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Morning Death

[NMB48] Apparently ex-member Shinohara Kanna revealed that graduated NMB48 members who don't continue their careers under Yoshimoto after graduation are unable to continue their careers for 2 years because of a contractual clause. http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/nakedgals-nmb48nandemo/imgs/c/9/c9aa1116.jpg
Mar 02 2014 06:25 PM
  • Morning Death's Photo
    Morning Death
    The girls with their hunger to enter entertainment biz and without having anything on hands they may easily sign and held under such a contract. Plus a lot of these girls with their age may not even be mature enough to make a decision. Of course, I bet parents may be the ones who sign as guardians but they nothing but respond to the girls present desires, those that do allow them to become idols. @Krush, girls not only may find themselves being under...
    Mar 03 2014 01:38 AM
  • Morning Death's Photo
    Morning Death
    ...a company that doesn't have what interests them for a career, what you perfectly bring forth, but may also find themselves under a company that doesn't have interest to promote them, possibly making girls sit on their asses doing nothing. I read some conjectures about AKB girls also having facing this clause, but I am not sure, I mean, we have had our share of AKB girls changing companies. Maybe it is AKS being more generous, or not having this clause, or...
    Mar 03 2014 01:38 AM
  • Morning Death's Photo
    Morning Death
    ... maybe yielding without reserve to more powerful companies.

    @True: It must be double seitansai fest for Jurina, which is great for her and for us who care about her. hmm, both Jurina and Rena owe us a lot of theater action.
    Mar 03 2014 01:38 AM