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The Incredible He-Hulk

Member Since 07 Feb 2007
Offline Last Active May 05 2014 10:15 PM

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In Topic: Sudou Maasa (須藤茉麻)

02 February 2010 - 10:40 PM

How many of us can honestly say that they've never sat and stared at those lips for 20 minutes? :lol:

I can.

In Topic: Sudou Maasa (須藤茉麻)

31 January 2010 - 12:36 PM

...the concert is at Namba Hatch in Osaka. Has anyone been there? I never have and the map on the website makes it seem kind of small.

That's a pretty darn cool venue, so it's a good place to see a show. It's basically like a large club/small concert hall. The amount of people it holds depends on the stage layout, but the absolute most you could squeeze into the building would be like 1500 people, so it will feel a little smaller than most of the shows you see on H!P concert DVD's which are held in slightly larger halls than this

In Topic: Tanaka Reina (田中れいな)

17 January 2010 - 05:38 AM

“Act” is just the right word to use. You see this happen less in modern H!P because there are so few shuffle groups, and things, but every idol group carries it's own personality and it's requirements for how the girls are to present themselves. High King is supposed to be sexy and sultry, so the girls all act that way, even Captain, who never acts any other way but cute and goofy otherwise. :D
Reina in High King is no more or less “Reina” than Reina in Morning Musume. Each is partially Reina and partially the requirements of her role as idol. Everyone is kind of just debating how Reina should “act,” not how Reina actually should be, since none of us really know how she really is. As I said, what you see from an idol is partially her, but it's also the gimmicks and personality traits she's discovered “work” for her over the years. You can't just tell Reina to stop being cute now, it would be like telling telling Johnny Knoxville to stop getting hit in the genitals. :lol: Sure, it's not as funny as it used to be, but that doesn't mean him trying to do something else will work any better. It might work a lot worse. The track record for idols that stopped acting cute is not a good one.

In Topic: Sudou Maasa (須藤茉麻)

16 January 2010 - 04:27 PM

^ sorry mate.. but me thinks it will all be cut out.. wouldn't want a wota rebellion would we?

Speak for yourself. :lol: I very much want a wota rebellion. I've been advocating one for several years. Posted Image
If Maasa panty-shots in a movie is what it takes to spark it, well then it will just go down as the idol equivalent of Archduke Ferdinand's assasination. :good:

In Topic: Sudou Maasa (須藤茉麻)

16 January 2010 - 06:25 AM

Newest Volume's Cover:
Posted Image

Does anyone else think Maasa might need to increase her range a bit to, umm, fill-out this role, so to speak...? :rolleyes:

This makes me wonder, though, does this novel feature a bunch of light ecchi elements? We might get more Maasa than we bargined for.