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why do people hate seishun collection? idk i always see it and it sounds fine to me
Jan 09 2021 07:59 PM
  • Ikki's Photo
    From what I remember from being in the fandom at the time, a lot of people didn't like the costumes being so cheap looking/made the girls look like mid-aged women and that most of the girls were sporting the same colored hair. I also remember some people kicking up a fuss because the music video looked cheap because it was shot outside.
    Jan 10 2021 07:41 PM
  • Ikki's Photo
    For why people didn't like the song itself, most of it was because most fans at the time wanted something different from the music that the platinum era was churning out. However, we received another song that had a string section just like the majority of the platinum era songs. But most of the dislike for the song was for the music video and outfits than anything else.
    Jan 10 2021 07:44 PM
  • Lurkette's Photo
    Little did anyone know we wouldn't get another outside PV for another 6 years. Look what you did.
    Jan 10 2021 08:42 PM