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Morning Death

[SKE48] Kaotan drops her love story before entering SKE during MC and talks about a past boyfriend she had during high school. All was cut in the final version of the LOD. Fan comments go from "Kaotan breaks new ground in idol world" and "Anything goes with Kaotan." But then during the evening performance at theater Kaotan apologized for bringing the subject.
Mar 01 2014 04:49 PM
  • Morning Death's Photo
    Morning Death
    [AKB48] Takamina, ancient songstress of past Egyptian mythology?


    [NMB48/SKE48] I was browsing an SKE48 matome when I suddenly saw a post on one of Miyuki G+ updates. I felt something strange, I stopped for a moment trying to figure out what was wrong, and then it finally hit me: OMFG, Milky is a Team S member! o.O I finally felt what was done in GR. o.O War has changed.
    Mar 01 2014 04:49 PM