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Member Since 21 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active Mar 19 2013 03:33 AM

Topics I've Started

Grey's Anatomy

07 October 2006 - 03:50 AM

Who else follows and loves this show? I'm a compleate addict. :blush I bought the 1st and 2nd season DVDs and forced my friend to watch the first three episodes ('Cause My friend+Japanese Music=not good.) and even she really liked it. :D Each character is so light, yet so deep at the same time. And not only that, but the plot line is just so interesting that it'll pull you in quickly.

So discuss! :D Episode 3 of the 3rd season aired last night (October 5th).

Best Anti-Virus?

25 October 2005 - 11:19 PM

Since I've noticed people have been getting some viruses, I wanted to ask what everyone thinks is the best anti-virus program?