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Member Since 26 May 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2021 03:44 PM

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In Topic: [8/19] Morning Musume。'15 59th Single "Oh my wish! / Sukatto My H...

12 July 2015 - 01:31 PM

I really like Ima sugu!! It's such a refreshing, feel-good summery song.
All the girls sound great! I'm really glad that Maachan/Miki get the lead; I think their voice really fits this type of song.

In Topic: [08/10] Buono!'s 1st mini-album "partenza"

07 August 2011 - 06:46 AM

I've only listened to partenza up till Natsu Dakara but I have to say so far this mini album is pretty darn amazing. There are so many varieties of works included and vocally the girls performed wonderfully. partenza ~let's go!!!~ is delightfully different from Buono!'s past sounds and is a great and catchy way to open the album! Zassou no Uta is 100% Buono! style, which I love. I don't remember much about FrankincenseΨ to write my opinion but I'll go back and listen again :P And then.. and then.. it's My alright sky.

My alright sky.


IT. IS. SIMPLY. BEAUTIFUL. It's such a soothing and peaceful song I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I've been looping it ever since I heard it! It's nothing short of amazing, seriously. It feels as though Airi is singing from heaven. When you're feeling down, listening to this song will automatically make you feel a lot better.

Here's the yt link for everyone's convenience:

Natsu Dakara.. it still sounds pretty bland.

Edit: So I've just finished listening to the entire mini. I need to get this. No question.

In Topic: Pottermore

04 August 2011 - 06:45 AM

I got in on the first day! :wub:
StarFeather104 (:

Can't wait till the beta opens up! Pottermore sounds so epic~

In Topic: Suzuki Airi (鈴木愛理)

20 July 2011 - 01:55 PM

Aww I love this picture (: She looks so happy and adorable~

In Topic: [09/07] ℃-ute 17th single "Sekai ichi HAPPY na Onna no Ko"

20 July 2011 - 10:22 AM

There's still a chance that they'll have a different set of costumes for the MV, and I'm still clinging onto that chance. I've warmed up a bit to these colourful outfits and all but I don't see them as potential MV outfits because they're so.. colourful and big (lol, imagine what the dance shot would be like - all five girls wearing these gigantic tutus, dancing) Imo, if these are indeed the MV outfits, the MV will have to be super fun and flashy to match the dresses.