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Delivery: Spirits + Nitsumarimasu

Posted by Silverbolt, 09 April 2008 · 352 views

Japanese Entertainment
A couple of items I ordered came in a few days ago:
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Yup, I ordered two Japanese books: Spirits of Gatas 2007 and Idoling!!! Visual Blog Nitsumarimasu! I also had Sals 2008 in the order, but YesAsia couldn't find a copy. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that because I have all of the other Sals magazines, so I want that one to complete the collection. :lol: Anyway, I really don't have a good reason for ordering Japanese books. I can't really read Japanese that well, so actually reading the content of the books is near impossible. The main reason I have for ordering books like these is basically because I'm a fan of the groups.

Spirits of Gatas 2007 is a really text-heavy book. There are a few pictures in the front and a few throughout the rest of the book, but it is mostly text. I wasn't really expecting much because the first Spirits book was also very text-heavy. This is one of those items that I just bought because I love Gatas Brilhantes HP, and I gotta support the team. ^_^

Idoling!!! Visual Blog - Nitsumarimasu is an item I've had my eye on for a while. As can be assumed, it's a print compilation of the posts from Idoling!!!'s blog. It contains all of the blog posts from the start up through a 2007.12.07 post by Erica Tonooka, and all of the blog pictures are included. What I didn't know is that the book also contains a lot of extra things. There are lots of behind-the-scenes pictures, illustrations by Hidetomo Masuno, surveys filled out by the members, and some other things. In the back of the book, there's a card with a picture of one of the members on it. Mine came with a Mai Endou card:
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On the back of the card, there's a QR code that people can use to get a "special present" from the Idoling!!! members, but when I ran the code through a decoder and tried to access the web site, the server wouldn't respond. They probably have it restricted to Japanese cell phone IP addresses, which makes sense because QR codes are for Japanese cell phones. Unfortunately, that means that I can't get the "special present" that I'm entitled to. ^_^

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