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Member Since 24 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2016 02:10 AM

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In Topic: 16 H!P fans-only quizzes

04 November 2004 - 04:32 PM

1)When did you become a H!P fan?
Over 1 year after getting some live preformances videos by WinMX.

2)How did you become a H!P fan?
Through BT, I've stuck to H!P, especially MM.

3)Why you love H!P?
It gives me a feeling of a 'warm' family made by the charmful girls.

4)In your opinion, what's the best way to show your love for H!P?
The only way for me is to buy DVDs and CDs.

5)Who's your fave H!P member?And why?
konkon! Her voice matches her looks.

6)What H!P unit is your favorite?And why?
Morning Musume, because it's the 1s unit I know in H!P before recognising others.

7)Who is your fave solo H!P artist?And why?
Maki, cos I love the song 'Sayonara no LOVE SONG' very much.

8)Your Fave H!P song(or single or album)?And why?
Do it! NOW. This is the 1st H!P live performance I saw and I was really enjoyed by the beautiful faces, costume and the dance.

9)Had you ever met H!P memeber(s) in person?(not including public performance such as concerts or musical)

10)If you could meet your fave H!P member(s), what would you do?
Say "arigatou" because their performance really entertains.

11)Had you ever go to H!P concert(s)? If you had, what concert did you attend?

12)What H!P products do you buy most often?
CD's, DVD's.

13)What's your most-valuable H!P treasure?
Videos of their live performance shown TV, because I can't buy.

14)How did you get H!P vids and music?
trackers, amazon.

15)Had you ever dreamed about H!P member(s) in your dream?

16)Leave your message for H!P:
Thanks Tunku !