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Member Since 30 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2017 02:17 PM

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In Topic: What are some of your H!P Unpopular Opinions?

07 August 2017 - 02:21 PM

^...what on Earth are you talking about? Throwing words like "sexist" and "racist" like that...
You're comparing Japan to S.Korea to "the West" in such a weird way.
Did you know that regardless of their origins,people have the right to dislike (over use of) plastic surgery .-. ? Let's say I love Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna and whoever you want. Does it mean that I want my idols looking like them? Does it mean that I want Fuku-chan with NickiMinaj's body?... hell no. Your last point makes no sense. The reasons we love International stars are not the same reasons we love idols/H!P girls. Also, don't say "every single Western country entertainment relies on looks and PS". Looks ? Sure. PS? No. That's just wrong.
As far as I'm concerned, I like my idols rough and ready. Eyelids tape, make-up, braces and different hairstyles should be enough tbh.
Btw, Wotas tend to prefer the "pure, Japanese" look (*coughs* Riho*coughs* Sayumi*coughs*). This and chara are more than enough to be popular.
Finally, what's the point of using a picture of Gomaki? That was like ERAS ago...


I may have used racist the wrong way but it very much is sexist.

I'm comparing Japan and S Korea cause its very much talked about on Asian pop forums in general. I mean look at english youtube comments on jpop videos and you will see that jpop fans going for kpop idols looks while kpop fans go after "crappy music".

You can dislike plastic surgery of course FOR YOURSELF, imo you shouldn't judge it on other people due to the fact that its their bodies.

2/4 people you've named has had surgery, only one has a super obvious one. And Beyonce and Rihanna are considered one of the most beautiful women in the world so idk where you're going with this "you don't want your idols looking like them" but I'm not gonna go any deeper with that.



Fuku-chan doesn't care what you want. If she wants to have surgery, I'd be surprised but thats her thing, not yours. Would you get mad if she dyed her hair blonde too? Would you get mad if H!P put non East Asian foreigners in Morning Musume and they're not as "pure" as you want them? You seen to have an intense description on how you want your idols to be.


I used Gocchin because even though its years ago, jpop fans still dont believe that idols alter their face or do non idol-like things ever (smoking, curse, hook up).  Theres a lot to criticize kpop about, what their female idols did to their faces isn't one of them. 

In Topic: What are some of your H!P Unpopular Opinions?

07 August 2017 - 12:03 PM


There was a confession on HP confessions recently about plastic surgery. Honestly, I always thought i-j idol fans (idk if real wotas think this way too) generalizing female kpop idols as "fake plastic whores" is very much sexist and maybe racist. idk about Japan but theres a lot of pressure in general to be perfect looking in Korea, especially to women. Like legit no one would of made it with looks like Meimi Tamura, its part of their business. Plastic surgery with kpop isn't as drastic as jpop fans think (most have had probably eyelids and nose fixing. Jaw shaving at the most), and yet they still use looks to drag kpop. 


idk I guess I don't get why PS is so demonized in the INTERNATIONAL fandom when every single Western country entertainment industry relies on looks and plastic surgery.

In Topic: What are some of your H!P Unpopular Opinions?

20 June 2017 - 08:17 AM


I know this is old and everyone has graduated now but I feel like Morning Musume, as a group and vocally, couldn't pull off Shabondama. I believe the lineup had nice voices, but for a song that has so much power in it and only like 1 or 2 people had strong enough voices to pull it off. Listening to it again without any bias, the song was just full of flat voices and unnecessary growling (Ai did it the best in the last chorus) , which again could be okay for bubblegum pop songs, just not that song.


I say this is an unpopular opinion cause people are really die hard for that song.

I mean even 2013 MM couldnt pull off.


It really is a song for a group with many good singers



I didn't mention 2013 MM. I don't think any era really could "pull it off". I guess cause I wasn't a fan during that time I don't have this special feeling towards it.




I know this is old and everyone has graduated now but I feel like Morning Musume, as a group and vocally, couldn't pull off Shabondama. I believe the lineup had nice voices, but for a song that has so much power in it and only like 1 or 2 people had strong enough voices to pull it off. Listening to it again without any bias, the song was just full of flat voices and unnecessary growling (Ai did it the best in the last chorus) , which again could be okay for bubblegum pop songs, just not that song.


I say this is an unpopular opinion cause people are really die hard for that song.

I mean even 2013 MM couldnt pull off.


It really is a song for a group with many good singers



I totally agree with this, they don't have the contrast between the grit and smooth quite down



The the smooth down was okay, the "grit" is what I'm talking about though. Only 1 or 2 people sound good at that part, rest were flat or relied on growling.

I would of liked the song more if it was another group more focused on vocals.

In Topic: What are some of your H!P Unpopular Opinions?

20 June 2017 - 01:22 AM

I know this is old and everyone has graduated now but I feel like Morning Musume, as a group and vocally, couldn't pull off Shabondama. I believe the lineup had nice voices, but for a song that has so much power in it and only like 1 or 2 people had strong enough voices to pull it off. Listening to it again without any bias, the song was just full of flat voices and unnecessary growling (Ai did it the best in the last chorus) , which again could be okay for bubblegum pop songs, just not that song.


I say this is an unpopular opinion cause people are really die hard for that song.


06 April 2017 - 01:50 AM

Does anyone know when a general time when Morning Musume or H!P goes on tour in the Fall? I'm considering doing a study abroad program in Japan just to go to an H!P concert kidding!

But I do really want to go to one.