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Why do I have the strangest feeling now that Beyooooonds will add new members almost immediately after their debut single?
May 05 2019 01:49 PM
  • megumibex's Photo
    I hope they don't because the units are so neat right now: a 5nin, a 4nin and a 3nin. Maybe if one of the girls leave? or they could add a 2nin and a soloist lol.
    May 05 2019 04:25 PM
  • Fall's Photo
    That would definitely make for an interesting dynamic if it was a banner under H!P with actual slots to be filled. Then any time a graduation is announced, it guarantees a simultaneous debut so that older members joining could be more common. That might seem at odds to the blob/amoeba thing they were pushing though.
    May 05 2019 04:54 PM
  • megumibex's Photo
    I hope they are gonna do something like that. It seemed like ANGERME was going for something like that for a little while, but then they broke it :(
    May 05 2019 05:33 PM