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Member Since 06 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2017 08:04 PM

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In Topic: Kudo Haruka (工藤遥)

23 November 2017 - 08:04 PM

The opening is so beautiful!



In Topic: Kudo Haruka (工藤遥)

26 September 2017 - 09:46 PM

That's a good idea DuuForLife! It would amazing if her last MV got a million views.  <3 
Sadly I'm too emotional to watch Wakaindashi so many times. First time? Cried. Second time? Cried even harder.  :c18: 

Speaking of Duu, I stopped posted here last year so I never got the opportunity to express how hard her graduation announcement shook me.
I ended up selling most of my Duu goods out of heartbreak (dramatic, huh) and spent the rest of the week sulking around the house.
So, yeah, I'm not ready at all. I just know her actual graduation concert is going to rip my heart out.  :(

True, i actually never watch it, just wait 5 seconds and refresh lmao, or just listen to it, but really, i would love Waikainashi getting millions of views


26 September 2017 - 06:22 PM

after the last announcement in the official page, i feel like as idols, they might me graduating soon, they're old enough, and after all, they're still idols.

In Topic: Kudo Haruka (工藤遥)

26 September 2017 - 05:01 PM

The Wakaindashi MV is already on 251k views, i would love if reached 1M before the week or so, but i know it's really difficult, but i've been refreshing it since it came out, so please join me to get Duu's last MV to be one of the most viewed Momusu videos!  <3 :king:

  1. Refresh the page after 10 secs.  
  2. Open as many pages as you can
  3. Refresh NOT replay



In Topic: Kudo Haruka (工藤遥)

23 September 2017 - 09:26 PM

Can we get Wakaindashi! to 100,000 views before monday? i would love to see duu's last MV being super popular, im refreshing it since it came out <3