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Member Since 08 Mar 2011
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Posts I've Made

In Topic: Kamei Eri (亀井絵里)

05 September 2021 - 06:16 AM

Omg congratulations Kame! That's such heart warming news to hear. Love that for them.

In Topic: Kamei Eri (亀井絵里)

12 March 2020 - 05:12 AM

Me too, it’s the only reason I still check on this site from time to time

In Topic: Sayashi Riho (鞘師里保)

31 March 2019 - 01:59 PM

Riho's voice is more of a thick, powerful voice so it's definitely not a typical idol vocal. I enjoyed it but definitely not for everyone. With that said, she probably shouldn't have attempted that high note at 123. Maybe she can hit it in the studio but while dancing and moving around the stage, it becomes a lot more difficult. Still that's Riho for you, no holding back in terms of effort.

Wow I said this exact thing lol!! So true, that note is really a toughy to hit w/ all that extra dancing & moving around. But I also enjoyed the effort

In Topic: Kago Ai (加護亜依)

30 March 2019 - 07:36 AM

IM GONNA BUST INTO TEARS FROM JOY !!! Who would’ve thought.... wow!! This is all so surreal!!!

In Topic: Which MM member is going to graduate soon?

05 March 2019 - 12:24 AM

I’m guessing on Mizuki or Sakura lol (the two that seem pretty solid.) Idk why but for some reason they were the ones that popped in my head so I’m going with it! XD