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Yestereday Julian Assange was arrested because he was expelled from the embassy of my country, and there's plans of taking away his ecuadorian nacionality and to arrest those those who gave it to him in first place. And you know, the public response here is generally positive.
Apr 12 2019 07:05 PM
  • ajma93632's Photo
    He's a really hated man in my country becuase he was living the good life at the expense of the whole ecuadorian state. And there's the rumor he took part in the suspicios rise of Lenin Moreno in the elections for president. The fact that Rafael Correa is protesting and tried to pretect him so much makes me think that there's something we don't know and for that reason I can't feel sympathy for him. I hope for him to be fairly judged as any person, but as an ecuadorian per...
    Apr 13 2019 07:11 AM
  • Lurkette's Photo
    He apparently cost the Ecuadorian government several million dollars to host AND he tried to sue them for asking him to pay for his own internet and take care of his cat. I'd want him out, too.
    Apr 14 2019 02:46 AM