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Member Since 16 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2010 09:12 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What is your best joke?

16 March 2008 - 08:54 PM

"I see" said the blind man peeing into the wind...

"It's all coming back to me now."

In Topic: whats you fav old school anime

16 March 2008 - 08:52 PM

Kimegure Orange Road

In Topic: STD H!O Podcast Thread

26 February 2008 - 12:02 AM

Some tips for would-be hosts...

1) Organize your information.

I find it best to type up outlines of what I want to discuss. Doing so keeps you on topic for each segment, prevents you from wandering too much topically and provides a structure for the show.

2) Organize the segments of your show logically.

Organizing your show's segments so that information is provided in an order that makes sense (with the tastiest of segments saved for the end so people are more likely to listen all the way through). This is especially important if you tend to produce segments which refer to other segments in the dialogue.

3) Music is an addition, not a staple.

At least not for talk oriented shows like I prefer to make. For those developing more music oriented podcasts this rule is obviously to be disregarded. ;-)

4) Provide reasons for people to interact online.

Refer to the H!O community several times throughout the podcast without necessarily referencing specific members. You could also use this rule to provide contests and the like... (The first three who name the correct daughter-band and member performing this solo will get mention during the next episode of your show).


Just some ideas to throw out to help you add more content, time and structure to your productions.

Remember: If you ever have any questions about production or recording stuff... you're always welcome to PM me. I'm not on here as often as I'd like given work, but a PM dispatches an email to me and I can usually answer within a few hours. Forums take perusing and reading that requires more of my time.

I hope to hear from you all, and I can't wait for more shows to be produced! :-D

In Topic: flame of recca

07 February 2008 - 07:32 PM

There was a Flame of Recca collectible Card Game set too. I have a bunch of them. The show was good. The manga was loooooonng, but good as well.

In Topic: STD H!O Podcast Thread

04 February 2008 - 07:27 PM

I have been dead for the past week and a half or so with the worst case of Influenza I have ever had.

Now that I am back, I will be testing some upload stuff this evening and will report back on my success or failure at that time.


If anyone has questions about how to create podcasts and the handling of recording, post production (encoding & splicing) or nuances in vocal intonation for radio style shows... please feel free to ask me directly via PM.

I hope to work on tutorials for these things as our processes become more solidified.

[ --- ]


While the upload of the 13.1MB episode of Hello!Weekly I had produced took roughly 35 minutes to upload, the process was completed via a web-form using AJAX code that ran in the background updating a progress bar.

I give the process one thumbs-up for being simple once you get to the correct page. It was a bit backwards getting to the upload page though, and it took me a bit to get to the right spot.