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Initial PV thoughts

Posted by SeraphK, 21 January 2009 · 343 views

Morning Musume
Hi people!~ guess what!....An actual update that has a splash of content to it instead of random crap yay~ :good:

hah, anyways, as the title says, initial thoughts on the current PV 泣いちゃうかも(nai chau kamo), and possibly more random crap....(every post needs random crap, lol)

Hm...first thought, JunJun looks good. Well, not that she doesn't look good at any other time, but the hairstyle this time was very nice. The dance was overall very well done, moves on a constant beat, from what little I saw, transition is well done; not sure what was up with the whole finger wiggling at one part, but hey, it caught my attention, so I guess it works. As always line distribution leaves something to be desired, but it wasn't terrible, so we'll leave it at that. As for the whole crying scene, some people are better at doing it than others, but that's to be expected, so I don't really have qualms with it. So overall its pretty good, JunJun stood out the most in my mind, but, as always, I'll wait to see the live performance to make any type of final judgment on it.

That's pretty much my initial thoughts on it. Read some of the comments left behind by others, and my initial thoughts on that mostly consists of, "oh, shut up, and get over yourself". Why? Because the greater majority of people, are only making comparisons to other PV's, and sometimes even worse is they take it (current PV) apart and compare it to several different PV's where at least one part is done better, which is really, really just unfair. Is that to say its the greatest one ever done?? far from it, but just looking at it as is, its pretty good. I think I even saw someone say the dance didn't match the song because supposedly the mood is only about sadness and crying, which to me was one of the most ridiculous comments. Yes, we saw the members crying and sad, but sadness and crying weren't the only things they were singing about. But, I guess I'm being unfair in this regard, as I'm able to listen to the lyrics to have a better understanding (not perfect) of what's going on within the PV and how it all ties together. So I'll say this plain and clear, it all fits and makes sense, lyric, song, and dance, fit together.

Now, for the random crap. Now, its a bit surprising, but I realized that my bog is still one of the most viewed blogs out there, which is surprising cause I don't really update too much anymore, and this blog was started really early on, when blogging wasn't a big thing around here. So I'm really happy that, possibly my entries were somewhat decent to read, and people don't mind reading it. So, I guess to say that it kinda makes me want to blog more, so there is hope in that regard. I think there was something else I wanted to say, but don't exactly remember it at the moment, so I'll just leave it here. See you all again soon.


PS=> not sure what to think of the new blog layout H!O put up, but whatever. Check out the new gif too.

JunJun Dance shot

Posted ImageBecause its just that good lookinggif credits to Amped_Echoz

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