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150721 「Continuing tension(›´ω`‹ )Inaba Manaka」

Posted by schicoschizophrenic9, in Baccho Blogs 21 July 2015 · 302 views

Inaba Manaka blog translation Baccho Blogs
150721 「Continuing tension(›´ω`‹ )Inaba Manaka」 Good evening everyone💫

To those who always read my blog
Thank you♡

Rainy season has started
The first day of rainy season…

was amazingggg

When the rainy season started
It's gotten hotter isn't it??

That's enou~ugh

No way, it's so hotーーー?!?!

Aah scary。。I'll do my best👊

Today, there was a recording
at TBS's 「Kaiun Ongakudo」(^^)

Following yesterday's 「MUSIC JAPAN」 recording
It's already two consecutive days of TV recording
Thank you very much💓

To be able to study once
Is still not enough
Although I think
I have grown slightly~🐰💕

The fact that we were
the first from Hello!Project
to have a guest appearance
There was such pressure(´;ω;`)

But!We were able to talk happily
I firmly believe that we have shown
Country Girls' appeal!!😂✨笑

It will air on August 1st and August 8th
Please watch it♩

There was a shooting after that!

Meeting everyoneε-(´∀`*)ホッ

To work alone
I was nervous💧

I thought Momochi-senpai
was really awesome
Once again I thought about that(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

After that
I ate shaved ice with Mai-chan🍧♡

We talked a lot
It was a good time~♩

To talk to Mai💓
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Today, July 21st is,
A̶d̶m̶i̶n̶ ̶T̶a̶k̶'̶s̶ ̶b̶i̶r̶t̶h̶d̶a̶y̶Kobushi Factory's
Taguchi Natsumi's birthday🎀✨


When I first joined Hello Pro Kenshuusei
The first senior who guided me
was Taguchi-san~( ¨̮ )

Hamaura Ayano-san
She called me that, but

Is what you call me(*´罒`*)

From that time I didn't know
it was my nickname
I do not hate it though😁笑

I hope you have another fun year✨✨

Well, that's enough now!

Everyone, tomorrow
(I'll do my best) ganbariManakan(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧


Together with Chii-chan
and Morning Musume'15's
Haga Akane-chan

They were playing♡
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So cute♡

★Inaba Manaka★
From Manakan's blog entry: link
Also posted on our Inaba Manaka Facebook fanpage: link
Let's go #TeamInabaccho!
Like our FB fanpage dedicated to our dear Baccho:
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