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Lol might as well rename fairies 'Itou Momoka with Super Monkeys' at this point
Aug 25 2016 02:26 AM
  • the rose garden's Photo
    the rose garden
    It's been like that from day one, though :p And Namie and MAX are their senpai so it fits!
    Aug 25 2016 07:04 AM
  • Mixi's Photo
    Hello, this is the company that manages (managed) w-inds., DA PUMP and SUPER MONKEY'S. Momoka is their new Namie (but Fairies simply aren't that popular enough). I think only MAX is kind of fair.
    Aug 25 2016 01:53 PM
  • sillykitty's Photo
    I know she has always dominated but I think their earlier songs had a lot of unison and duet lines so you didn't notice it as much. I hadn't been properly following them in a while and the crossroad no mics thing gave me a bit of a shock.
    MAX are my absolute 90s faves and when they debuted I thought fairies could be my 2010s equivalent. Didn't mean it quite so literally though haha
    Aug 25 2016 03:31 PM