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AX2009 Day 1: First Encounters / Day 2: Concert! / Day 3: Autograph woes

Posted by turbos86, 27 July 2009 · 883 views

Anime Expo 2009
Day 1: July 2nd, 2009 Face to Face with Morning Musume

Putting all the misfortune from Day 0 behind us, we began fresh for Day 1, bright and early, 6AM again! There were lots to do on the agenda and nothing was going to stop us.....or so we thought. Our group were all sporting Ojigi de Shape Up T-shirts for this day. If you saw four guys in black T-shirts with weird Yoga symbols in the front, that was us. I also put on my blue Reina wristband to show my support. We packed up all the Morning Musume merchandise, in hopes of getting into the first autograph session. Here is where I make my first major mistake, I left my DSLR at Mr.G's house, this will become clear later on.

Opening Ceremony

So we headed to AX by car. As we circled around the South Hall's entrance, a group of people caught our attention. It was a group of wotas in full gear doing wotagei! We wanted to join them, but more important matter was at hand. Once parked, we went over to West Hall in search of the line up for the Opening Ceremony, where Morning Musume would be attending. Indeed, a line has already formed outside. It was quite hot that day, luckily none of us got sunburned. After waiting for what seems like an eternity, the line was let inside the hall. People RAN to the front to secure seats as close to the stage as possible. My group however couldn't be bothered, and we casually walked to the left side of the hall. Surprisingly, the left side was relatively empty compared to the crowded center and right side. We found some empty seats in row E 5 and sat down. Row E 1 to E 3 were blocked off with tape and the sign "Reserved for GoHs". JACKPOT!, we thought, seeing how there's a possible chance Morning Musume would be sitting directly in front of us.

The ceremony was scheduled to begin at 10AM and it was now 9:30. Knowing AX, we were expecting it to be delayed. I started to grow impatient and began to look all around the hall. That's when I noticed a group of people silently walking into the hall from its main entrance. It was quite odd to for such a big group of people to come in so late, after everyone has been seated. I told my friends and we all tried to figured out what's going on. In the midst of the group, there were two girls wearing a one piece dress!!!!! Instantly, we know they are members of Morning Musume, but the lights in the hall was turned down and we couldn't clearly see who they were. Without thinking, I started yelling out member names, in hopes of catching their attention. "GAKI-SANNNNNNNNNNNN" I hollered. No response. Mr.J followed my lead with an "AIIIII-CHANNNNNNNNN". In doing so, we have alerted the entire hall of their presents. Fans in the middle and right section jumped up and began screaming. The girls were now almost at the black curtains, to the backstage. I gave off a last attempt before they disappear from sight, "ERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII". One of the girls turned around and IT WAS ERI!!!!! I couldn't believe it, she heard me. The entire hall exploded in high pitch screaming. By now, we realized the other girl was Sayu, but they have already walked into the backstage.

Now the crowd started growing restless, knowing the girls are just behind the stage we were looking at. Meanwhile, staffs were preparing the stage and sferris suddenly said, "Hey look! It's Dragon Lady!" (Not his exact words, but I will be calling her Dragon Lady from here on in.) He recognized her from Sakura-con, where she was the handler/interrupter for Hangry&Angry. She was messing around with the names cards on the table on stage, where Morning Musume will be sitting. We figured they would be coming out soon. Minutes later, the backstage curtains were pulled open and a line of girls walked into the hall!

See the Opening Ceremony for yourself on Youtube:
Anime Expo 2009 Opening Ceremony - Morning Musume part 1
Anime Expo 2009 Opening Ceremony - Morning Musume part 2
Anime Expo 2009 Opening Ceremony - Morning Musume part 3
Anime Expo 2009 Opening Ceremony - Morning Musume part 4
Anime Expo 2009 Opening Ceremony - Morning Musume part 5

Morning Musume was wearing their Shouganai Yume Oibito gold outfits. They headed to the first row of seats directly in front of my group! The rest of the audience took notice and once again, the hall exploded in screams and name calls. I called out each of the girl's name as they prepared to sit down. I managed to get waves from Reina, Koharu, Aika and LinLin. They were sitting in seniority order from left to right. JunJun was directly in front of me. Koharu turned around to look at the crowd and I quickly gave her a "KO HA!" (Those who don't know, this is her new signature move from Oha Star. Example:) which she replied with her own "KO HA". (I am almost certain I am the first person to KO HA her at AX.)

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Right after she KO HA me back. (Sorry for the crappy picture quality, now you know why I shouldn't of left my DSLR at Mr.G's house.)

Time to get my queen's attention. I called out to Reina and she turned around, without hesitation, I shouted YAPPI (One of Reina's famous words), she waved back in response. I couldn't believe it, right there and then, the real deal, in the flesh!

We were beginning to feel star struck and was running out of things to yell. Meanwhile, AX staff had to pushed back all the people who tried to rush toward them to take pictures. We were glad to be sitting right behind them and was soaking up the moment. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed LinLin has turned around to look at us. Quickly I turned to look at her and called out "Ni Hao!" (Hello, in Chinese), and she waved back and said "Ni Hao!".

Then Morning Musume was interviewed by AX reporters and someone who seems to be an UFA cameramen (DVD Magazine of LA anyone?). As we waited for the ceremony to begin, we noticed Sayu and Reina were shaking. Their staffs then ran to grab them each a scarf to cover their exposed shoulders. Seeing the girls chatting amongst themselves was very interesting. There were songs playing on the speakers while we waited for the ceremony to start, one of these song was "Invoke" by TM Revolution. Almost all the MM girls started singing along and nodding their heads to the beat of the song, Reina, Aika and JunJun, especially. Aika actually clapped to the song, almost wotagei style. It was quite a sight to see them fangirling another artist's song.

Soon after, the ceremony began, and all the GoHs were called onto the stage. Morning Musume got one of the loudest cheers. Ai-chan introduced the group to the crowd, and the hall went nuts. Moi dix Mois was next, and they came out directly from behind the backstage curtains, with full make-up and outfit. MM was very shocked to see them. Sayu and LinLin actually looked quite scared because Moi dix Mois was seated right next to them.

A funny thing happened on stage. The last GoH to come out was Morikawa Toshiyuki, who's famous being the voice of Sephiroth, from Final Fantasy. Some of you might know, Ai-chan is a big Final Fantasy fan, and she couldn't believe it when he was being introduced. She kept whispering back to the other girls about it. When Mr. Morikawa did a line from the game right on the spot, "Cloud, I will give you despair", Ai-chan jumped out of her seat and looked like she wanted to run across the stage to him!

With that, the ceremony was over and AX was deemed to officially begin. The guests were leaving the stage and all the fans ran to the front to get their attention. This time I only manage to get Reina and Koharu's attention.

Exhibit hall opens

At 12 noon, the exhibit hall officially opened and Morning Musume fans stormed the JapanFiles and UFA booths in a riot like fashion. The line up for these booths was so long, it circled the booths more than 2 times. Due to a limited amount of tickets available for the Friday Hangry signing (150) and Saturday Morning Musume signing (200, down from 300), things really got out of control, as people budged and shoved their ways in, trying to secure a spot. One guy even yelled out, "DON'T PUSH ME!" as fans rushed the line. Many were confused at first and thought the two booths were combined, with the JapanFiles' table being the end. Some fans went into panic mode when they realize the UFA booth was on the other end and some people in the middle of the line managed to buy goods off them.

We were lucky to be at the front and manage to get tickets for the Saturday signing. I also got a ticket for the Hangry signing, but I gave it to Mr.J, since he's a bigger Yossie fan than myself.

Otherwise, the booth staffs were friendly and products were well stocked. I blew a total of $45 at JapanFiles (H&A CD, P9D CD, 6 glow sticks) and $120 at UFA (Grab bag, P9D poster, photo sets, MM in LA T-shirt).

Morning Musume Q&A panel

This was to take place in the Petree Hall, right across the hall from West Hall B, at 2PM. We got there at 1PM, after leaving the Exhibit hall. Morikawa Toshiyuki Q&A panel was in progress and we entered from the back and sat down as close to the stage as possible, in preparation for getting a good view during the Morning Musume panel and to be far up enough to receive tickets for the AX organized autograph session right after the panel.

Within minutes after the Morikawa Toshiyuki panel ended, half the seats in the hall were filled with Morning Musume fans. Our group managed to score seats on the left, right beside the mic for audience to ask questions. Soon after, UFA staff came in to help set up the name cards in front of where each Morning Musume member will be sitting. Many fans ran up to the front and took pictures of the names, which opened up the chance for AX staff to announce that no photos or videos was allowed. They threatened to kick people out and even take away badges if they catch anyone even setting their equipment on their lap. Of course, many were not happy about this, but rules are rules.

After AX staff reminded us about the no taping policy three times, and explaining to us how the autograph after the panel will work, came a sudden uproar from the front of the room. Morning Musume was entering! They walked over the stage and went to wait behind the big TV projector screen, which was semi-see through. They hid after they found out the screen exposed their position.

Dragon Lady took the stage and did a brief talk about the rules, and showed us a pretty well made 4 minute video of Morning Musume's history. sferris and I chanted to the entire video whenever they play clips of a song and yelled out member names when they listed out all the former and current line up. It was so much fun, and a good practice to the concert on Day 2!

The crowd was now all hyped up and Dragon Lady signaled for Morning Musme to come on stage. All hell broke loose as everyone screamed and called for their favorites. This lasted for a good two minute, until Dragon Lady told everyone to sit down so the panel can start. The 9 girls introduced themselves in order. Everyone got similar volume of cheers. Dragon Lady used a short Q&A format to allowed the 9 girls to introduce themselves in more details and say their thoughts about coming to AX so far.

- Ai-chan was happy to see all the positive reactions from the western fans and was happy to be here.
- Gaki-san said it was the first time in LA, and she loved the fans' reaction and cheers.
- Eri was impressed with the high pitch cheers they received at the airport when they first arrived, she was tired from the flight, but totally woke up from all the fan's cheering.
- Sayu wanted to go check out all the famous places in LA, but she confused the word Hollywood with Paris.

Dragon Lady then asked the crowd to suggest places the girls should visit (Bad idea). Random yelling ensues. Some guy actually yelled, "MY HOUSE!"

- Reina told us to expect them to speak English and hear them sing a medley (Dragon Lady totally forgot to translate what Reina said to English).
- Koharu wanted to eat soft (served ice) cream. Gaki-san shut her down and said there are soft creams in Japan too. Koharu's defence was that the ones in the states have more colors and it's hot there, she was thinking the whole time on the plane, how she could bring some home.
- Aika just wants to get close with the fans.
- JunJun thinks the American fans are more high pitch, even the male fans, and she's looking forward to the concert. She thinks the American fans are more energetic, like hip-hop style!
- LinLin is a big anime fan, she likes One Piece, Inuyasha, Bleach, Naruto, Tom & Jerry, and more!!!!!

Fan questions time

It was time for the audience to ask Morning Musume questions. Being seated right next to the mic, I just jumped out of my seat and into the line. I was 2nd! The following are what fans asked.

Q1: What do you think is more important? Being an idol, or an entertainer and singer?
Sayu: IDOL!!!!!

My turn next! Yes, I was the guy with a piece of paper, who CHOKED on asking the question in Japanese! All of you who boo at me when I choked! Boo you too!!!
turbos86: Overseas fans get information about you from the internet. In the future, will any of you get a personal or a group blog?
Reina: Well, although there are currently no plans for it, we really want to have one. (Which has now since changed by Aika having a Fan Club access only blog. Also, Dragon Lady forgot to translate Reina's answer.)
I was totally not expecting Reina to answer me. When I sat back down, sferris and Mr.J told me I was shaking and sweating like crazy. Thinking about it, still makes me weak in my knees to face Reina eye to eye.

Q3: Do you have any plans to perform in any other cities in the US?
Ai-chan: We have no plans at the moment, but we would love to hold more concerts in the US.

Q4: Could you teach us some of your dance moves?
Dragon Lady: If you come to my room, I'll teach you.

The next fan was cosplaying as Kirarin in Tan Tan Tann outfit, which made Koharu give a big reaction.
Kirarin cosplayer: If you had a free day in California, what would you want to do?
Koharu: What? (She could not hear the question.) Ehhhh, what's good? I want to meet with everyone!

Q6: I was wondering, after the panel, or whatever it's called, we could take a picture?
Dragon Lady: You know what, if you would like to take a picture, probably they'd have to stay here a month to take pictures with all of you. Sorry. I’m a devil.
Gaki-san: Sorry!!!!! (In English)

Q7: If someone made a Gakikame parody DVD and gave it to you, would you watch it? (Talking about the throwing thing skit on haromoni@)
Gaki-san: Yes, of course!
Q7: Could you please do the pose?
Gaki-san: OK OK!
Gakikame: Ready.....AAAAAAATTTTTOOOOO!

Evening Musuko: Do you guys think you would work with any US artists, producers in the next album if you were successful here?
Ai-chan: We don't have any plans at the moment...Morning Musume is all about trying new things, so we're always open to try anything.
Dragon Lady: I'd like to ask them, who they would want to work with, do you want to know?
Ai-chan: Beyonce!

Q9: Obviously there are certain things about being a celebrity that are fun and entertaining, but what are the aspects that don’t you enjoy from being a celebrity?
Reina: Wow, that's a realistic question. The good aspects about being a celebrity… I’m from Fukuoka, Japan, and when I go home all my friends meet and greet me when I go home, like "Welcome home!", "I'm back!". So I definitely feel a better appreciation for my hometown and I definitely have gained more confidence since I joined Morning Musume. On the other hand, the bad point is, can't be staggering around! I don't know how to say this, but yeah, can't be staggering around.

Q10: There are some fans who have studied your songs and written arrangements for it on other instruments like on piano. I'd like to know what your opinion on these interpretations of your works?
Ai-chan: That makes me very happy. For example like the contest on Myspace this time, from looking at the entries, we can tell how everyone feels about us and our work, it really gives me joy.
Dragon Lady: Did you know guys know about the myspace contest? We have a contest were you make your own video for 3, 2, 1 Breakin’ Out, and it's pretty overwhelmed. And she's happy to know you guys have different interpretations.

Q11: What was your most recent watched movie, and have you seen Transformer 2 yet?
JunJun: The Eraser in my Head
Ai-chan: The Korean one?
JunJun: Yes the Korean one. It might be a bit old, but I recently just watched it.
Q11: I've never heard of it.
JunJun: For me, I really like the touching scenes, how should I say this.
Aika: JunJun is trying to say, she really like emotional movies, and she just recently watched this Korean movie called The Eraser in my Head on DVD?
JunJun: Yes DVD.
Aika: She recently watched it on DVD.
JunJun: That's what I was trying to say.

Q12: What is the dish you have the most confident in making?
Ai-chan: JunJun?
JunJun: My best dish? Hold on a second. Not a dish that's properly thought up, I just like to throw all my favorite things together and mix it all up. It might not look that good, but it taste very good!
Q12: I would like to try that.
JunJun: Thanks.

Eri's Japanese Wota #1: I have a question for Kamei-san, I know you are currently working on the popular anime, Jewel Pet, where you have the role of Rinko, can you do a line from the show for us?
Eri: Hehehe, ok! I'm currently a voice actress for the anime Jewel Pet, as the character Rinko, there is a part involving jewels, can I do a line from that? ()
Eri's Japanese Wota #1: If you could please.
Eri: Here I go! Puru puru pururii puru... (Eri was nervous and said it wrong.)
Eri's Japanese Wota #1: That's wrong.
Eri: Ready? Puru Puru Purizumu....OPUN JUERU HAAAAAAAATO!
Eri's Japanese Wota #1: Thank you.
(This above conversation was NOT translated into English on the spot.)

Eri's Japanese Wota #2: Eri, how long did you sleep last night? I didn’t sleep at all because I was very happy to meet you. (In English)
Dragon Lady asking MM: You all slept right?
MM: Yes!
Gaki-san: Eri, how many hours (you slept)?
Eri: Last night I went to bed at 11:30, so that's 11:30, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30. 5:30. 6:30..... So I had slept for 7 hours and 20 minutes!
Eri's Japanese Wota #2: Are you sleepy now? (In English)
Eri: I really want to say I'm not sleepy, but my eye lids are feeling a bit heavy right now.

Eri's Japanese Wota #3: What do you really want to do when you’re in LA? Eat, or go to some place? This question is specially for Kamei-san.
Eri: The thing I want to eat...what was it, Tanaka-san? It's that...
Reina: You mean Pinks?
Eri: A hotdog place call Pinks. They seem to be pretty good, so I thought if I ever come to LA, I'd like to check them out.
Dragon Lady: I hope you guys don't camp out at Pinks all night long.

Cat guy: I was wondering if I could have a rock, paper, scissors battle with Reina?
Reina: Let's do it! In Japanese?
Cat guy: Oh wait, I was also wondering if there could be a punishment game?
Dragon Lady: I can give YOU a punishment. Even if she lose, I'll give you a punishment.
Cat guy: Can I say what's the punishment? Ok ok, the punishment would be to act like a cat.
Dragon Lady: You'd have to act like a cat, either she lose or win.
Cat guy: OK ok ok.
Reina: So in Japanese?
Everyone: Saisho wa gu, Jan ken pon!!!! (Here we go, rock paper scissors)
Both scissors, round 1 tie.
Everyone: Aiko desho! (And again)
Reina rock, Cat guy scissors. Reina wins!
Dragon Lady tells Reina: He's gonna act like a cat now that he lost.
Reina: Are you kidding?
Cat guy: Ok..... Nyan~

Cat guy's explanation of what happened, in his own words:

Gaki-san: Yes?
Q17: Please do a Eyebrow beam!
Gaki-san: Oh English! Mauge......BEAM!!!!!!!!

Q18: I know Koharu has acted as a voice actress for an anime, Kirarin Revolution...
Koharu: Yeah! (In English)
Q18: Do any of you wants to or plans to be a voice actress for anime?
Dragon Lady translate the question incorrectly to Koharu and turns it into: Does Koharu wants to continue voice acting in the future?
Koharu: I'd love to if it's possible. OK? Should I do a voice (from the show)? OK, I'll do one! OK?
Koharu: Tsukishima Kirari, 14 years old, I am an idol!!!!!

Taiwan fan: Concert wise, what is the difference between Taiwan and the US?
Ai-chan: During the Taiwan concert, there were a lot of female fans, so the screams were very high pitch. I'm looking forward to see how the concert tomorrow will differ from it.
Taiwan fan: Michishige-san, you’re turning 20 soon. What kind of adult do you want to become?
Sayu: I want to continue doing Usa-Chan Peace forever, but now that I’m turning 20 and becoming an adult, people will see me as an adult. I really want to grow, but I want to stay connected with everyone.
(Somehow, this person got to ask two question.)

Q20: Being where you are now is it everything you ever dreamed of?
Reina: Oh that's right, back in preschool, everybody asks you what you want to become. People always says they want to be a pilot or an actor, etc. I was always fond of this world (Show business), and I really like Morning Musume, so I auditioned. At first, I just wanted to see how far into the audition I could go, I never thought I would make it in. Now I'm here! I’m very happy to be able to join this group.
Q20: Koharu, I was also born on July 15, 1992.
Koharu: We have the same birthday? Really? It's almost that day right? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Dragon Lady: We can do maybe 2 more questions, or 3. Sorry.
Two girls at the end of the line: Just do the girls!!!
Dragon Lady: Well, last 3 questions, ok?

Q21: Koharu, I want to say, you are my favorite, I love you.
Koharu: I love you! (In English)
Q21: Do you read any shoujo (manga) or anything? And if so, what’s your favorite?
Koharu: ONE MORE!! ONE MORE!!! (In English)
Q21: Do you read any shoujo, and what's your favorite?
Koharu: My favourite shoujo manga is Kirarin Revolution!!!!!

Q22: Takahashi-san, since becoming the leader of Morning Musume and Hello! Project, what’s the best thing that’s come out of it?
Ai-chan: The best part? It's getting to say Ganbatte Ikimashoi (the group cheer the girls do before each concert).

Q23: What does it mean to you to be an idol?
Ai-chan: It’s a dream come true.

Dragon Lady: I'm going to ask each girl what they are looking for from you guys (at the concert).
Ai-chan: I am looking forward to the concert, and I hope you all will as well. We will be talking about the myspace contest, please look forward to it!
Gaki-san: Without a doubt, I'm looking foward to how the concert tomorrow will turn out. I'm hoping everyone can go home with lots of great memories!
Eri: Tomorrow, I really want to reach out to all of you. I want to dance hard and sing loud, so I hope you will all cheer loud for me, like "FUUUUU".
Sayu: For the concert tomorrow, our songs will be cheerful and full of energy. I hope you guys will be jumping with us.
Reina: LA is a country I always wanted to visit.
Reina: Alright, City, whatever, you know what I'm trying to say. I'm super excited and looking forward to having our first concert here!
Koharu: Today, getting to meet all you guys, I really love you all. So for tomorrow's concert, I hope I can love you guys even more! I'm very looking forward to it, I hope you guys are looking forward to it too! I LIKE LA! (Last line in English)
Aika: Seeing how excited you are, I know at the concert everyone will be just as excited for us, and I’m really happy for that. I really want to remember each and every one of your faces. I hope to see you tomorrow!
JunJun: I am greatful that you guys come to Japan for far away for our concerts, but now we’re here for you. I hope you guys are as excited as I am. LET’S SINGING, DANCING AND EXCITING!
LinLin: I am very happy and excited. I wish we have very wonderful time in tomorrow! (In English)

Dragon Lady then reminded us the concert is tomorrow and Hangry will have her autograph session tomorrow as well. And also Tsunku-san is coming. Morning Musume then leaves. An AX staff tells us all to stay seated if we want to receive tickets for the autograph session and he explained how everything for the autograph will work. He said the location would be an area behind the Artist Alley in Hall K. AX staffs were then to hand out 500 tickets, but they did not guarantee an autograph, which was due to time restrain. Those who were out of range could still go to the autograph standby line, with a slim chance of getting in.

Morning Musume Autograph Session #1 (AX organized)

Being seated relatively near the front of the room, I was lucky enough to get a ticket. Along with everyone else with a ticket, my group ran to Hall K and could not find anything that look remotely close to an autograph booth. On the way there, AX staff threatened to take away our badges if we kept running, which was ignored by all, since there were too many of us. Morning Musume fans wandered all over the hall and eventually a group gathered in front of the Artist Alley information center. The staff there announced that the Morning Musume signing was actually located to room 301. Everyone was in disbelieve of how the guy at the end of the panel gave false information. The mob rushed to room 301. A small line had already formed as we got to the passage way leading to room 301.

After a few minutes wait, we were lead to room 301B and received another numbered ticket, Mr.G was #84, Mr.J was #85, sferris was #86, and I was #87. People slowly discovered the location change and one by one came to room 301. With about 100 people in the line now, AX volunteers began directing fans in groups of three, into room 301A right next door. However, we were also told that we were only allowed to present one item to the entire group. Some people were caught off guard and had to change their plans last minute. Luckily for myself, I was intending for them to autograph on my 2009 MM calender.

The line moved up at a moderately slow pace. When I got to the door way of room 301A, it was clear why the line moved so slow. Each girl took their time to draw their signature out nicely and talked with each fan who tried to strike up a conversation. Also, there was a sign outside of room 301 that said the autograph session was being filmed for a possible DVD release (Could it be for a DVD Magazine!?).

I was panicking as they told me to go inside the room. I could see the girls were sitting in order, from Ai-chan to LinLin. There was a male UFA staff who held the fans in queue until the person before has moved over to Gaki-san, from Ai-chan. This UFA staff though sferris and I were Koreans. He was surprised when we told him we were North Americans. The staff then asked me what I was getting signed, so I showed him the calender, which he thought was nice.

When sferris was done with Ai-chan, it was my turn, and she looked at me and smiled. It was an incredible feeling. She looks so amazing in person, you wouldn't believe. I lay down the calender in front of her and she carefully drew on it. After she was done, she looked up and thanked me. I took this chance to tell her how I enjoyed watching QED which made her very surprised and happy.

Next was Gaki-san, but I was so star struck from Ai-chan's reactions, all I could manage was a hi and bye.

Eri was next, because 6th gen are my favorite members, I had to say something to them, beginning with Eri. I told her how I watch Jewel Pet every week. She didn't understand what I said (because I lost my voice from yelling so much during the Q&A Panel), but Gaki-san somehow understood, turned around and told Eri what I said. A big smile appeared on Eri's face and she jumped out of her seat and offered to shake my hand as she thanked me. She shock with both her hands, and so did I, to be respectful. Surprisingly, Eri's hands were very warm and soft and smaller than I had imagined. I was expecting to touch a pair of ice cold hands.

Sayu was up next, but the people in front weren't moving up. sferris took this chance to ask Sayu if she was practicing her signatures on the scrap piece of paper she had beside her. She said yes and showed us that she even drew a bunny head. I told her that's very cute and she said thanks. People moved up seconds after, and clumsy me knocked away all the pens and markers in front of Sayu as I tried to move my calender over to her from in front of Eri. I apologized and was forgiven instantly by Sayu. We did an Usa-Chan Peace together after she gave me an autograph.

Finally it was Reina, and with her being my favorite member, I was shaking and words didn't come out my mouth in any grammatical sense. I tried to tell her I traveled a long distance to come see her because she's my favorite, but she couldn't understand me. Luckily, the staff that stood behind her reworded my sentence for me. I pointed to the blue Reina wristband I was wearing and told her I am her fan. She was delighted to hear that and offered to shake my hands in the same way Eri did (I will never wash my hands again!) Reina's hand are also warm like Eri's, but were even smaller in comparison.

Probably due to the after shock of finally interacting with my favorite idol, again, I knocked away all the pens and markers, this time from in front of Koharu, as I tried to fumble the calender over to her. I apologized and she told me it was okay. For Koharu, I did her new "KO HA" thing from Oha-star again, for the second time, face to face within the same day. This made all the UFA staff in the room to burst out in laughter (sferris told me later on, he was in front of JunJun at that moment, and when she heard my "KO HA", she looked at me and laughed! I got pwned by JunJun, ouch!) Koharu then replied me with her own "KO HA".

I was running out of ammo when I got to the 8th gen, only managing a hello and bye for Aika (BTW, she's super cute in person).

For JunJun, I did the same but in Chinese, and she replied back in Chinese.

LinLin was the same, but she actually stood up and handed my calender back to me with both hands while saying thank you for coming in Chinese. They are honestly nine very pretty and charming girls.

Here's my autographed calender:
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Exhibit Hall - Yossie surprise appearance!

Now, we've completed what we have came for on this day, we went back to the exhibit hall and hang around the JapanFiles and UFA booths to see if we miss anything. As sferris and I were checking out the display on the UFA side, they were playing Kill me Kiss me on their hi-fi system. We started echoing the words Kill me Kiss me to the song. There was a girl with a hat, hiding behind the TV in the booth, and she reacted as we did the echoing. We didn't thought much of it until suddenly, Mr.J pointed to the girl and said, "Dude! Turn around, that's Yossie!". I literally froze, realizing what has just happened. Yossie was watching us acting like idiots the whole time! We called her name and she stood up and smiled and waved at us.

This video shows what happened in the next 10 minutes:
Hangry @ H!P booth in Anime Expo 2009 on day 1

Soon, many fans caught wind of this and a large crowd gathered at the booth. Yossie took pictures with a couple fans and shook hands with anyone who asked. She played with someone's baby for a while too, which was very cute. sferris managed a small chat with Yossie. Actually, Yossie waved him over and told him she remembers him from Sakura-con. Needless to say, that made sferris all light headed for the rest of the day.

Yossie left the exhibit hall 10minutes after.

Afterward, we headed to dinner, our first and only meal of the day, then went home to prepare for the concert on Day 2.

Day 2: July 3rd, 2009 Concert time!

Instead of writing out the concert again, here's a link to my concert report in the AX thread:

Day 3: July 4th, 2009 Disappointment, one after another


Haha about the Q&A, I don't know if you guys will believe me or not, but it was me who said my house. XD yeah, lol if you don't believe me, u can ask HPMusume, but that's not like coming off as a snobby remark okay? >__< I realized I should had stood up when i said my house. :(;

oh wow, u were the one that got boo'd? >_< I'm sorry! i boo'd too! just a little bit. haha.

OH no way! sferris saw sayu's practice bunny, too?! did he get it signed? I asked her the same thing, even for a bunny signature! ^o^


Love it man, love the post, love the experience. I'm always up for reading everything that went down at AX and for everyone's personal times with MM. SAIKOU!
^ Boo =P j/k

Yeah, cute bunny pictures sayu drew. Don't know if he asked her for it, I didn't, since I was mainly focused on Reina.
Yeah Ikea frames! Surprisingly good and fits perfect!

Read your blog too, seems like we both had a lot of fun ^-^
Hey Turbos, AWESOME post! Really made me relive the moment ^^ Tho, being a noob that I am I missed half the fun you guys experienced T.T

Thanks for sharing the epic experience!

edit: Oh, and thanks a million for translating what Reina said :good: The Dragonlady really pissed me off there... :)
^^ lol boo turbo boo XD!!! :) very funny! :) thank you for your translations :D

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