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In Topic: niigakirisa#1 fanfic

08 October 2011 - 01:06 PM

I'm back and out of the cave i've been dwelling in kidding kidding. Man been awhile since i updated. Not sure if this chapter is very satisfying. it kinda got rushed some parts might not make sense or may be the whole thing since they were kind of vague thoughts of mine. but any way enjoy

FL 12

Reiyo pov

We were able to pass most of the guards without getting caught. When we got into Kamei’s office we immediately started searching through his stuff there was no time to waste. I looked through the files that were on his desk; in his
drawers basically I looked everywhere. While Akira hacked into the computer to look if there was anything useful in his files or worth looking at.

“What the hell is with this office, I can’t find anything that’s even worth looking at. Did you find anything?”

“No, there’s nothing that looks suspicious or worth even looking.”

“Arrg, this is so frustrating; in the movies the good guys always end up finding something useful in the bad guy’s office when they sneak into their place.”

“That’s because it’s a movie you idiot and this is RE-A-LI-TY and in case if you haven’t notice we can get caught and killed at any moment you know.” I could hear the slight panic in his voice.

“I’m not stupid I know what could happen to us if we get caught.” I continued rummaging through his things.

“Then why don’t we get out of here before it’s too late.”

“Just give me a few more minutes, why don’t you stand by the door and listen if anyone is coming.”


I continued to look through files but none of the information shown on them seemed promising. Until I spotted a file with Aikito’s name on it, I opened the file and scanned the contexts that were in it, memorizing every little detail that was
written in it. When I was sure I had the information memorized I put it back where I found it.

“I got what I needed, so let’s leave.”

“Finally, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear that.”

“Whatever.”As I was about to open the door I heard footsteps out in the hall getting closer.


“What’s wrong?” I signaled him to be quiet. The footsteps got closer until it came to a stop in front of the door the door.

“This is so boring.”

“You expect patrol to be fun.”

“No, but I’m tired of patrolling the same areas every night and this cuts into my beauty sleep.”

“What kind of guy needs beauty sleep? I thought that only applied to girls.”

“Guys can have beauty sleep to you know, like those who want to stay handsome Jun.”

“Sigh…you’re not a normal guy Saiyu.”

“What do you mean not normal? I take offense to that, as I am 100% NORMAL.”

“More like ABNORMAL to me. This is why I wish Aikito was here. But nooo I had to be paired up with you of all people.”

“Why what’s wrong with being paired with me?”

“It’d be a waste of time to explain to you since it’ll just go through one ear and out the other……”

“Sorry, did you say something?”

“Stop looking…sigh…I don’t know why I even bother, let’s get going we got rounds to do.”

“Ok, but next time we’re switching routes with someone.”

I could hear their footsteps getting farther away; I made sure they were out of hearing range before we exited the office.

Wow this place got some pretty weird guards

“That was close. I thought we were dead for sure.”

“Let’s go before we get caught”

Now I just need to remember how we got inside the first place

Just as we opened the office door; standing there with her hand up as if she was about knock was his daughter. I’d recognize that face anywhere after all that profiling memorization during my training. My faced paled and I assumed
Akira’s as well, she had a look of confusion on her face as well a bit of shock. I would be too if I saw two strange guys coming out of my father’s office.

Sh*t this is not good

“Who are you?”


“You’re not from here are you? You’re from that clan I hear my father talking about to his men.”

My heart stopped beating, it was all over my hard work for nothing and now I’m going to die young here at this very place of my enemies.

“I’m not going to call them if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Huh? Did I hear that right?

“Yes you heard me correct.” I looked at her in disbelief.

“So you’re going to help us escape?” Akira voice broke me out of my thoughts.

“Yes.” She sounded as if it was no big deal in helping her own father’s enemies escape.

“Why would you help us?” I held my guard up glaring at her.

“Just because I’m a daughter of a yakuza leader doesn’t mean I have to act like one. So are willing to accept my help to not get caught or escape all by your selves risking of getting caught.”

“We’ll accept your help gladly.” Akira replied and I glared at him. ”What? I want to get of here alive and if she’s willing help us then let’s go for it. Because if you haven’t notice we’re wasting time just standing here.” I couldn’t really argue
with that since I want to leave this place alive and we’ve wasted a lot of time. I’ll just have put my grudges aside for now.

“Fine as of now your my ally until you get us out of here.” I tried to sound as cold as possible.

“That’s fine with me. Now that we got all this settled follow me. Oh and don’t worry about seeing any guards walking around here, they come to this area of the house once during each shift. ”

His daughter led us down the hall to an empty room that looked as if hasn’t been used in years. She knelt down on the floor than started to feel around for something. But because the lights in the room didn’t work we had one source of
light that came from the hallway but it wasn’t really helpful considering how dim it was. She had a difficult time locating whatever she was looking for.

“I finally found it. Hey could you guys help me lift this up.” She gestured us over.

We walked over to her grabbing the handle it took us a good few tugs to get it open and when we did we fell backwards flying dust everywhere.

*Cough Cough*

“Well….cough…. there’s your escape route.”

“Are you for real it’s that easy?” I stood up dusting myself off.

“Did think it was going to be like the movies.”

“Hahaha I like her.”

“Oh shut up you-.” I got interrupted before I could anything.

“Anyway this should lead you to a hideout house that’s not far from here. You don’t have to worry about being caught.”

“Thanks. Let’s get going Akira before they noticed we’re gone.” We climbed down the ladder.

“Good luck.” She smiled and waved. For some unknown reason I felt my cheeks get hot. I ignored her and kept climbing down.

When we got to the bottom the lights turned on automatically it was dim but it was enough for us to see. We walked maybe about a mile until we reached the house. It was actually in fact just an abandoned house. I knew exactly where we
were because I had hid the car not that far away from where we stood. As I drove back to the Niigaki’s I prayed that no one noticed we were gone for almost the whole night. But boy was I wrong when I saw her standing there along with
Goto-san and what’s his face.

“Oh man we’re in trouble Reiyo just look at her and Goto sempai looks like he wants to rip someone’s head off.”

“Just relax and stay calm if we just come up with some believable lie we should be fine.” I told him as I parked the car.


In Topic: niigakirisa#1 fanfic

07 April 2010 - 07:21 AM

i know havn't updated in awhile but ill get an update up soon XD
i just havn't had time to write them up and post them but when summer break comes id might start posting
again since ill have more time on my hands and i will

In Topic: niigakirisa#1 fanfic

25 December 2009 - 11:04 PM

i kinda of rushed so it didnt really turn out as well as i thought it would but since it was christmas i thought id write a FL christmas thing


Christmas Special

Christmas at Niigaki’s


“All right it’s that time of year again!” I smiled

“What makes you so sure you’re gonna get any presents Reiyo?”

“Because I always do besides no matter how many times you say you hate me you still love me brat. And I was nice to him from the beginning of this month
and I still am so I better be getting presents” My smile got bigger since she knew I was right.


“K people let’s cut the chitchat and let’s get the party started!” Yuko cheered. I only shook my head cuz the only thing she ever did at a party was drink until
she was drunk or at the same time make us drink with her.

I love Christmas well only because of the presents and the other stuff that goes with it but this year it sucked well besides being nice to the brat cuz I did that
every year just to start all over again but I had act twice as nice to Aikito only cuz if I didn’t I wouldn’t get presents.

“Come on everybody its picture time so gather up now.” Hitoshi says as he sets up the camera, as soon as his done rushes into the crowd.” Say Christmas!”



“It's time to pass out presents, I’m first since I’m the oldest and I have the highest authority over all of you so cough up the goods.”

“You’re the oldest out of the whole group.” I mumbled.

“What was that Reiyo I couldn’t quite hear you?”

“I didn’t say anything so here’s your present a bottle of sake.”

The only thing we ever give you along with some chicken breast

“Here’s your present Reiyo I hope you like it” Akira smiled and went to join everyone else by the Christmas tree.
From what I noticed there were only three people missing from the group which was me, Aikito and the brat.

Where did that girl go anyway?

I felt something blow at my ear making me jump.

“What the - !”

“Don’t you have something to give to someone?”

“I already did give mine.”

“Don’t make me unleash Yuko on you.”

“Ok ok sheesh I’ll do it. I’ll give it to your boyfriend.”

“He’s not my boyfriend you stupid jerk you’re lucky it’s the holidays.” She glared at me and walked off.

In your head he is

“Here” He stared at it.” Your gonna take it or just stare at it.”

“Uh thank you.”

As I watched him unwrap it I could tell he was trying to hide his excitement.

He must really like this thing

“How…did you know I like Final Fantasy?”

“Lucky guess, it took me a lot of trouble just to get that game of yours so be grateful.” I walked away before he could have said anything else and headed to
the kitchen but as soon as I stepped in something or should I say someone grabbed me and forced me to drink something than after that it was all blank on
the next day I woke with the worst headache ever that made me want die.


Christmas at Kamei’s

“Its Christmas yahhhh!” Saiyu yelled

“You’re a lot happier than usual at this time of year.” Jun told Saiyu

“Well Aikito’s not here so I have to be extra happy to fill in his spot.”

“Where did Aikito go?” I walked into the living along with Linlin.

“Um you’re dad sent him on a mission again so he won’t be back for some time.”Saiyu answered

“Dad sent brother out again.”

“Don’t worry about him Eri he can handle anything. By the way why do you call him brother?”

“I call him brother cuz he has that older brother feel to him.” I said

“Oh now I see.”



“Anyway when do we get to open presents?” We could tell he was getting a bit impatient.

“You don’t need to unwrap the present that I got for you guys well maybe only Linlin’s present you could.”Jun said as he looked at me and Saiyu.

“Why is that?”

Jun didn’t answer instead he left the living room than soon after he returned carrying a brown box in his hands.

“Here are your presents.” He smiled

When we looked in the box there was a small turtle and bunny.

“What is this Jun?”

“Like I said your present.”

“But there animals.”

“Well yeah I thought I’d buy them cuz they reminded me of you guys.”

“I love it Jun there cute so I’m guessing the turtles mine.” I picked it up” I’ll name you Kamei” I smiled.

“So you’re telling me the rabbits mine.”

“Yup and before you ask why its cuz when I was looking at it, it reminded me of you.”

“Well I guess I should name how about Sayumi a somewhat girlish version of my name.”

“So what you’d get me Jun.”

“I’m your gift”

“Aww you’re so sweet.” Linlin smiled

“Get a room will ya.” Saiyu said as he made some faces as he started to tease them.

“Well I guess its a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.” I smiled

“You got that right! Eri-san!” As always Saiyu is the one that agrees the strongest.



In Topic: niigakirisa#1 fanfic

06 November 2009 - 09:29 AM

sorry for not updating but
i dont think there will be one anytime soon
since i got skool n my teachers r giving us so much homework now

In Topic: Takara Bako: The mame*hime FF thread

11 October 2009 - 09:28 AM


you are so unfair leaving us with this cliff hanger