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[translation] Niigaki Risa BLT Interview

Posted by kurikaesu.haru, in interview 05 June 2012 · 2757 views

Niigaki Risa Ikuta Erina Sayashi Riho Iikubo Haruna Kudo Haruka Morning Musume interview translation BLT Magazine
Here's a translation of BLT Magazine's interview with Niigaki Risa right before her graduation concert at the Nippon Budokan. She is joined in the second half by Ikuta, Sayashi, Iikubo, and Kudo. Notes in parentheses are in the original article and those in brackets are my own clarifications.

Thanks to whoever scanned and shared it~

As always, corrections are welcome :) Enjoy~


May 18, 2012----Nippon Budokan covered in yellow-green, Morning Musume graduate Niigaki Risa. She was able to convey to the members and fans thoughts and feelings so great that they can't be measured using only her record longest enrollment of 10 years and 9 months. In addition, with Mitsui Aika's graduation and the announcement of recruitment for 11th generation members, now is the time to pay close attention to Morning Musume, which is going full-speed ahead into a new era!

Niigaki Risa Graduation Special
Just Before Nippon Budokan! Last Talk with Gaki-san
"Right now, I just want to enjoy being in Musume with all my heart!"

This magazine hit Gaki-san with an exclusive interview right before the Budokan performance. The many words that began to pour out were all wonderful memories, and although she was filled with hope......!?

From Musume's Gaki-san to an actress! Looking back on 10 years and 9 months!!

--I have a ton of questions to ask (laughs), so let's get to them right away! Looking back, what kind of leader was Gaki-san?

Niigaki: You want me to talk about it myself~!? Hmm, how was I...Well, I think I was a nagging and fussy leader. Ai-chan wasn't the type to say things to people bluntly, so I was kinda like that ever since I was the subleader. If I had to, I'd say that I said less after becoming the leader. Up until then, I'd say something as soon as I notice it, but [after becoming leader] I tried not to say anything. Then Mitsui and Tanakacchi would notice and they'd point it out [to the member]. I was able to see everyone's growth.

--That's the power of Morning Musume's history, isn't it?

Niigaki: Aside from me, everyone was born in the Heisei era (laughs), so it's not just about performances. If Ikuta doesn't eat her vegetables, I'd be like, "Why aren't you eating them!" Or when she says she has a headache, I'm like, "Hurry up and take some medicine. It's probably because you don't eat vegetables!" I say nothing but things like that (laughs).

--Wahaha. You can't stop worrying, huh. (laughs)

Niigaki: Seriously speaking, though, I might be a little worried about Sayumin. Sayumin blurts out a lot of things without any ill will, or she blurts out bad things even though she doesn't mean them. She herself says that she's easily influenced by others. But from my perspective, she realizes it herself and goes back to being level-headed on her own, or perhaps I should say she's a girl who can do that, so I think it's ok. I tell her not to bear it all on her own.

--As one would expect, you observe your juniors, don't you? Ok then, conversely, please share a profoundly memorable episode with a senior.

Niigaki: There's a lo~~t. But there are also a lot of things that I noticed after they graduated. Yoshizawa-san always sends me an email on the first day of our tours. Ah, lately, I've also gotten email from Abe-san. Abe-san aaalways sends them out of the blue. Plus, Abe-san is reaaaaallyyy Abe-san!


Niigaki: It's like, "Nacchi." A recent email read something like, "You're gonna graduate soon, aren't you, Gaki-san? Nacchi is cheering for you. Leap forward and run. Fight! Nacchi will also hurry over to the Budokan. Pupu--" I'm like, what's with that "Pupu" at the end!? (laughs) But that's Abe-san for you. My seniors have a kindness that they show me impulsively. It always makes me happy.

--How do you feel now that the Budokan is right in front of you?

Niigaki: Having only a few chances left to sing Morning Musume songs, it would be frustrating to be unable to sing them well just because I'm crying, so as much as possible I want to enjoy singing them. Of all my activities as Morning Musume, my favorite was live shows, so I want to enjoy that space. Even our performances in the different regions were the last for me, so the feeling of wanting to convey myself with everything on each and every place is strong.

--Everyone will see for themselves how it will actually be at the Budokan. Well then, after graduation, you'll suddenly be in preparation for two stage plays. It feels like you'll immediately start working as an actress.

Niigaki: Originally, before I joined, I had no interest in anything other than Musume. But it's probably when my generation-mates graduated that I thought I gotta think of something. I thought, "I'm graduating this soon." Up until that point, I'd never thought about my own graduation, but since then, while getting to do various jobs, I started thinking about what I like. While doing several stage plays and movies as Morning Musume, the desire to do acting as my own work came forth. It feels like I came to that decision while continuing to do acting.

--Even looking at your several stage plays so far, I got the impression that you're the type to really get into your role.

Niigaki: There are a lot of difficult things. At first, there are also a lot of things that I don't grasp about the role and the entire image. But although the recent "Sanada Juyushi" is something that I definitely won't experience in my life, I can experience it personally at least when I'm acting, and it feels like I'm that person. I say things that I myself wouldn't say, and I really like and enjoy that time.

--I look forward to Niigaki Risa the actress!

Niigaki: Whaaat are you saying? I'm so indebted to B.L.T.-san that you've already become like family. It's been a place where I can just be my natural self and have fun while shooting or talking.

--Th--Thank you very much (cries)......This isn't the end.

Gaki-san is taken aback at the 9th and 10th gen barging in!? It's supposed to be a conversation, but everyone is solemn.....

Niigaki: Whoa...what's up, what's wrong?

Everyone: We're intrudi~ng!

--We've set up a conversation so that Gaki-san personally imparts the Musume spirit to the juniors before graduation! So, first, please go ahead with what you want to impart to each of them.

Ikuta: Whaaa~t! I don't wanna hear it. Can I leave now?

Niigaki: Go right ahead (laughs). Ok, I'll start with Iikubo. Even among the 10th gen members, you're the elder sister figure, and even though I think you think about things that the children don't think about and are probably worried about things, you're a pure girl, so your feelings....Hey, are you crying!?

Iikubo: *wail* (cries).

Everyone: Huh!?

Kudo: [You're crying] too soon (laughs).

Niigaki: Hahaha (laughs). That's why even though you're the oldest among 9th and 10th gen, I think you can just do things together with them. You do things like get happy when Sato grows even just a little. So I think you really are like the elder sister, that you're being responsible.

Iikubo: When I think, "When were you watching?"......

Niigaki: I'm observing. Carefully.

Iikubo: *wails* (cries again)......Ok.

Niigaki: As for Sayashi......Yasushi, you know, (laughs), even if you're troubled about something, you don't come and tell me very often, so I often worry about you. But within Musume, you've become the center and you're working hard, so in that sense, I have expectations of you. You have that [special] "something," so I think it'd be great if you do things reliably and steadily. Don't get comfortable in the position that's assigned to you, [know] the basics firmly, things like that.

Sayashi: (Is overcome with emotion and is silent.)

Niigaki: As for Kudo, your retorts and quips are intense and violent, so from now on, you'll probably have the tsukkomi [straight man in comedy] role. Iikubo is all gentle and her retorts are also soft, but Kudo, on the other hand, there are times when your sharp retorts are harsh~ (laughs). That's why I think it'd be better if you say them with love.

--When Gaki-san is gone, that straight-man role is essential. Wait, Kuduu makes heartless retorts?

Kudo: No--....There's love in them!?

Niigaki: Nope, there isn't (laughs). That's why I'm telling you to be careful. If you look malicious, it would be a waste, right? 'Cuz you have such a cute face. Ok, so that's everybody.

--Senpai, Ikuta-kun looks like she's gonna cry (laughs).

Niigaki: I'm kiddi~ng. Ikuta, you know...

Ikuta: (Covers both ears with her hands) Waaaaaa!

Niigaki: You can't do that! Listen properly! Really, she can't control herself, so I often get worried about her. She does as she pleases and is all "Yay!" by herself, and then gets dejected afterwards. So you'd think "Geez, why!?" right? (laughs). Now and then there are times when it's hard to deal with her, so those times I call her over and scold her, "Act properly!" But you know, Ikuta, after concerts, she always sends me email.....Gee~~z what's with those eyes (laughs).

Ikuta: (Stares at Gaki-san with reproachful eyes).

Niigaki: Ahaha. Maybe she just wants to email me (laughs), but she diligently writes stuff like, "How was it?" or "I'm gonna fix this part, so please look out for it." Also, when things don't go well, she gets frustrated and cries. She's a girl whose forward-facing approach is the most visible.

Ikuta: *sobbing* (cries).

Niigaki: Ah-- (Doesn't know what to do). That's why, since there's that part to her, even if she usually fools around, her hardworking approach can also be seen. I definitely expect her to become able to pull everyone forward from now on.

Ikuta: Ehehe (smiles while crying).

--How nice....[being in] Morning Musume. Based on that, lastly, if you have any expectations regarding Morning Musume as a whole, go ahead!

Niigaki: Morning Musume has a history, after all, and we've also been operating with that thought up to now. However, the 9th and 10th generation are juniors in relation to BeriKyuu and Smileage, so I want them to cherish that, but I think that's irrelevant when they stand on stage. I'd like them to carry on with the awareness and pride of being Morning Musume. I want them to be the best on stage!!
<3 <3 <3

Wow, what an interesting interview. Thank you very much for the translation.
Thank you so much for this :3
thank you so much
i actually cried again :(

she really looks after everyone doesn't she!!

and yeah, i have the same feeling to her at the end when she says that although BeriKyuu are their senpais, it's irrelevant, because they are still proudly Morning Musume :)
Thanks for the translation!!
Thank you so much!! it was touching Risa T.T
thank you very much for that translation! I really enjoyed reading it. <3
This translation is awesome!! <3