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If anyone is considering a long-distance relationship or is wondering if it is possible for it to completely work. I'm here to tell you from personal experience that it can work, but also that it never doesn't suck.
Aug 20 2014 03:14 AM
  • Moondoggie's Photo
    Long distance relationships are hard work and way more prone to failure. Tried a couple in my life and both pretty much ended up the same way of "Well i met this guy and he lives close to me and you live far away so i hardly get to see you so i think we should end this" I think for it to work both parties need to be mature and want it to work and also have some sort of a plan where you do end up being close together eventually. Distance can only be sustained so long I've noticed.
    Aug 20 2014 12:58 PM
  • NightOfFire’21's Photo
    It's possible (I am in one relationship like that myself), but you HAVE to physically meet the person, and you have to get together in the same place eventually
    Aug 20 2014 02:34 PM