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Dream of a Fukumu pillow, not by bleuwind. G-rated

Posted by PCC, 27 February 2015 · 245 views

mizuki is a fine name pillow schooldays huh garfield
Dream of a Fukumu pillow, not by bleuwind. G-rated well. boring entry. i dreamt of MM's mizuki for whatever reason and remembered it.

somehow i was going to a school carnival or something, even though i haven't been in a proper academic school for over a decade, wearing a work uniform and carrying my pillow. a pillow covered in some garfield design i used to wear as a t-shirt as a kid. somehow i gotlost on the way and followed one primary sch kids to a stadium before i backtracked back to my school , whatever that was. but i couldn't go in for unknown reasons.

met mizuki , wearing a cheong sam mannng a clothing stall right outside the school. asked her why she wasn't in school and if there was normal classes going on today. can't remember the answer she gave. she turned away and sat on a stool next to some wooden table. i checked out her legs and her profile. then i tore up my garfield pillow and wore them as flip flop because it was errr... raining?


PS: i told you it was boring , rite?

oh okay, i'll write in a slightly less boring way with "creative license"


Rain. The rain never stops. "Pliter platter", the sounds it makes as they fall on the stone pavement. I imagine it synced to my dead but still beating heart or something poetic that my chocolate-hued dull life can never be described as. I looked up , and the mildly acidic drops blinded me even through my unspectacular spectacles. I turned left, and there she was standing there. Mizuki-hime. Waiting for me? No. Delusions, illusions, never were , never will be. I called out to her and she smiled. Or I imagined she smiled. Her hair was in a ponytail, my favourite hairstyle for a high-school girl , pure and simple in her springtime of youth, and always in love. No. More Delusions. She was wearing this long red dress that fits her like a second skin. Not like snake skin or anything leatherish or bondage-gear-like, but like the skin on a freshly plucked apple. The apple of my eye. Oh, more delusions. She said "Hi", asked if I was doing fine. And I said "Fine fine, fine as any day when the rain washes me clean for a brand new day!" I lied, miserable and sticky, dirt and little hazel leaves getting into my shoes. She giggled a bit or I thought she did. Delusions, illusions, why does it matter? I hugged my pillow tight to calm my beating heart, but I really felt nothing there. It was just cold. So cold, as I sinked into a puddle of raindrops and muddy unfiltered honey. And then I was nothing. Never was , never will be.

I awakened, like any other day, except colder. I left the fan on, on a windy night.

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