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Member Since 02 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 31 2019 04:48 AM

Topics I've Started


20 October 2016 - 09:57 AM

I don't imagine there to be a lot of gamers in this forum, but it's definitely worth it to ask.


Any Overwatch players out here?

Would like to possibly play with you all or just talk about the game in general!



What is Overwatch?

Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. It was released in May 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Overwatch puts players into two teams of six, with each player selecting one of several pre-defined hero characters with unique movement, attributes, and skills; these heroes are divided into four classes: Offense, Defense, Tank and Support. Players on a team work together to secure and defend control points on a map and/or escort a payload across the map in a limited amount of time. Players gain cosmetic rewards that do not affect gameplay, such as character skins and victory poses, as they continue to play in matches. The game was launched with casual play, while Blizzard added competitive ranked play about a month after launch. Blizzard states that all Overwatch updates will remain free, with the only additional cost to players being microtransactions to earn additional cosmetic rewards.
Source: Wikipedia
To start off our discussion...
Which heroes are your favorite to play?
I personally subscribe to Mei is bae. Other heroes I enjoy (from offense to support) are Pharah, Reaper, Junkrat, Reinhardt, DVa, Zarya, Zenyatta, Lucio, and Mercy. I'm absolutely terrible with Hanzo, Widowmaker, and McCree. BUT enough about me, what about you guys? :D

5-word Story Game

13 April 2016 - 10:34 AM

Alright y'all! This game's really simple, and yet CRAZY FUN and REALLY CREATIVE. Somewhat like shiritori, but somewhat not. Anyhow, let me explain.

Goal of the Game:
To make the greatest collaborative novel in the history of Hello! Online. So great that we can win a Guinness record with it!

1. Every post must be 5 words long. I'm not a grammar nazi so yes, let's count "a, of, at, in, etc" to make this simple.
2. You can't double post. I won't count it. The next person shouldn't count it either.
3. You don't have to write the previous person's response to add your response. (i.e. don't do "In a land far away, there was a bald eagle"). Only 5 words per post!
4. Nothing sexually explicit or inappropriate yo. Let's not make the novel Rated R.
5. Be creative and have fun! Yes, add in your favorite H!P member or favorite fictional food if you want.

How to Play:
Person 1: In a land far away
Person 2: there was a bald eagle
Person 3: perched on top of a
Person 4: house. The old lady came
Person 5: and died. So then another
.......and so on

For comments put them below your 5-word response. For suggestions to add to the game, direct message me.

FIRST PERSON TO PLAY, START HERE! Continue the red words.
In a land far away, 



*Under the spoiler tag is the full story (edited for a bit of punctuation). Will keep updating it when I see new replies. If this gets too long, I'll turn to a google docs link*


^Okay so Gandalf should be in court now after being sued for giving OJS48/JKR48 bunions. And now the group went back to Japan and is now produced by Eminem and Kanye West. Wtf guys.   XD

Childhood Dream Job/Current Job

02 November 2015 - 02:48 AM

A thread about everyone's occupations! Or future occupations and aspirations if you aren't employed yet. Nothing serious, just a thread to get to know what jobs and future jobs the fandom is doing or aiming for. I think it's somewhat interesting to see how either different or similar we all are in terms of what we want to be when we grow up. And to see where everyone's journeys are at the moment. Looking forward to see those replies!


There are two things that are an absolute must to be mentioned (if you haven't already):

Your childhood dream and your current job or career you're currently pursuing

Otherwise, you can contribute to the discussion!


I mentioned before that I wanted to somehow gather all these responses and attempt to make a graphical representation of it. So here it is! So far, I had a limited sample of about 30 people who have responded, all of which I used for the chart --- up until (AZN)animeguy. Spoiler tags above the charts contain information on how I subdivided everyone. It isn't perfect, but it was the best I could do.


First of, the Childhood dream chart. Lots of Arts & Music people, and a fair number of STEM people. I actually was expecting there to be more for education but I guess not. The ones who mentioned being in the army or a police officer were also pleasant surprise. 





Secondly, a chart of everyone's current situation! There's slightly more STEM people now compared to the previous chart. A new section, business, also opened up. Interesting how, when we're little, we don't really think about opening up our own business. Slight 1-person boost for education as well.





As for me...
When I was young, I wanted to be an Astronaut since I loved space so much. But then later on, I started liking computers. So currently I'm 21, and am studying at a University to become a Software Engineer. I still love space and astrophysics though, so I want to somehow be involved with aerospace software. One of my professors is doing research about galaxies using computer simulators so I'm hoping I can get into that.

Also, women are kind of sparse in this area. At one point I was the only female in a class of 20. So for the undecided women, definitely give Computer Science a try. It's sooo fun and flexible. Technically you can be involved in every single industry that uses software. So far I've been involved in games, graphics, animation, and app development.

How about you guys?