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Member Since 22 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2021 11:35 AM

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H!P Translation thread

22 May 2017 - 11:07 AM

It looks like there are quite a few dedicated translators scattered all over H!O, but they can't be present in all threads to translate everything for every H!P member. I'm usually in Maachan's thread and figured it might be a good idea to have a general thread where people can post translation requests.


So if there's anything that needs translation, be it a short video, a magazine article, a blog post, song lyrics, or a summary of a 2ch thread etc., post it here. I will translate it for you whenever I'm free. If any other translators want to chime in, feel free to. We can also correct each other's translations since no one is perfect.


But please understand that a very big request like a whole DVD magazine either won't be accepted at all or will take a very long time.


Let's get this started.