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Member Since 17 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 05 2016 09:50 AM

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Rixie's fanfiction of pure randomness

05 September 2010 - 12:27 PM

Yes, one of H!O's many lurkers came out to play, with much thanks to all the other lovely fanfiction here. <3

I know I'm supposed to have a fan story here about our favourite girls, but hear me out first please.

While I was in class, staring at the oh-so adorable Mittsi on YouTube (yes, in class - I'm horrible XD) that I was struck with the idea of writing a story following the Final Fantasy X & X-2 storylines with the girls of H!P. That knocks the plot down pat somewhat but I had trouble with deciding the cast for you see, I'm a die-hard ReiKa fan, and Aika strikes me as either Tidus or Rikku. And I don't know how to make this pairing work if Aika was Rikku, so here I am, asking for help with casting them.

But first, I have to admit that I got into MoMusu Gen. 8 onwards, so I don't really know how the OGs were like and I don't want to mess their characters up by shoving them into the story without knowing them anyway. That, and I wanted to work the H!P Kids and Eggs/ex-Eggs into this. Also, I'm not sure if Koharu could fit in this. Ideas? Wait, I was just struck with an ingenius idea. You'll see it in the tentative cast list.

To save you all from getting confused to a whole bunch of text here saying who I feel best fits which FF character, here's my tentative cast for the story. I didn't add the H!P Kids and Eggs into the list yet, for I am one confuzzled girl. *shot*

Also, to make things easier, here's the link to ALL the characters in Final Fantasy X and X-2.

Takahashi Ai :: Lulu
Niigaki Risa :: Wakka
Kamei Eri :: ?
Tanaka Reina :: ?
Michishige Sayumi :: Dona
Kusumi Koharu :: Barthello
Mitsui Aika :: Tidus/Rikku (?)
Junjun :: ?
Linlin :: ?

And while I figure out who to be casted as whom, enjoy an original story of mine on a blog here.