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Darth Sayumin meets Tsunku-man : Star Wars The Early Years by Sexy Wolverine Subgroup

Posted by PCC, 18 May 2014 · 311 views

darth sayu tsunku fanfic horrible things
Darth Sayumin meets Tsunku-man : Star Wars The Early Years   by Sexy Wolverine  Subgroup http://www.fanficmak...0,1400449683797

another generated fanfic, because 2nd time's the charm?

A long time ago in a galaxy very distant....

Once apon a time...

I'm sooo sorry for not updating! I'm working really hard on some other cool stories (but I can't tell you about that in case holywood wants to steal my ideas. It's *that* good!

As usually, the fandom characters aren't mine, but everything else is! That includes the unique VERSION of the fandom characters seen in this story.


I suck at writing summaries. Bsides the 'fic isn't that long!

I am Darth Sayumin.

I was sitting behind my desk. I felt the tears well up in my eyes like a waterfall of loss. After Our last adventure, I found out just exactly how cruel people could be. How nasty and judging real humans actually were. I stared at a picture of a tiger. A magnificent beast who would not hesitate to kill me but at least it would be quick. Not a overlong conspiracy of many years, just to be unleashed on me when I was at my weakest and darkest moment. When I needed my friends the most.

But there had been one tiny ray of light in this whole nightmare. I remembered fondly the day I discovered it. It was a tuesday morning I rememberanced. The memories surfaced before my mind's eye and took the most wonderful shapes. Before I well knew it, a single tear welled up in my eyes and trickled down my cheek.
Because even when all my 'friends' betrayed me there was one consistant factor in my life: Fukumu Rider Skywalker.

And I knew that the rising aspirations between them could never become true, the feelings I had for Fukumu Rider Skywalker were the only thing in this world that still felt true to him. No lies, just that single, pure sense and feeling for Fukumu Rider Skywalker.

Alas, I thought to meself sadly. Why must they battle? Why must I be destined to obliterate Fukumu Rider Skywalker? Can I ever tell Fukumu Rider Skywalker how much Fukumu Rider Skywalker means to me?

If only I could. Then all my pain would be over. No more betrayal. No more suffering under the laughter from Tsunku-man (who told me he loved me, only to stab me right inti the heart at valentines day!). No, only Fukumu Rider Skywalker and my true feelings for her.

A/N Lol this has all been so depressive lol! My next bit will be less dark!

Arriving at the mysterious shack, I found that there was an item laying on the table in the shack. Around the shack was a mysterious circle drawn in crayon.

"Its dangerious!" said Tsunku-man who as usually was trembling behind me. (notez: cuz lulz, Tsunku-man is such a tool). I carefully manuvred into the shack and on my tiptoes and marched forward. The floorboards beneath my feet croaked and I could hear a loud hummer coming from the table. There the Purple Lightsaber laid. Right there for my taking.

But I was clever. I knew it was a trap!(notez: so obvious lulz!)

So I said to Tsunku-man, "Why don't you take it, it looks safe."
And Tsunku-man was like "Oh, well, if you're sure, I will!"( notez: he so gullablez lulz!)
cleverly edged backwards and let him to do the taking. I knew that if it was a trap, Tsunku-man would be triggering it. And then Fukumu Rider Skywalker would get him, but not me. I knew Tsunku-man wouldn't mind sacrifcing himself for me. He always said that.
But forutnately when Tsunku-man grabbed the Purple Lightsaber, nothing happened. Except we were surprise attacked by Ninja's!

They tunneled into the shack and threw shurikons at us, but we managed the evade them quite well (by using other Ninjas as shields).
We told them we weren't the people they were looking for so they left.

But now with the Purple Lightsaber in our hands, we could take Fukumu Rider Skywalker straight on!

After quickly taming some nearby lions and riding them we finally arrived at the Fukumu Rider Skywalker's head quarters. It was the second biggest tower we had ever seen! And atop we heard the roar of Fukumu Rider Skywalker's fearsome dragon.
No longer owuld it torchture villagers and kill cattle. It would finally pay for its crimes A/N if you wanna know more about the great dragon, message me! I can tell you all about it! I can't write it here because it's an idea for an original book I have and I don't want publishers or holywood to steal my ideas!

"Roar! Roar!" the dragon roared. It flapped around and when it saw the heroes, it breathed in fire deeply and projectile vomited it at them! But our heroes were better than that, and with the powers stored inside the Purple Lightsaber, I used my Hentai Lightning and unleashed it upon the dragon!
The dragon fled and the heroes could get in.

Then at the end of a long stairway, I saw Fukumu Rider Skywalker furnishing an incantation!
Once more I unleashed the Hentai Lightning but it had no use! A/N OMG!!!

"Hahahaha! siad Fukumu Rider Skywalker. "Yur powers do nothing against my great evil. And you don't even know why...."
"I'll tell you why!" says Fukumu Rider Skywalker with lingering evil in her voice. "It's because the dragon.... is secretly your father!"(A/N OMG!!!! Bet no one saw that coming!)
"My father?! Noooooo! What have you done?!"
"I have turned your father into a dragon!"
"Noooo what have you done?!"
"I have turned him into a dragon! And now you will suffer too and be enslaved by this special spell I have prepared just for you!"
And with that last sentence, Fukumu Rider Skywalker pointed a single finger at I and a purple blinding streak of lighte went from her fingertip, onto me.
"Arrggh!" I muttered in pain. "Arrthuhgh!"
Darth Sayumin"! said The Amazing Sexy Wolverine Subgroup, "Noooo!"
And Tsunku-man ran towards Fukumu Rider Skywalker and reasoned reasonably with Fukumu Rider Skywalker. The spell stopt absuddenly! And with that, my dad was also freed from his prison in dragon form!

But he decided to stay a dragon because that was awesome. But he was no longer evil! So we all went ontop of the dragon and flew back home. The end!

April 2024

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