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  • anhh's Photo
    The thing I dislike about that article is how it points almost everybody as guilty (only lacking the fans and society itself) but is incapable or coward enough to point who “should we burn” in all this.
    Feb 16 2012 07:32 AM
  • Moondoggie's Photo
    It's interesting to read and the whole covering up has been going on for years with idols but in this case she had nothing to do with it anyway except being the Daughter of the accused so naming her in some places was just trying to get readers. Some magazines also seem to have it in for idols and can't wait for one of them to slip up so they can report it. I guess those are the ones who threw her name out too.
    Feb 16 2012 12:07 PM
  • NightOfFire’21's Photo
    AkiP has lots of influences and media power, so it's not really surprising, the AKB girls that were caught recently with boys were noticed by fans, not the media. They're pretty much protected by it while the other groups have to be very careful since they'll be bashed with all their might if any scandal arises.
    Isn't really fair, but that's how things are...
    Feb 16 2012 03:04 PM