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Member Since 17 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 23 2023 05:09 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: H!O Tracker closure let's talk about alternatives.

25 May 2016 - 09:42 PM

I think someone (probably Krusha) should poll the major uploaders. They should be the ones who decide where we move.

In Topic: H!O Tracker closure let's talk about alternatives.

25 May 2016 - 09:32 PM

Okay so guess anonymity won't be such a concern. Still without categories things can get very cluttered but my main concern is that torrents die so fast on nyaa usually.

In Topic: H!O Tracker closure let's talk about alternatives.

25 May 2016 - 09:25 PM

I'm not sure a completely public tracker is a good idea. There are uploaders who need to remain anonymous mainly from Japan and we can't allow to lose them. JPS should be the primary replacement until we can figure out how to move on IMO.


Not to mention torrents die way too fast on public trackers.

In Topic: Questions about Uploading

25 May 2016 - 04:09 PM

Someone needs to pick up where Haku left off otherwise we lose the main uploaders and we are done for.

In Topic: Japanese Language General Thread

30 March 2011 - 12:07 PM

Saki: ハートもボールも がっちりキャッチ
Trans: She can capture your heart and can catch a ball (the Japanese use "catch" for both but I don't think that works out in English)

Momo-chan: こがらだがうんどうしんけいはバツグン
Kanji: 小がらだが運動神経はバツグン
Trans: She may be small but she's excellent at sports

Chinami: ちょっとてんねんボケかも
Kanji: ちょっと天然ボケかも
Trans: Maybe she's an airhead

Maasa: こうみえてまけずぎらいなの
Kanji: こう見えて負けずぎらいなの
Trans: It may not look like it but she hates to lose

Risako: ちょっとのんびりやさんかも…
Kanji: ちょっとのんびり屋さんかも…
Trans: Maybe she's a bit too laid-back

Yurina: せがたかいのがなやみのタネ…
Kanji: 背が高いのが悩みのタネ…
Trans: The cause of her worries is her height

Miyabi: ちょっとひとみしりかも…
Kanji: ちょっと人見知りかも…
Trans: Might be a little shy…