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Ichioka is 19 now. Will she get an actual H!P group or will the group debut under UF at this point? I mean even when they had a major debut after a few months Icchan would still be 25 for their 5th anni already!
Feb 22 2018 01:08 AM
  • Laharle's Photo
    I mean it'd be surprising to see her in JJ after 25. 25 is already pretty amazing to reach. I think the same issue Ich mentions with Ichioka also came up when JJ debuted.
    Feb 22 2018 04:17 AM
  • IchVermisseDenSommer's Photo
    I'm not sure about 25 still being a thing 2 years from now. They were ready to let C-ute go into a break and still return as an idol group afterwards as one of the options they were given instead of breaking up. Tsubakis general age is also rather high for a group thst will celebrate its 1st major debut anni in a few days. 20 still seems really high for an idol to debut.
    Feb 22 2018 12:38 PM
  • SailorKame's Photo
    it is insane how long they've put this new group on hold... I really want to think that they had no intention of creating a new group but they screwed up and now they have to actually go through with one.
    Feb 22 2018 05:46 PM