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[TW/Suicide] Major yikes on the conspiracy theories surrounding Miura's "apparent suicide", but it's likely to be true because of the shady practices I've seen in Japan
Oct 24 2020 07:55 AM
  • tadase's Photo
    context: Some are spreading theories that Amuse overworked and gaslighted Miura to the point that he was forced to re-sign with the agency, because he found out that only 10% of their charity funds were being sent to the proper orgs. 90% are kept by the top heads, apparently
    Oct 24 2020 08:00 AM
  • Lurkette's Photo
    There are conspiracies surrounding all premature celebrity deaths, especially suicides. That does not mean there is any evidence to support those theories, and oftentimes they are distasteful and undermine the reality and severity of mental illness.
    Oct 24 2020 02:07 PM