both of them are having a hard time with it themselves and since an audition is needed.
 2010-08-09 01:29
Sad that Kameis leaving, but they are in need of something fresh. A new Kago/Tsuji would be gold
 2010-08-09 01:32
HOLYSHIT....... Really sad about them leaving. And I just can't believe it!!!!!

Now, only we hope that the newcomers will be good, or perhaps, not bad. But I feel confident that Tsunku will pick some of the greatest girls in Japan in the team.

Good luck, you 3. I love you!
 2010-08-09 01:51
LOL people are like "NOOO KAME NOOO" lol JunLin are also graduating, and it's worse because it's like UFA just kicked them out.
 2010-08-09 02:01
OK I feel sad because these are like all good members especially Junjun
but, atleast THERE IS a graduation and

 2010-08-09 02:04
^I noticed it too. xD At least they are acknowledging.
 2010-08-09 02:06
THis just seems so wrong.My thoughts are with Eri.I hate people having to leave for health reasons.Reminds me of Inoue Naru leaving AKB48.But her health is the most important thing. I really liked JunJun and LInLin,what the hell is that all about,is Tsunku-san giving up on the Chinese market,and ruthlessly dropping them!
 2010-08-09 02:10
@Lethal I'm really digging a 5-nin Momusu as well. As many have said, Kamei's skin condition is totally understandable and health always comes first. I also agree about Linlin and Junjun. They really have grown as singers and hold much better chances at true success in China. I think Morning Musume will definitely need to step it up on their TV appearances to make up for that dynamic the Pandas provided, but Morning Musume has always been about a changing dynamic.

I am super excited about a 9th gen audition. As someone else pointed out, the 10-sai minimum is probably to scope out younger girls for the Eggs. But remember, some of the more talented girls to pass through Momusu were the young ones. Gomaki was 13, Tsuji/Kago were 12 ... Asuka (1st gen) was like 13 too and by far the best in her generation. Reina made it to the final audition at age 11 before they found out she was under-aged. It's that age range that attracted so many and gave them a different feel.

For the Pandas, 3 years is a good run, considering the average tenure of most memebers. For a visual, I made http://yukimel.deviantart.com/#/d2r6ssh recently. And I've no doubt people will continue to Upload anything new from these 3 girls. Gomaki's newest album, Kaori's radio stuff, and the Hexagon crew are still put up on the tracker regularly.

Morning Musume has always been about change... as Koharu said at her graduation, it is graduations that provide opportunity for new girls to step up and get supported by the loving fans (it is, after all, Rika's graduation that happened along with her induction). Enjoy what time we have left with them as part of 8-nin Momusu and, like a supporting fan, embrace any new girls with an open mind.
 2010-08-09 02:12
No, No, NO!... I can understand the Kamei's situation and she needs to rest and stay calm for recovering, because there's no other way to make it.

I really hope she get's so much better very soon and go back on the stage.

But Jun jun and Lin Lin? what's wrong with them? why they are graduating too?

I just don't get it.
 burnt glitter
 2010-08-09 02:12
I always knew Kamei had bad skin, but I never knew it was to this extent. I feel bad but also incredibly honored that she put up with it so she could continue to entertain us and to be an idol for us. I'm sad to see her go, but not torn up. MM's performance will definitely take a big hit once she leaves, I think she always had the most energy among them while dancing. Takahashi always had a lot too, but when seeing them live, Kamei never ceased to catch my eye even though she wasn't my favorite member. I wish her a full recovery and I hope to see her back soon.

It had been suspected that Junjun was getting homesick, so it makes sense to have her graduate at this time, but I'm sad that the logical view of this is that if Junjun goes home, so must Linlin. I am the saddest to see Lin go. She is a great vocal talent.

I will miss all three of these girls... But a sick part of me is looking forward to a 5nin single consisting of my top five girls. I guess that's what MM's all about, just moving on... But 3 grads in one? Dang.

I hope the 9th gen girls are cute and actually have a personality. Best of luck to MM. This is going to be one of the sadder grad ceremonies, I can expect that...
 2010-08-09 02:18
Holy shit...
 2010-08-09 02:25
Omg, I can't believe it. My top 3 gone...Eri...JunLin...this is beyond sadness...I just can't believe it...Thats a pretty big Bomb...and a pretty shitty B-Day present...Omg... Me who though that Eri being the MM leader was going to be the shit...now she revealed her skin problem. I hope she gets better soon.

That a F-Bomb. MM down to 5?!? INSANE.

There goes a part of my fandom...how Eri brought me into Morning Musume...and how I kept supporting the pandas...Also, LinLin had one of the best voice in Morning Musume, and she never got her chance...not even one...(Except the Solo she had)...thats a big opportunity that Tsunku is letting go. Hopefully, someone one day will realize LinLin's potential to its fullest.

After reading the title, I honestly looked up the date to see if it wasnt a shitty April's fool joke.
 2010-08-09 02:34
 GT- クン°
 2010-08-09 02:40
sad news. eri has a good reason about leaving the group, but for those 2 chinese girls~ WTF was that?! anyway~ let's just hope they made a good decision. and I am looking forward for a new musume.
 2010-08-09 02:51
So who graduates in 2011? Risa?
 Ganbacchae! It's Alright!
 2010-08-09 02:52
No, my top 4 Momusus are gone: (1. LinLin, 2. Eri, 3. Koharu, 4. JunJun). They all left within a relatively short period of time, too. However, I can understand that they had to go. It's gonna be hard for me, but now I can root some of my favorite eggs, as well as a lucky unknown girl with great talent tucked away somewhere. I wish the best to all those departing as well as those who are going to audition. Let's do our best to support Morning Musume as the enter a new era!

ETA: Yeah, all these grads are a bummer, but there's nothing that we can do short of finding a way to mind control Tsunku, (I'm working on it XD). I also agree that LinJun were underused and that wasn't really fair... Perhaps they can form a duo and showcase their talent in China? Who knows, UFA might straighten up and promote them properly as an 'Asian expansion' act, (not likely, but a fan can dream,) or a Chinese agency may take them in. It's rather strange; my favorites are going en masse and I feel optimistic. Perhaps the blatant optimism is just a mask to minimize the disappointment to retain my Morning Musume fandom? I'll miss EriLinJun in Morning Musume of course, but their time has come. ;_; I'm putting a lot of stock in the upcoming 9th gen picks, I hope that the new bloods don't let me down.
 2010-08-09 02:58
^DONT SAY THAT-_-''''....we had enough of graduations for this year already....3-in-one....sounds nice in ice-cream but NOT in graduations at all....Graduation is must in morning musume ...but junjun and linlin doesnt even time to like show their talent in morning musume..mann~~-_-i love eri but i understand her situation...seriouslyyyy...tsunku..how could u just give up junjun and linlin???
 gus manson
 2010-08-09 02:58
Sincerely, when i read this news, it totally broke my heart because, Eri and JunJun are one of my favorite members of the group ever since the begging of it and now, I feel quite sad for this thing, because, I understad Eri sickness and I hope she can get well soon but JunJun and LinLin, why? I just can´t simply understand it.
I wish them good luck.
 2010-08-09 03:04
This really doesn't feel real. This is my first graduation of my favorite member, Junjun. And she doesn't even get a solo graduation. None of them do.
 2010-08-09 03:05
This is heart breaking...no more gakikame corner...
no more kame weird ways...
no more LinLin funny ways...
no more junjun questionable face made during segments that she doesn't really understand..

especially no more Kamei eri..
Its hard to accept...and im in the state of almost crying now..=.=
I hope they all continue to shine no matter what the do..

usually i see..all the idols graduated from MM usually does variety and swim away from singing...(exceptional to Goto Maki and Kago Ai)

 Eririn Mikan
 2010-08-09 03:08
i cccan't explain my feelings.. awkward state for sure~
KAMEIIIIII *sigh.. i'll miss ya a Lot seeing ur dance at MM
 2010-08-09 03:13
First my aunt dies, now Eri, JunJun, and LinLin are graduatin. I need a moment. Oh my gosh. This is just too much.
 2010-08-09 03:14
First was shock, then anger, then denial, then full out crying...I can understand Kamei leaving even though I don't want her to...I read about her skin condition and I feel really bad for her, but Junjun and Linlin? I love all three of them so much it's not even a joke, I really don't want them to go!

I am looking forward to this 9th generation but I'm going to miss those girls soo much. I cried way too much today and it feels like a part of me is broken in a way (I hope that doesn't sound too emo or anything!) I'm going to always support Morning no matter what and I wish Kamei, Junjun and Linlin the best for the future no matter how much it hurts to seem them go, god I'm gonna make myself start crying all over again! D:
 2010-08-09 03:14
Ok I've tried to deal with this all day but I can't. Being half chinese, a huge chunck of me has died to see junjun and linlin leave for no reason. As far as kamei, damn it all to hell I love that girl! When she recovers and I say when cause we all know she's bigger than some skin issue, and tsunku doesn't give her spot back or even a chance at solo, imma fly to japan and punch his old face in. There I said it.
 2010-08-09 03:20
 Isolde Michi
 2010-08-09 03:37
Lin -> Soloist
Jun -> Actor
Eri -> Healed, then show business of some sort

That's my honest hope for them all. Lin-Lin has one of the better voices of H!P (including the EGGS), so I really don't want her to stop singing. Jun-Jun surprised me with her acting skills, from the World Expo-thingy, so I hope she'll now aim for making it her prime career. And Erin can pretty much do anything in show business, though I think she'd need some more practice 'fore going solo.

Personally, I won't be sad about the graduations until after the concert's released onto DVD and is uploaded for me to watch. But, just like with Koha's, I will probably cry about how it's my last to see them [in anything new with H!P] before the middle of the first song XD
It will be much more tearful on my ende, as Lin-Lin's my favourite in all of H!P and her energy was great to see and hear~ Q_Q
But the Pandas will get a chance to shine [as soon as they get a new agency], and Erin will get healthier. (Those mentioning that we never saw any signs of it: We don't know where, how bad, and she uses a lot of make-up and promotional photos are always re-touched!)

As I hoped for, twelve hours earlier, I do indeed hope we get some talent and personality from each generation 9 member introduced to us. As well, an EGG member-or-two thrown in.
And seeing the starting age to be '10-years-olde' doesn't even faze me. After all, EGGS can only perform on stage after turning 10; and Tsunku has asked girls to join the EGGS instead (we don't know how many he asked this of), so it's a scouting technique of his. The only thing that bugs me is how the make it so that 18+ cannot audition--it should be 20, seeing as that's a 'woman' in Japan. XD
 2010-08-09 03:43
I am so stressed and mad now!
I don't think any 3 of them will become really famous, and eri probably won't rejoin morning musume later on. Ohh I just want to cry now! I hate when members leave.
Hopefully there will be some good 9th generation members though.
 Piper G
 2010-08-09 03:59
People who leave MM don't come back to MM, but they also don't disappear. I can see Eri performing as an OG, doing radio or TV host work, or even voice acting once she feels better.

I think Tsunku has Junjun and Linlin's futures in mind. Honestly, there isn't much of a market for Chinese adult talent on Japanese TV, and in music even less so. If they want to seriously pursue entertainment as a lifetime profession they have little choice but to go back to China before they become too old to be taken seriously.

For those who say they "haven't had enough time": They will have been in MM for about three and a half years when they graduate. That's just about on par with Yuko and Gocchin, and longer than some others. It seems strange for those of us who came in when 8th gen made their debut, but in the history of MM it's par for the course.
 Lovely I-Chan
 2010-08-09 04:12
Eri was really starting to grow on me! But I understand, she needs to be healthy (I just hope this not to be as Kanna's bunnion...)
But JunJun and LinLin!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!

And also... new members between 10 and 17 years?! Com'on, they'll never find another Aibon/Nono, I mean, charming cute girls being still so young!
 2010-08-09 04:40
Oh, poor Eri, it's ridiculous that she had to suffer through that for so long without anyone knowing. Makes you think... it's just like Aibon, having secret issues we don't know about.

And I knew the news about JunJun and LinLin would upset people, I'm not into H!P as much as I was before, but I like to visit this site anyway. So, the news doesn't affect me, but I have seen the girls, and they are very cute! Wish them some success whatever they decide to do.

Anyway, it's kind of exciting to have some fresh auditions for the first time in years, who knows, if Tsunku doesn't screw up, we could get some awesome new people in the group to freshen it up! It's interesting that Risa and Ai are still in the group!
 2010-08-09 04:49
they should just bring back konkon
 2010-08-09 05:00
Whoa~ so in a year, Momusu will have lost about half their members. I was expecting a graduation sometime soon, but not a triple grad! o_o

Aww, Eri. She was never really one of my favourites, but her weirdness was something special. Hopefully she'll be able to make a full recovery ♥

Graduating the pandas right now seems weird to me, idk. I'm gonna miss LinLin's crack answers in Pocket Morning every week, especially :\

Curious curious curious about ninth gen now, though...I wonder what kind of girls Tsunku'll be looking for.
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