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Isn't it funny how there always *has* to be someone who immediately feels the need to go over to the Unpopular Opinions thread to post about how they don't care at all about the member that just announced their graduation? ...but maybe I shouldn't be surprised with people being as venomous as they are nowadays.
Apr 30 2017 10:17 AM
  • MusubuDantotsu's Photo
    You shouldn't be surprised, because that specific thread is quite toxic...
    Apr 30 2017 02:03 PM
  • Moondoggie's Photo
    What's even more funny is people are always willing to give them the attention they crave. They same few faces tend to post constantly on these threads the same people also are involved in the tumblr drama and making those "confessions" things. They don't go to the concerts or buy any idol stuff so why care what they think about an idol?
    Apr 30 2017 03:59 PM