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Member Since 20 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 19 2020 05:27 AM

Topics I've Started

The Official WTF and FML Thread

16 November 2009 - 07:40 AM

I wonder if this topic would be in the right place, but here goes!

The site www.fmylife.com has become pretty popular and I think H!O should have a FML (F*** my life) section too! Also, there's also those "WTF" moments in life too, that should be included too!

1) FML story/anecdote posts MUST end with "FML" or "WTF"
2) you can comment on other's FML posts, but its HIGHLY suggested that you also share a FML moment of your own in your post too!


"I invited this guy to have a date over a cup of coffee and he rejected me by claiming that he doesn't drink coffee. I met him at Starbucks. WTF"

"I was walking to my car when I noticed that somebody keyed my car. It read, "F*** you Dan. I F***ing hate you." Who's Dan? My name is Clare. FML"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

well, now I think everyone gets the gist of it so I guess I'll start it off!!!!

Today, I reluctantly pulled out my HUMUNGO AP U.S. History Outline Packet to get started. I realized how thick the thing was and thought to myself, "Damn, this is gonna take forever." I sat down in my desk and opened the packet only to find out that.... it was also double-sided. FML

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

now please mina-san! share your everyday FML and WTF moments!!!

~Guardian Angle; Not Angel~ [AQ Fics: INDEX on 1st post] ^.^

04 August 2009 - 08:23 AM

Hello everyone~! I'm a new writer and I decided to make my own thread because I just decided today that I think I'm gonna be writing more often and I don't wanna just spam the One-Shots Thread with my one-shots. :wub: please comment here so that I know what you guys like, so that I can be a better writer~!

So far I've written lots of one-shots and I've started a fanfic now that I have more time. :huh: I also do random illustrations of random scenes from my fics~


Kamei Eri and Niigaki Risa <= scene illustration from ~Guardian Angle; Not Angel~ Ch.10
Takahashi Ai and Tanaka Reina <= a comic parody from ~Guardian Angle; Not Angel~ Ch.11

Fan Fics-

~Guardian Angle; Not Angel~ <--- featuring ALL the MM girls! In Eri's POV and centered around the Rokkies. An airhead cupid turtle, a dense depressed bunny, and a fierce yet sensitive feline. What more can you want?

Chapter 1: Dream?
Chapter 2: Reality
Chapter 3: Unfinished Business
Chapter 4: Unfashionably Late
Chapter 5: Up on a Hill
Chapter 6: Hidden Feelings
Chapter 7: Non-Reaction
Chapter 8: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 9: Man-Screaming Bananas
Chapter 10: Long Night
Chapter 11: Flood
Chapter 12: Amends
Chapter 13: On the Heal
Chapter 14: Low Highs
Chapter 15: Clear
Chapter 16: Willing
Chapter 17: It's a Start
Chapter 18: Sensitive
Chapter 19: Suppressed
Chapter 20: Ducking and Dodging
Chapter 21: Enough for Two
Chapter 22: One Half
Chapter 23: Resolve <--- NEWEST


1) ~Sing For Me?~ <--- Kamei Eri learns that you always find things in places where you didn't want to look. Please enjoy the very first piece I've ever written~

2) ~In the End~ <--- "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end yet." This is a TakaGaki angst one-shot I wrote a looong time ago. Inspired by one of my close friends, it holds a special place in my heart. Please be nice to it~

One-Shot Series-

1) ~Fake~: A three-shot now 4-shot series based on the events of a love triangle that connected itself on different planes. (thats love geometry talk for ya there) It centers around Takahashi Ai, Niigaki Risa, and Kamei Eri. In order to find a compromise, these girls have to get a reality check.

~Fake Smile~ [Eri's POV]
~Fake Truth~ [Ai's POV] (it's on THIS post~!)
~Fake Kiss~ [Risa's POV] (on this page!)
~Fake Feelings~ [Eri's and ?'s POV] (EPILOGUE)

2) ~Chatroom Chatz~: A series of little anecdotes/adventures in the chatrooms starring MM! (and possibly unexpected guest appearances from other H!P members SHHHH) Sometimes, only 2 members may be online, or maybe 4 members, or maybe... ALL of them might be online at the same time! (future chaos) Written as chat logs, these mini-stories are meant to make you smile, chuckle, or hopefully burst out laughing. Enjoy the creativity~

DING-DING! STOPPIT!!! <=(Kamei Eri and Tanaka Reina)
Jan Ken Pon <=(Takahashi Ai and JunJun)

now enjoy ~Fake Truth~ as part of the "Fake" one-shot series! It doesn't really matter what order you read them in. Thats the beauty of a one-shot series!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~Fake Truth~

[Ai POV]

I shut my notebook in front of me. Back in Fukui, I already covered this chapter so I basically just went over my old notes as this class took new ones. I glanced over at Risa across the classroom. Her neat eyebrows were crunched together and her mouth seemed to be permanently gaping as she busily wrote her notes into her notebook. I chuckled to myself. She always did have trouble in math. I remember I used to tutor her before I moved back to Fukui. Her loud expressions of confusion always made me laugh and fall in love with her more and more. I continued to look at her longingly until she suddenly looked my way and caught me staring. I immediately faced forward blushing.

As if things between her and I couldn’t get any more awkward… I left for Fukui so suddenly without any prior notice at all. We couldn’t be together anymore. Now after half a year, I come back only to find that she’s already moved on. She’s with somebody new, Eri. She moved on into the future while I was stuck in the past.


Phew! Saved by the bell. Class is over. I turned and bent over to get my bag when I caught Risa still staring at me. I gave her a shy grin. She was about to grin at me back when Eri suddenly blocked my view. My heart scrunched up. I swallowed my pain as I picked up my bag and hugged it as I sunk back into my desk. I could hear their conversation.

“Risa, can I talk to you for a bit?” I turned to look at the two of them again, but Eri’s back was partially covering my view of Risa.

“Now Eri? Umm…okay. Sure.” Risa started packing her things, but Eri grabbed her hand and stopped her. My heart throbbed again.

“Oh no you don’t need to do that. Just come with me.” Eri dragged Risa out of her desk and towards the door. I followed them with my curious eyes. Just before Eri was exiting the door, she paused and looked at me. I met her eyes. She gave me a reassuring nod and continued taking Risa down the hall.

Huh? I sat there contemplating about what Eri was trying to convey to me. That’s when I noticed that I was alone in the classroom. Everybody had already left while I was daydreaming. I hurriedly began packing my things and I put on my jacket for I might miss my bus and get caught in the on-coming rain. I was about to exit the doorway when I took one last look at the empty classroom. The only things still present were Risa and Eri’s possessions. I focused my attention on Risa’s desk. Her things were still around it: notebook still open, bag half zipped, and pencil on the floor.

I let out a sigh and slowly made my way over to her desk to pack her things for her. I know what bus she takes and its departure time is similar to mine. The thought of Risa desperately chasing a bus made me smile as I finished packing her things and set her bag neatly on her chair. I turned to leave only to accidentally catch Eri’s desk in my eyesight. I stopped grinning.

No. This is wrong. These feelings are wrong! She’s with Eri now. I shouldn’t be having these old feelings. I'm only supposed to be a friend... but every time I attempt to talk to Risa as a friend, the only thing that my mouth could remember to say was, “Remember that time when…” Then out of nowhere, Eri appears and then the atmosphere becomes uncomfortable and heavy.

I shake my head as if to dismiss the thought and shuffled myself out the classroom. My footsteps echoed alone in the deserted hallway until another pair of footsteps began joining me. They got louder and louder and by the time I turned to look… BAM! Someone slammed into my side.

My arm was able to catch myself on the wall while the other person staggered backwards. It was Eri. Just when I was about to ask if she was okay, she regained her footing and was about to continue right past me, but I caught her arm just in time. “Eri!" She turned and looked at me. Her face was tear streaked and her eyes were puffy. “Eri, what's wrong?" My face became serious.

“Ai…” I felt her arm tense up inside my grip. I leg go of her arm and she began wiping her tears away. “I’m fine really. I’m actually really happy!” She sighed me a fake smile.

I furrowed my eyebrows together. “But…those tears…” I took out my handkerchief and extended it to her.

“Tears of happiness!” She sniffed, let out an even breath, and took my handkerchief to wipe the tears that were about to drip off her face. “It’s the truth!”

I frowned. Sooooo fake. I thought to myself. Those puffy red eyes of yours tell me otherwise. “In that case, is there anything I can do for you then?”

Eri took a deep breath and she wiped both her eyes again in one whoosh motion of her arm. She looked like she had something to say to me, but she closed her mouth. There was a pause. “Actually, yes." She gulped. "There is something you can do for me…” Another pause passed by. She handed me back my handkerchief and asked me ever so softly, “Could you take care of her for me?” She gave me a sniffed grin and then ran right past me back towards the classroom.

I whipped around. “Eri?” It was too late. She was already out of my sight.

Take care of her? Is she talking about Risa? What happened? I looked back into the hallway from which Eri came from. That way leads to the rooftops. Did she brea-OMG … she couldn’t have! Risa!!! I dropped my bag on the floor and began sprinting up to the rooftops.

I burst through the door only to catch the rain pelting my face. I winced at the sting and brought my arms up as if to guard against the cold. Through squinting eyes, I could make out Risa on her knees staring blankly into the ground. She was getting soaked and she didn’t seem to care.

“Risa!” I ran over to fling my jacket around her and knelt down beside her shivering cold and wet body. “What do you think you’re doing you idiot?! You’re gonna catch a cold of death!” Risa looked up at me. Her sharp wet bangs stabbed her shocked innocent eyes.

“Ai…” She snuggled herself into my jacket and leaned onto me. “Honestly…I don’t know what I’m thinking anymore. I’m confused with myself. Eri left me…” Risa let her head drop onto my shoulder.

I brushed aside the wet hair from her face. “It’s okay Risa. You still have me right? I’m still here… I’m still…” I looked up into the rain pondering whether or not I should continue. “…still…waiting for you.” I couldn’t help, but blush at my own cliché words.

Risa dug her forehead into my shoulder. Her voice was almost a whisper. “Funny…Eri pointed that out to me just now too.” She let out a sigh. “She picked up on your feelings, while I ignored them and got lost in denial afraid to get hurt.”

“Denial? Why would you be in denial if you knew how I felt?” I looked at her in confusion.

Risa paused. From her expression, it looked like she was organizing her thoughts and then she spoke, “When you moved away, I became depressed. I was so desperate, that I locked all my feelings away and threw myself into Eri’s attention. Things settled down, but then you came back and all of a sudden everything got mixed up inside me. I could only pretend that everything could stay the same with Eri and I by telling myself that, in truth, you had already moved on.”

“Risa…” I was too stunned to say anything. Is that why she was so tense around me on my first day back two weeks ago? I thought she was mad at me! Ugh, I didn’t think about Risa’s feelings at all! I only thought about my own problems, but Risa’s problems were much bigger than mine. She had Eri’s feelings to consider on top of her own. To make matters worse, all along I had thought she had moved on, but that was the truth only I had made based on no evidence whatsoever, and yet here she is digging her forehead into my shoulder just like she used to.

“I can’t sort anything out Ai.” I felt Risa’s eyelashes brush against my skin as she shut her eyes. “I’m not sure of anything right now. I can’t tell what’s real and I can’t tell what’s fake…”

Instinctively, my cheek nuzzled against the side of Risa’s forehead. The streaks of rain poured down from my face onto hers. “I’m sorry that my return triggered all this confusion, but if there’s only one that you need to know, it’s the fact that I can assure you, my feelings for you are real. I still love you Risa.”

With that said, I don’t know whether it was from the rain or from Risa’s eyes, but I felt tiny droplets of water trickle down onto my shoulder and slowly roll down my arm.

Both Risa and I realized that these past two weeks since my return had driven us into a reality where we convinced ourselves that we couldn’t have each other. That was the truth that we had both come to stemming from our own poor assumptions.

Reality hit us hard. Reality knocked us out of our fool’s paradise and made us realize that it doesn’t have to be this way.

These assumptions, these truths that we created to keep us in denial…

It was fake.
