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its kind of weird finding out a member is totally a jerk but then seeing everyone else in the fandom call them the nicest person ever or oh so cool.... i guess i shouldnt say anything?
Oct 08 2014 11:28 PM
  • Moondoggie's Photo
    Well the majority are often quite cliquey anyway so should be avoided. I mostly avoid whole threads at times because a small group take it over and push everyone else out. A lot of people use multiple sites and forums anyway it's not like this place is the only place to go just the biggest.

    Honestly a lot of people here don't like people they like free stuff
    Oct 09 2014 01:00 PM
  • ☆れいな☆'s Photo
    Very true, I've noticed that. I don't partake in this fandom much outside of H!O and Tumblr. FB groups are too cliquey for me, and idk, just not my thing. I found a couple of the FB fans to be snobby when I interacted with them in the stores and stuff. This particular fan is on here, and on FB, so I don't know if he's on JH!P or not.

    +1 that statement, ain't that the truth.
    Oct 09 2014 01:15 PM
  • Lurkette's Photo
    'Kay but now I just want to know more. I'm in agony.
    But it's your business. I'm sorry someone hurt your experience, though, because that's not cool.
    Oct 10 2014 05:25 AM