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Stanning Maria is such a struggle because I love her but she is so, so boring on social media. She tries, but it's all basically advertisements and niceties.
Jun 20 2019 04:30 PM
  • YellowAccel's Photo
    Considering we're talking about a MM's member, the staff probably tell her what she have to write and give her barely any freedom.
    Jun 20 2019 05:49 PM
  • Lurkette's Photo
    Not true. I've translated several member blogs over the years and while they all have to promote one thing or another, there's a pretty wide variance in content and time between different members. Maria just so happens to come out on the most artificial side of things.
    Jun 20 2019 08:56 PM
  • Lurkette's Photo
    *Tone, not time. But yeah, Maro's blog was really personal and insightful, Nonaka's was detailed and funny. Sayumi probably had the closest tone to Maria, which makes sense, but it's still not any fun to read.
    Jun 20 2019 08:59 PM