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So many tweets about terrorism. What happened hours ago is nothing that can be linked to what happened in Europe. It is one of the most dangeroous places to be in when it comes to Sweden. The gunman probably just hated the guy he shot, hence the wittnesses saying they saw an argument. I am not surprised this happened, but a shooting in the mall was a bit odd.
Jul 26 2016 07:37 PM
  • JennyInTokyo's Photo
    What happened?
    Jul 26 2016 10:25 PM
  • Fluffis's Photo
    Just another day in RosengÄrd, another day another gunshot. Like I suspeced no one cares, well of the Swedes but a lot of Spanish news sites were tweeting about it, some being dumb enough to link it to terror. It is bad that it heppened in a mall but this the biggest ghetto we have and it is not like these thing have not happened before and will continue to happen again.
    Jul 27 2016 08:50 AM