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MM'14 new fans

Posted by ShiningLight445, 29 January 2014 · 435 views

Morning Musume 14 fans
[from MM14's triple A side single forum]

So I’ve been waiting to do this for a long time. I guess I wanted to do it today, the release date, to say this.

At first, I was really afraid when first press editions came out, mainly because it came with a calendar and a photo of various kinds. It made me think,” hard core fans will go crazy with this feature, and it will show in sales for sure”. That being said that the sales number would be just from hardcore fans. But then I remembered something.

Back when Egao no Kimi’s MV came out on their Youtube channel, I took a photo of the subscribers that day. The photo read 146,201 subscribers.
And if we look at the number now, the release date, as I am typing this the subscribers number is 152,381.

Amazing, right?! :w00t:

So, it’s too easy to conclude that the increased number of subscribers are new fans, but could possibly include those who are just curious about the new Morning Musume. I sure hope so! And it isn’t ending here, since the Music Station performance is on Friday, we can look forward to perhaps an increase in weekend sales. :good:

Whatever the case, I’m just proud to say that I am a Morning Musume. ’14 fan. What success!!! :D :wub:

Subscribers on youtube doesn't really translate to new fans who are actually buying singles. A lot of youtube subscribers are westerners and many don't buy anything they just download it so a good chunk of bigger sales does still come from the hardcore wota types. That being said they are attracting new fans in Japan. Recently comments from wota have been about more girls and younger males coming to the show. They think it's because of new generations and the ages of the girls being younger making them easier to relate to for young people.


In general a lot of H!P has seen a new wave of young fans in the last couple of years or so probably through becoming interested in Morning Musume and then seeing other groups in H!P.

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