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Anarchangelic attempts fanfiction

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#21 Glasseyelashes


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Posted 25 July 2011 - 05:08 AM

oh my gosh!!! i literally said "uh oh!" when the lights went out at the restaurant. i can usually figure stories out by now, but i'm so stumped with this one! i do feel like that little girl is up to no good though. she's probably some 1,000 year old monster disguised as an innocent-looking little girl.

#22 oddball


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Posted 25 July 2011 - 09:54 AM

lights going out always leads to things like this happening, why? Why did the lights have to go out? :GGRR:

and this Kage 'girl' there is definatly something not quite right about her I feel, more so than Sayu just being suspicious of her because she was around at the tinme of her first 'dream' she is involved in this in some way I am sure of it!

Seems as though both Sayu and Yuki are relived in a way to see that they have had similar experinces as it shows that perhaps it's not them going mad, I wonder now if they might be able to figure out quite what it is that is happening and how to stop it, if they can get out of thier current prediciment of course....

#23 anarchangelic


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Posted 26 July 2011 - 06:40 AM

I'm glad you guys are still liking this.

Awakenings section 8

The form began to gather more substance, and Sayu was expecting a wolf, or maybe a raven. Soon the mass of the smoke suggested something larger. Sayumi's brain didn't have time to decide whether this was a more or less frightening prospect, as very quickly the mist filled in to reveal a man, sitting there beside Yuki.

He was dressed in a black robe, with some type of hood pulled up and over his head. He appeared to be bald, and Sayumi realized then that he also had no eyebrows, and no hint of hair anywhere else on his face.

At first she thought they were simply the last things which were going to materialize, but when they didn't, she understood the truth of it; he had no eyes! The sockets were empty, vacant spaces where the smoke still resided, swirling pools of black mist against his ultra-white skin. He appeared to be a Western foreigner of some type, but the skin was not just Caucasian (no matter how northern he came from), it was true white. Albino? Was that the word?

“Get out now.”

And like that, all the tension released from their muscles, and both Yuki and Sayu involuntarily banged their legs into the table as the delayed impulses kicked in with unbalanced counter-force. The sharp pain caused them both to squeeze their eyes shut for a moment, and when Yuki turned to look, there was nobody sitting beside her.

“Sayumi, what do we do?” Yuki's eyes were already filling with uncontrollable tears, and Sayu was not far behind. She looked around her; nobody else seemed to be reacting in a strange way. They were all going on as if nothing had happened. Even though the words had been in English, Sayumi had completely understood them.

“Let's go. Now!” Sayumi said, using the urgency and power of her tone as a method to not let the fear overtake her.

Yuki and Sayu both grabbed their bags and got up from the table. They made for the entrance. After a few paces, Sayu realized they had already ordered food, and really should pay for it even if their weren't going to eat it.

She opened her bag to fetch her purse, and Yuki and her both instinctively dropped to the floor, covering their heads with their arms, as a loud noise followed by shattered glass flew in their direction.

Their ears were ringing from the sound, and they looked up towards it to see the front end of a car sticking through the wall! It had crashed right into the building . . . and essentially demolished the table they had been sitting at!

Everyone else in the restaurant either reacted with subdued terror or silent shock. After a few moments, a middle-aged man finally got up and approached the car. He tried to open the driver door, but it appeared to be wedged shut. He peered closely into the windows, and then turned back towards everyone else who was watching in silence.

“There is no one in there,” he said, with a confused expression.

And then everyone was clutching their ears, as a sharp and loud sound seemed to be coming from everywhere. The volume of the sound seemed to be rising, and Sayu realized it was a sound she was familiar with. The tone was now fluctuating between a sort of piercing shriek, and a wailing siren.

“What the hell is that?” asked the same man, shouting at the top of his lungs to be heard.

Sayumi didn't want to take her hands off her ears, but she reached into her bag to get her phone. She was right; the sound was coming from her phone! But it was impossibly loud. There was no way the phone had the power to make such a noise.

The man who had asked about the noise rushed over to her and grabbed the phone from her hand. He tried in vain to turn it off somehow, but the phone wasn't even on. In a fit of rage he threw the phone to the ground, and it smashed apart.

. . . At least the sound has stopped.

“What the hell was that?” he shouted, his voice now unnecessarily loud. Sayumi didn't know what to say, and Yuki was pretty much crying at this point, holding onto Sayu's arm with both hands.

The man took a few obvious sniffs of the air . . . “Gasoline! It must be leaking. Everyone out!”

And so everyone hastily evacuated the building, some finally being shocked out of their stupor by the man's command. One of the waitresses could be overheard phoning in the emergency on her cell phone as they exited.

Yuki tugged on Sayu's arm. “Let's go, Sayumi,” she pleaded.

“But shouldn't we wait and talk to the police and stuff. I think we may have no choice but to tell somebody else what's happening to us now.”

“Maybe we should, but I don't want to stay anywhere near here any longer.”

Some people were scouring the street, but there was no indication of any accident. There were some cars which had stopped, but it appeared they had only done so upon seeing the wreckage. There didn't seem to be anybody suspicious around; no one hurt, or running away or anything. So who had driven the car? How had it crashed? Everyone was occupied either on their phones or peering at the wreckage from a distance.

“Okay, let's go quickly then,” Sayu said in a whisper, and Yuki and her proceeded to slink away down the back street. “We should discuss this with Momo too before we do anything.”


Sayu realized that she hadn't had the chance to tell Yuki about Momoko yet, but before she could explain, Yuki had apparently brushed that aside in favour of a more pressing concern.

“Sayumi, what did you see beside me?”

“It was a man in a black robe. With no eyes.”

“I saw him in my dream!”

“So . . . is he helping us?”

“I think so.”

Both of them jumped as a new sound broke the conversation. There was a moments of worried fear, and they both glanced at each other in silence. Then Yuki reached into her bag and grabbed her phone.

There was no display. In fact, the phone didn't even appear to be on. Yuki hit the button anyways, and brought the phone to her ear. Sayu was pressed up against her so she could hear as well.

“Hello?” Yuki said tentatively.

“Don't. Move. No matter what.” It was the same voice from in the restaurant!

The ground started shaking, violently. At least that's what it seemed, but quickly they realized that they were not being thrown off balance. It was more like the image of everything around them was shaking. Their perception of the space around them was shifting, and vibrating.

“Don't move!” Yuki said, both to reinforce her own will, and in case Sayu hadn't heard (or understood the English) through the phone.

The imagery around them now began to fade, as if a mist was starting to obscure everything, and at the same time it was still shifting in all directions. It was now imperceptible; a dim, chaotic jumble of unaligned roads, buildings, and signs.

They were rooted in place, both by command and fear. Their surroundings became darker and darker, until all that seemed to be around them was a swirling black mist.

#24 Glasseyelashes


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Posted 26 July 2011 - 06:51 AM

well crap! just when i thought i had this story figured out, you go and confuse me more! >< but it's so good! so interesting.

#25 anarchangelic


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Posted 27 July 2011 - 09:13 AM

Awakenings section 9

Momoko knew something was wrong right away. She supposed it was possible that everyone had left the room while she was listening to music on her earphones, but even absorbed in the music, she was pretty sure that she would have noticed at least some of them leaving. So when she turned in her chair, expecting to see all her group-mates (not to mention various managers and staff), the completely empty dressing room was more than a simple shock; she immediately assumed that something unnatural was happening.

Did I fall asleep? Even though this looked like exactly where she should be, she wasn't going to be tricked again.

She was a little afraid at this point, but maybe it was more like anxiety. Just what should I do now? If this is another dream, should I sit here and see what happens, and react accordingly; or should I take a more active role, maybe try to contact Sayumi?

She grabbed for her phone . . . but it was no good. This further confirmed that it was another dream, the phone useless as before.

So what then? Should I really just go outside and try to find Sayumi? I don't even know where she might be. She could be at home, but assuming there are no other people around just like the last time, I can't exactly hop on a train or get a taxi. I'm not going to just walk there without even knowing if she's there. And besides, do I really want to go out onto the street again?

She ran over to the door to the hall, discovered that it indeed had a lock, so she closed the door and fastened it. Not that I can really be sure that would stop anything, and for all I know, the furniture in here is what I have to be worried about.

She looked around the room, eyeing everything, trying to mentally prepare herself in advance for any suspicious movement.

But the movement didn't come from anything in here, rather she heard a shuffling set of footsteps just outside the door. She frantically looked around, fear mounting, but there really was nowhere to hide. Sure, she could go under the table, but that would only provide cover if whatever it was out there only looked from the doorway and didn't actually come inside.

Her heart skipped a beat or two when the knock hit the door. A triple rap, with steady pace and average strength behind it. Her instinct to answer almost overrode her silence, and Momo clamped a hand over her mouth as backup.

“I know you are in there.” The voice was nearly monotone, not frightening in any way, but not exactly calming either. The voice was male, and it continued, “I am here to help you . . .”

Momo was conflicted, and so remained silent, also realizing now that he was speaking in English, yet somehow she understood perfectly.

“Surely you realize that the lock on this door would not hold a man with any significant strength for very long, and I assure you I possess such strength. I would prefer however, that you let me in of your own accord. Surely our dialogue can begin much easier that way . . .”

“Okay . . . I'm coming.” Her heart was racing, and there was no way that she could be sure of his good intentions, but he was right about the door, wasn't he? Whether he was friend or foe, it was better not to antagonize him. And so she stepped up to the door and unlocked it, taking a quick step back after.

She was barely out of the way when the door flew open, and she gasped at the sight before her. The man was in a floor-length black robe, with only his hairless, bleach-white face showing. The real shock was the absence of his eyes. Only swirling mists occupied the sockets.

“My appearance may be strange to you, yet let that pass quickly, for we have not time to waste.”

“Who are you?”

“There are things I can tell you, but you must trust to follow me now. I will explain as we go, if I can.” At no point did his tone reflect the haste he was suggesting, but Momoko had no reason to not believe him, after all.

“Okay.” It seemed as if he had already begun to turn before she had spoken, and Momo fell in line behind, matching his brisk pace down the hall. “Where are we going?”

“For now, simply to ground floor, and then outside. The elevators will not work, so we must take the stairs.”

“Okay, but who are you?”

He abruptly turned around and faced her, and Momo froze. “Give me your phone,” he said, arm reaching out.

“Okay,” Momo said, only realizing now that she had indeed been holding on to it the whole time. She handed it over, not understanding why he would want it. “It doesn't work though.”

“Not the way you would use it,” he began, turning back around and entering the stairwell, “but there is a connection in the Overworld, and I can make use of that to form a link here.”

As they started down the flights of stairs, Momo thought she heard a faint ringing sound, but she hadn't seen him press any buttons or anything. He wasn't even holding the phone up to his ear. After several “rings”, the sound stopped.

“Damn. That link is broken.” Even this had no emotion behind it, though it was clearly not what he had wanted. “It will take more of my energy to establish the next one.”

Momo thought she heard the faint ringing sound again. They were now about halfway down the building from where they had been.

“So . . . can you tell me who you are now?” She didn't want to break his concentration, but she couldn't just stay silent on the subject any longer.

“I am someone who can help you. A counterpart to the adversary who haunts you.”

“Why is this happening to us?”

“Your fate is lamentable. Simply put, you three are now caught in an ongoing war that truly has nothing to do with you. At least not in the physical sense of responsibility. On a psychological level, you hold great sway, and this adversary knows that an attack on you will divide the attention of his true enemy. Any resources his enemy spends on protecting you three, such as myself, will weaken his ability to fight other battles.”

“I don't understand. Who are these people? How can they do these things?”

“Quiet for a moment.”

“Hello?” The voice was tentative, and Momo couldn't tell where it had come from. But the robed man answered back.

“Don't. Move. No matter what.” They had hit the ground floor as he said this, and he handed the phone back to Momo.

“Who was that?”

“The others are in danger. They could remain where they are and ride out this rewind, but I believe the time has come to make an aggressive counterattack, and I need your help to be able to rescue them effectively.”

“Me? What can I do?”

He led her outside, and they were standing on a barren street. And that's when Momo heard the cracking sound at her feet!

“Trust me. Do not fear the transformation. Do not resist.”

The man seemed to disappear for a fraction of a moment, only to return holding a giant katana in one hand. For some reason, even thought the ground was quaking underneath her, Momo had the urge to look up. Above was a giant black raven, which seemed to be dive-bombing straight for her!

The man in the robe leaped into the air, slightly higher than seemed possible, and swung the massive sword in an effortless arc. The raven changed its angle at the last possible second, barely avoiding the blow.

A fissure opened beneath Momo's feet, and she fell in part way, as she had before. The change began instantly, and it proceeded much faster this time. She could feel the hardening of her skin and muscles, and even though she felt a small bit of pain, she willed herself to give in to this transformation, to embrace it even.

The bird kept trying to attack her unmoving form, but no matter what flying feat it performed to get a new angle, there was inevitably a sword slash to deflect it.

She could now see the change in her skin, its similarity to bark. And there now appeared to be tiny flowers blossoming in various places. She could feel that she was rooted to the Earth somehow, that the power to affect this change was flowing from within the planet itself.

Momo felt that she was almost complete, whatever this was, and the raven came in for another attack from a high angle. It was coming at a tremendous speed this time.

The man was already in place to block the attack, but in that instant, a writhing tentacle of some sort broke through the cement, and quickly wrapped itself around the man, pinning his arms. He had not dropped the sword, and still had a bit of wrist control, but it was not enough to properly counter the speed of the bird, which hadn't been going after Momo this time after all.

Momo gave out an anguished cry when the ravens beak pierced right into the mans neck. It had come in like a missile, with no hesitation. The tip of the beak was actually coming out the other side of his neck, and blood was pouring out. The raven was scratching at his face now with its talons, seemingly unable to dislodge itself.

The man was able to get one hand free from the grip of the vine, and grabbed the bird by the head. He squeezed, and bones and cartilage cracked, the popping noises quickly changing to the wet and sticky sound of various fluids oozing out of the bird. The lifeless carcass was now hanging from the man's neck, and he continued to struggle for full freedom, which only caused more blood to gush from his wound.

And then Momo felt the ability to move return to her, and on instinct, she raised her arm, which was now essentially a thick branch, although it somehow remained fluid and responsive. Then, as if other parts of her (or was she feeling something else connected to her?) were lending their material to her arm, it quickly grew outwards, until Momo was able to wrap it around the vine which held the man. She tugged with all her might, and it was just enough to loosen its grip.

In a flash, the tentacle was sliced in half with an upward swing of his sword. The severed half of it hit the ground, and the root collapsed back into the hole it had sprung from.

The man collapsed too, barely able to prop himself up on his elbows as he lay there, sword still in hand. He raised his head to face Momo, and his words came out in a gargle.

“I fear I have done all I can. I fear . . . I will perish for now. You must find them. They are somewhere . . . west of here. The adversary's minions have at least been slain . . . yet a shadow of him yet remains in the Overworld. I . . . know not what form . . . he has taken. A . . . reflection . . . of something. The attack he attempted on your friends was too unaligned with his reality of your circumstance, and thus its failure means he will not abide this . . . version of time. He will rewind this version . . . and the longer he has, the more he will solidify his inherency. If you can find them quickly . . . and find him quickly . . . he will be defenseless. If quick enough, he will still be near the scene of the attack. You must . . . kill . . . him. I'm . . . sorry.”

“No, don't be sorry,” Momo began, only now realizing that she had been so absorbed in what he had been saying that she had not noticed the tears that had been streaming. Her voice cracked under the despair, making the gratitude hard to express. “You fought with everything you had, and I owe you my life . . . so thank you.”

And with that, he collapsed, lifeless. But Momo would swear that she had glimpsed a smile forming right at the end.

She wanted to just break down and flat out cry, but she owed it to him, and her friends, to remain strong. It seemed wrong to just leave him here, but he had told her to go as quickly as possible. She didn't even have hands right now; couldn't even remove the awful bird from his neck.

She resolved herself, and started walking west, praying for some indication of where Sayu (and whomever this other person the man had spoken to) may be.

#26 oddball


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Posted 27 July 2011 - 11:03 AM

So the girls are cught up in some sort of war!?!? And in some way they are important to one side of this stuggle, enough for the otherside to kill them???

So it seems as though Momo is the one who will need to find Sayu and Yuki quickly to save them, again... and then to kill whoever is doing this to them before he attempts to change what has happened?

... so confusing yet so brilliant!

#27 anarchangelic


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Posted 28 July 2011 - 03:02 AM

Awakenings section 10

To Sayu and Yuki, it seemed they had been standing still in this darkness for days. But that couldn't possibly be true, right? They tried their best not to move, but they were getting very tired.

After the first few minutes had elapsed, they had hesitantly started talking to each other. The voice hadn't said anything about staying silent, right? They hoped they would be okay, and there was no way they could have just stayed there in silence for longer anyway.

So the first thing they had done was finish the tales they had tried to tell in the restaurant. Yuki finished her retelling of her dream, explaining how she had witnessed a man in a black robe who was fighting against a wolf using a large sword.

They had come out of a building, battling the whole way. They each scored hits on each other, and blood was being spilled. Their battle took them into a back street, and at that moment Yuki had seen Sayu emerge from the same building.

Yuki had wanted to run to her, but that would have meant coming out from around the corner she was hiding behind, thus exposing herself (and possibly Sayu as well) to the two battling entities, She had almost decided to go for it anyways, when Sayu had begun to run off, apparently to follow a strange sound that Yuki could barely make out in the distance.

Yuki had then focused her attention back on the fight, just in time to see the man deliver a fatal blow to the wolf, nearly slicing it in half. It lay there, twitching in its blood, and after a few moments, the man began to approach her, as if he had known she was there all along.

Yuki knew that he knew she was there, so she resigned herself, and slowly came out of her hiding space. Just as he got close enough for her to see that he had no eyes, she had awoken.

Sayu was so relieved to know that the wolf was dead, and wondered just who this mysterious man was.

Yuki had then proceeded to tell Sayumi about the the incident with the raven and the owl. Hearing of the bird's death had brought a tear to Sayu's eyes, and she explained to Yuki how the owl had apparently helped her earlier, relating both that experience, and the dream from her perspective.

So Yuki now knew that Tsuganaga Momoko-san was a part of this, as she had not seen her in the dream, the same as neither of them had seen Yuki. She had then finished by explaining that she'd actually had another dream, involving a mist-filled cavern, culminating in a meeting with a man indeed made of mist.

Both girls came to the conclusion that this was their enemy; the villain who plagued them. But why? What had they done to him? And how could they hope to survive these supernatural attacks much longer, even with the help of the strange man with no eyes?

So as time continued to pass, they began to talk about other mundane things. It was a way to stay sane. They also tried Yuki's phone every now and then, but it never worked.

Even with all that was going on, Sayumi couldn't help but give some thought to how annoyed she was that her phone had been destroyed. But she certainly couldn't blame the guy who had done it; everyone had been ready to implode from the sound at that point.

Time continued to pass . . .

“Yuki, did you just hear that?”

“Yeah. Just barely.”

There had been a slight sound in the darkness, impossible to pinpoint or identify. Both girls tried to concentrate on their hearing . . .

There it was again! But what was it?

“Does it sort of sound like a cracking noise?” Yuki said.

“You're right!” Sayu responded, eyes lighting up. She drew in her breath and yelled outwards with all she had, “Momo!”

There was no way for her to even guess how long she had been walking for, trudging through the concrete like some monster, vacant streets only adding to the sense of timelessness. And it's not as if she'd been everywhere in Tokyo, but she was pretty sure that this was not her city. It was off somehow. The general orientation of any major landmarks seemed to be correct, but the actual layout of streets and buildings seemed to be a little different from the way she though they should be in certain places.

She was finally beginning to despair a little, when she heard it. It was distant, and hard to make out, so she stopped her crushing through the road to be able to hear better . . . and there it was again.

. . . “Momo!”

Her spirit instantly revived to max, and she honed in on the direction of the noise, trying to move carefully to make a little less noise, so she could navigate using the sound.

. . . “Momo!” There were two voices now, sometimes shouting in unison, sometimes separate. After getting a little closer, Momo could be sure that one was Sayumi's. The other she didn't quite recognize.

Momo stopped for a moment, and readied a cry of her own, but what came out was more of a guttural growl than anything a human female would make. The sound shocked her, and she tested her voice at a lower volume. She found that she could only manage to speak clearly if she kept the volume lower; as soon as she tried to raise it higher, it inevitably took on some unnatural tone.

She imagined what exactly her vocal chords actually were right now, nestled as they were within a semi-hollow tree trunk. She also realized that no one was calling anymore, and she was afraid that her strange growl might have scared them into silence. No, please keep calling out!

She continued walking in the direction she had last heard the voices, and several moments later, was relieved when she again heard her name being called.

Finally, she saw them, and the relief was infinite. Is that . . . Kashiwagi Yuki? They were sort of looking in her direction, but not directly at her.

“Sayumi, I'm here!” Both girls turned their gazes slightly, and they were clearly aligned with Momo's.

“Momo, where are you?”

“Ehhh? I'm right in front of you! I'm the 'tree' again!”

“I can't see you! Yuki, can you see anything?”

“No. It's still all black mist to me.”

Momo didn't understand what they were talking about, and by now she was only several metres away from them. “Okay. Well I can see both of you just fine. You're standing on the street right in front of me.”

“We can't even see any streets or anything,” Sayu said, and Yuki finished with, “It's all darkness.”

“Okay. I'm going to try something. Don't get freaked out, it will probably feel strange.” Momo reached out with her “branches”, wrapping one around an arm of each girl, at the wrist. They both flinched a bit at the touch.

“Is that you?” asked Sayu.

“Yes. Don't worry.” But now, what should I do? Just as Momo finished thinking this however, she felt some sort of transfer, emanating from her. The others clearly felt it too, and were startled.

“What is that?” asked Yuki.

“I don't know for sure, but I think we have to just trust it.”

Sayu and Yuki both tried to relax, and concentrate on the strange feeling. Momo now felt as if she were more a conduit than a source of this power, and the energy was increasing in waves.

Sayu felt as if her heart was going to burst, but Yuki was a little more used to this, as the sensation was similar to when she had locked gazes with the owl.

The sensation increased over time, and finally Sayu thought she could take no more, her nerves humming, head thrown back in something akin to . . . ecstasy? And then . . . she was sitting down, gazing across a table at Yuki.

They were in the restaurant! They could see everything! People were around them again, and all normal sounds were present.

In wordless unison they both jumped up from the table and ran away from it, startling a few other customers. They both ran to the entrance and looked back at the table.

“Is something wrong?” It was their waitress, who had obviously noticed their odd haste. Neither of them really knew how to respond, and they just continued to stare at the table.

The seconds passed, with the waitress (and a couple other customers) dumbfounded . . . but nothing happened. Nothing crashed through the wall.

Yuki and Sayu turned to look at each other . . . and nearly jumped out of their skins at the sound of Sayu's phone ringing. But the ring tone was normal.

Sayu finally turned to the waitress. “Sorry, it's . . . nothing.” The waitress have a short “okay” and returned to other matters, and Sayu reached into her bag to answer her phone.


“It's me, Sayu.”

“Momo, what happened?” Sayu brought her face right up to Yuki's so she would be able to hear.

“I'm back where I used to be. Is it the same for you two?”

“Yes. I guess so . . . but does that mean all this stuff was just another dream?”

“I don't think so. That's not what he told me.”


“It was a man in a robe with no eyes.”

“We saw him too!”

“He said it really happened, but that somehow it was going to get rewound because the attack was too contrary to reality or something.”

“What does that mean?”

“I don't know for sure. I'm trying to understand everything he said.”

“Do you know where he is now?”

Their frantic back-and-forth pace was finally broken, as Momo paused for a bit before replying.

“I'm afraid he is dead now.”

“No,” Yuki moaned, “He can't be.”

“I'm sorry, but he was killed when he was helping me. But listen, all the things he said to me, I can explain to you later, but for right now it's important that you hear this. He said that all the minions are dead, so I don't think we have to worry about wolves, ravens, or killer vines . . . I hope. But . . . he said that a shadow of the adversary still remains here, and that we will have to kill him if we are going to be safe.”

Something was clicking into place in Sayu's head, but Yuki spoke first.

“Momoko, where would he be, and how can we beat him?”

“The man said that as long as we are quick enough, he should still be around the scene of the attack on you, and he should be defenceless. But he also said that he didn't know what form he was in so . . .”

“Wait, Momo. What did you say at the start again?” It was Sayumi interjecting, with high inquisitive tension in her voice.

“Umm . . . he said that the minions are dead, but the adversary isn't.”

“No, what was his actually wording?”

“He said . . . that a shadow yet remains in the Overworld.”

That clinched it for Sayumi. “I know who he is!”

“Really? Well then find him fast! I better go now. Good luck Sayu! Good luck Yuki! Please be safe! I . . . I love you!”

She realized how strange it had sounded, and she hadn't meant it in “that” way; it had just seemed the right thing to say, had blurted out of its own volition.

“Thank you Momo. I love you too,” Sayu responded.

“Thank you, Momo,” added Yuki.

“Okay, go get him.” And with that, Momo reluctantly hung up, knowing that it was up to them now.

She had been talking in the bathroom. I'd better get back to the dressing room now; everyone else is expecting me. It was so hard to just get on with normal things knowing that they were not out of danger yet, but there was no more for Momo to do right now.

She could only hope and pray for their success.

#28 Glasseyelashes


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Posted 28 July 2011 - 07:43 AM

somehow, i don't think this "him" is male. i feel like the last bad guy is that little girl.

#29 oddball


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Posted 28 July 2011 - 04:50 PM

So Momo saved that day right? well at least for the moment anyway, hmm I too fear that this little girl has more to her than meets the eye!

#30 anarchangelic


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Posted 29 July 2011 - 12:57 AM

Thanks for any of the compliments throughout this, guys! I have gone into "the mode" this last week to get these parts out quick, to not leave you hanging any longer. Especially since I will be travelling next month, so wanted it to be done before I get too side-tracked. And thus . . .

Awakenings concludes

Sayu and Yuki left the restaurant with purpose. They had quickly payed for their food, giving a vague excuse for why they had to leave.

“Yuki, we should split up. You go that way, and check all the side street, and I'll go this way. You're looking for a little girl.”

Yuki's eyes widened in surprise, and she didn't know what to say.

“She's probably about ten, and has short black hair. Now go!”

They separated, and began jogging down the street in opposite directions. They were frantically peering into store windows, looking down side streets, neither of them sure exactly how far to check in any direction. It was all guesswork . . . until finally Sayumi heard her name being shouted.

She ran back up the side street she had been checking, and spotted Yuki waving her over. Sayumi ran, not caring that some people were obviously noticing both of their behavior. They probably just think we are playing a game or something.

She caught up to Yuki, who was pointing down a side street, taking a position behind Sayu as she started forward.

“I saw her, I think,” Yuki whispered.

And then so did Sayu.

Kage was sitting down against the side wall of a building, her head tucked into her knees, looking down.

“ . . . Kage?”

The girl looked up, face full of tears, her complexion seemingly too pale.

“Sayumi! Can you help me get home? I feel sick.”

There was so much innocence in her voice, but this charade was over.

“I know who you are, Kage. You're whoever, or whatever Yuki saw in the cave. You're the one who's attacking us!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don't bother! You should have picked a different name. Maybe then I wouldn't have realized so quickly.”

There was a few moments of silence, and then Kage's face changed from innocent charade to a hardened look of anger. And the voice that emerged next, was not that of a little girl, but one that Yuki indeed recognized.

“Ah, but you see . . . there are rules to appellations that even I must follow.”

“It's him!” Yuki blurted, involuntarily cowering a bit more behind Sayu. “What do we do?”

“Yes, you worthless creatures. What will you do? Leave now, or I will destroy you.”

Kage rose to her feet, and both Sayu and Yuki stepped back a few paces. The eyes . . . were frightening. This deep and dangerous voice coming from this cute form was too . . . unsettling. But Sayu was not going to give in to fear or uncertainty.

There may only be one way to end this, and she was going to put her faith in what Momo had said the man had said.

Sayu rushed forward and grabbed Kage by the arms. She wrestled her to the ground in a flurry.

“Help me, Yuki!”

And Yuki was there, grabbing at Kage's flailing legs, using her own weight to pin them down.

“How dare you! You will die!” the voice boomed, but Sayu knew now that it was an act. In this form right now, this adversary had no more to offer strength wise than a ten year old girl, and an apparently sickly one at that.

“Please don't hurt me.” It was again the innocent voice of a young girl, pleading.

Yuki almost got up, for the scene was just too horrible for her brain to process, even though she knew the truth. She fought against the urge, tried to block out the imagery of Kage the little girl. She replaced it with the image of a dangerous raven, squirming to get loose. “What do we do now?” she asked of Sayu.

To Sayu, it was now a deadly wolf in front of her, ready to lunge at her if given the chance. She steeled herself for what she had to do.

Sayumi quickly moved her hands from pinning down Kage's arms . . . and latched them onto her throat. She squeezed, pressing her thumbs into her flesh.

Kage gasped and brought her hands up to grab at Sayu's, but Yuki reached over and did her best to keep them down. There were disgusting gurgling sounds coming from within Kage's mouth now, mingled with desperate attempts to cry out for mercy in both voices.

Sayu did not let herself give in to the sounds or the imagery, and pressed harder as she felt the muscular resistance begin to lessen. She kept her hands tight as the spit from Kage's mouth ran down over them.

A few moments later . . . it was done. There was no sound coming from the body. No movement. Sayu left her hands in place a few more seconds, finally removing them slowly. The sight of saliva all over her hands, coupled with the tongue grotesquely hanging out of Kage's mouth, nearly made her puke.

Yuki reached over and hugged her tightly.

“Thank you, Sayu. I never could have done it. You're . . . so strong, in many ways.”

Sayu returned the hug with equal intensity, and now that the heat of the moment had passed, began to sob into Yuki's shoulder. It didn't take long for Yuki to follow suit.

Time passed as they held each other.

“What's wrong?” The sound startled them, and they both looked up quickly, to see the concerned face of an elderly man looking down at them.

Sayu turned towards Kage . . . but she was gone. Yuki looked over, and thought she could barley make out a faint trace of smoke, but only for a moment. Yuki and Sayu turned to face each other, and slowly, smiles came to both of them, and they had to laugh a little at how they must have looked, kneeling together here on the street sobbing. Finally Yuki decided to respond.

“We are all right. Thank you for your concern. We were just talking about some things that made us sad. But we're okay.” She rose up as she said this, holding sayu's hand to pull her up too.

“Okay, girls. I'm only sorry that you have anything to be that sad about. You should be happy young girls,” he said with a smile, trying to match their upturning mood.

“You're right!” began Sayu, “It's all in the past now, so we'll do our best to forget about tit and move on.”

“That's the best attitude,” he said. “Well I'll be going then.”

“Thank you again!” they both said, and he turned with a wave, and began to walk away.

Sayumi pulled out her phone and dialed.


“Momo, we did it! We're both okay, and the shadow is dead!”


Momo hadn't been able to talk long on the phone, but when she was free later that night, all three girls met up. They chose to go to a park this time, (unconsciously?) avoiding a restaurant.

They congratulated each other on getting through this experience. Momo tried her best to relay everything the robed man had told her, and heard Yuki's side of events for the first time.

The girls tried their best to piece together what they could, in an effort to find the most clarity and understanding, but obviously much of exactly how and why this had happened was simply out of their grasp.

They had to hope that the eyeless man had been right; that there would be no more attacks now.

Their emotions were running so high. Their feelings for each other were compounded and solidified by these shared experiences. They'd witnessed each other in situations that most others never would. They'd shared pain, fear, and anguish, and now held on to the affection which had been strengthened by it.

No matter how each of them chose to go on with their life from here, there would always be an undeniable connection between them that would never be forgotten.

They eventually parted reluctantly, all going to their respective homes. It would be a while before they could fully feel normal again. These events would always be in the corner of their minds.

They all went to sleep that night, knowing that this was the final day of their first life as it were. Everything would seem different from now on, in a multitude of ways they couldn't even really envision just yet. These events would impose a reflection in everything they did.

Their dream began in perfect darkness. They realized their consciousness, but had no perception of their physical bodies.

Soon . . . they all just knew somehow, that the others were there too. They could not see anything, nor speak, nor move; yet they could sense each other's presence.

They could also sense the presence of another . . .

“Well done, girls.” The voice was everywhere.

“I can not but be impressed with your will. Of course, your victory, as it were, owes much to the will of another. Yet you are due some credit. In retrospect . . . if I had actually succeeded in killing one of you outright, I can now see that it probably would have backfired on me. Your death would likely have had an effect on my enemy which is contrary to my aims. I would have preferred if our battles had lasted longer, but I must admit that I did not expect how much he would be willing to sacrifice to keep you safe.”

If any of the girls had the urge to respond to this, they were still unable to speak. So they continued to listen, hoping to learn more.

“Surely you all want to know just who I, and this other whom I fight, are. Yet to reveal such to you would only invite more power to him. For you to ever have knowledge of him, or worse yet, actually acknowledge him, would truly diminish me. I tell you all this much out of respect. It is ironic that a part of me now understands your influence over him, albeit from a perspective that is surely uncommon to his wakespace. But I still despise it. Depending on how the battle with my enemy goes in the future, there may again come a time when an assault on you, or possibly others close to you, will again become necessary . . . or permitted. So enjoy your peace while you have it, for it may not last forever . . .”

#31 Glasseyelashes


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Posted 29 July 2011 - 08:44 AM

i knew it! the little girl was a bad guy! as evil as she was, she sure was easy to kill!

awesome story! i was so drawn in! i loved every minute of it!

#32 oddball


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Posted 29 July 2011 - 04:46 PM

Man so in the end they were able to defeat Kage! I say defeat rather than kill because I belive 'it' may well find it's way back to these girls some day..... :GGRR:

good story though! :good:

#33 anarchangelic


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Posted 01 August 2011 - 09:04 AM

To everyone who read this story, I hope you enjoyed it. As much as certain things were brought to a conclusion, obviously there are reasonings which were left unanswered, or only hinted at. For now I left it this way because this story is actually part of a much larger plot arc involving many other factors. At some point, I may decide to pick up where Awakenings left off, and continue from this angle. The title itself implies a beginning of sorts, with more to come, but I'm not sure where the continuation will appear. Technically, this story will be a part of the second book of a trilogy that I am writing, however it will appear there from a slightly different perspective. The first book of this trilogy is complete and I am working on the second now.

#34 cornyflakes


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 11:30 AM

That was a great read, it was really interesting and it has Sayu in it! Lol

I'm gonna have to give your other story a read!

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#35 anarchangelic


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Posted 27 November 2015 - 12:26 AM

Well, to anyone who may have read and liked this story in the past and still remember it, an updated version does now officially exist within my second novel. Please ferer to the topic titled READ THIS within the fan fiction section to get all the info.

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